Added preliminary drivers for lime spectrometer w. permission from Andrin Doll.

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 7 10:46:20 2018
@author: andrin
Class that eases interfacing with the limesdr routines written in Cpp,
notably the pulse_test_USB and pulseN_test_USB routines, which runs a pulse sequence
according to passed arguments
The class allows for setting of the arguments as well as for parametric sweeps to
implement arbitrary sequences
Note for release: The communication between the python and the Cpp routine is very rudimentary, meaning using command line arguments that are parametrically read from the Cpp source.
Update Feb 2020: Slight changes to make it compatible with Python 3
import subprocess # to call the program
import datetime # to generate timestamps for parsweeps
import h5py # to have organized data storage.....
import numpy as np # ...
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class limr():
def __init__(self, filename = './pulseN_USB.cpp'):
# check first for the filename provided
if filename[-3:] == 'cpp':
self.Csrc = filename
self.Csrc = './pulseN_USB.cpp'
# the program to call
self.Cprog = self.Csrc[:-4]
fp = open(self.Csrc, 'r')
in_arg = {}
startpattern = 'struct Config2HDFattr_t HDFattr[]'
stoppattern = '};'
parsing = False
ii_oupargs = 0
for line in fp.readlines():
if (stoppattern in line) & parsing:
if parsing:
stripped = line.replace('\t','').replace('"','').strip('\n').strip(',').strip('{').strip('}')
splitted = stripped.split(',')
# remove irrrelevant stuff
rmvidx = range(4,len(splitted)-1)
for ii in range(len(rmvidx)):
if splitted[0] == '///':
splitted[0] = '//' + str(ii_oupargs)
in_arg[splitted[0]] = splitted
in_arg[splitted[0]][0] = []
if startpattern in line:
parsing = True
self.parsinp = in_arg
for key in in_arg:
setattr(self, key, in_arg[key][0])
# initialize other variables
self.parvar = {}
self.parvar_cpl = {}
self.HDFfile = []
self.HDF = HDF()
self.segcount = 0
# print the arguments that have been set
def print_params(self, allel = False):
for key in sorted(self.parsinp):
val = getattr(self,key)
if (val != []) | (allel):
print('{:<5}: {:>50} {:<25}'.format(key, val, self.parsinp[key][1]))
# add parameter variation:
# key is the argument to vary
# idx the indices of values
# strt the starting point
# end the endpoint
# npts the dimension of the sweep
def parsweep(self, key, strt, end, npts, idx = 0):
if ~isinstance(idx,list): idx = [idx] # idx as list eases iteration
# check the key
vals = getattr(self,key)
print('Problem with sweep: Key ' + key + ' is not valid! See below for valid keys')
# check for existing val and for proper dimension. Dimension is a priori not known due to number of pulses that can be flexible
if (vals == []):
print('Problem with sweep: Initialize first a value to argument ' + key +'. I will try with assuming zero')
vals = 0;
if isinstance(vals, (list, np.ndarray)):
if len(vals) < max(idx):
print('Problem with sweep: ' + key + ' has only ' + str(len(vals)) + ' objects, while an index of ' + str(max(idx)) + ' was requested!')
startlist = [[vals[jj] for jj in range(len(vals))] for ii in range(npts)]
elif max(idx) > 0:
print('Problem with sweep: ' + key + ' is scalar, while an index of ' + str(max(idx)) + ' was requested!')
startlist = [[vals] for ii in range(npts)]
# check if a parvar already exists for this key
if len(self.parvar) == 0:
self.parvar['sweeplist'] = startlist
elif not((key == self.parvar['key']) & (npts == self.parvar['dim'])):
self.parvar['sweeplist'] = startlist
self.parvar['key'] = key
self.parvar['dim'] = npts
if npts > 1:
incr = (end - strt)/(npts-1)
incr = 0;
for ii_swp in range(npts):
for swp_idx in idx:
self.parvar['sweeplist'][ii_swp][swp_idx] = strt + ii_swp*incr
# add coupled parameter variation of another variable: (one variable is not enough... two neither, but better than one. A list of dicts would more general....)
# key is the argument to vary
# idx the indices of values
# strt the starting point
# end the endpoint
# npts the dimension of the sweep
def parsweep_cpl(self, key, strt, end, npts, idx = 0):
if ~isinstance(idx,list): idx = [idx] # idx as list eases iteration
# check the key
vals = getattr(self,key)
print('Problem with sweep: Key ' + key + ' is not valid! See below for valid keys')
# check for existing val and for proper dimension. Dimension is a priori not known due to number of pulses that can be flexible
if (vals == []):
print('Problem with sweep: Initialize first a value to argument ' + key +'. I will try with assuming zero')
vals = 0;
if isinstance(vals, (list, np.ndarray)):
if len(vals) < max(idx):
print('Problem with sweep: ' + key + ' has only ' + str(len(vals)) + ' objects, while an index of ' + str(max(idx)) + ' was requested!')
startlist = [[vals[jj] for jj in range(len(vals))] for ii in range(npts)]
elif max(idx) > 0:
print('Problem with sweep: ' + key + ' is scalar, while an index of ' + str(max(idx)) + ' was requested!')
startlist = [[vals] for ii in range(npts)]
# check if a parvar already exists for this key
if len(self.parvar_cpl) == 0:
self.parvar_cpl['sweeplist'] = startlist
elif not((key == self.parvar_cpl['key']) & (npts == self.parvar_cpl['dim'])):
self.parvar_cpl['sweeplist'] = startlist
self.parvar_cpl['key'] = key
self.parvar_cpl['dim'] = npts
incr = (end - strt)/(npts-1)
for ii_swp in range(npts):
for swp_idx in idx:
self.parvar_cpl['sweeplist'][ii_swp][swp_idx] = strt + ii_swp*incr
def run(self, oup = True):
# check if there is a parvar or only a single
if len(self.parvar) == 0:
# store the value currently in the swept parameter
stdval = getattr(self, self.parvar['key'])
if len(self.parvar_cpl) != 0:
stdval2 = getattr(self, self.parvar_cpl['key'])
# handle the timestamp
stddatestr = getattr(self,'fst')
if (stddatestr == []):
setattr(self, 'fst',"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"))
# give it a useful name
stdfilepat = getattr(self,'fpa')
if (stdfilepat == []):
setattr(self, 'fpa', self.parvar['key'] + '_swp')
# actual iteration over the sweeplist
for ii in range(self.parvar['dim']):
setattr(self, self.parvar['key'], self.parvar['sweeplist'][ii])
if len(self.parvar_cpl) != 0: # as well as the coupled variable
setattr(self, self.parvar_cpl['key'], self.parvar_cpl['sweeplist'][ii])
# save parvar info as attribute, which means that we need to detect the file
if getattr(self,'nos') != 0: # this one is suspicious...
if self.HDFfile == []:
self.HDFfile = self.__guess_savepath()
# this is probably erroneous and was never recognized...! self.parvar is not a key/value pair
f = h5py.File(self.HDFfile, 'r+')
for key in self.parvar:
f.attrs.create(key, self.parvar[key])
print('Problem opening file ' + self.HDFfile)
setattr(self, self.parvar['key'], stdval) # set back to non-swept value
setattr(self, 'fst', stddatestr) # set back to non-swept value
setattr(self, 'fpa', stdfilepat) # set back to non-swept value
if len(self.parvar_cpl) != 0:
setattr(self, self.parvar_cpl['key'], stdval2) # set back to non-swept value
def readHDF(self, filename = ''):
if filename != '':
self.HDFfile = filename
# helper functoin to guess the savepath from the file. This should not be called, since it should be obtained from the output of the program call
def __guess_savepath(self):
savepath = getattr(self,'spt')
if savepath == []: savepath = './asdf/' # not recommended here: knowledge about the standard directory in the cpp file.... could be parsed, but user will usually provide a folder to limr.spt
if savepath[-1] != '/': savepath += '/' # and that little fix since users seldomly put the '/' for the directory...
savepath = savepath + getattr(self,'fst') + '_' + getattr(self,'fpa') + '.h5'
return savepath
# run for one single constellation
def __run_single(self, oup = True):
terminated = False
while (terminated == False):
str2call= self.Cprog
for key in self.parsinp:
vals = getattr(self,key)
if (vals == []): continue # ignore arguments that are not set
str2call += ' -' + key # set the key and then the value/s
if isinstance(vals, (list, np.ndarray)):
for val in vals:
str2call += ' ' + str(val)
str2call += ' ' + str(vals)
if oup: print(str2call)
p = subprocess.Popen(str2call.split(), shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT);
if getattr(self,'nos') != 0:
terminated = True
for line_b in p.stdout.readlines():
line = line_b.decode('utf-8').rstrip()
if oup: print(line),
if '.h5' in line:
self.HDFfile = line
terminated = True
if 'Unable to open device' in line:
terminated = True
if 'Muted output, exiting immediate' in line:
terminated = True
if self.Cprog + ': not found' in line:
terminated = True
if 'Devices found: 0' in line:
terminated = True
if 'Segmentation' in line:
self.segcount += 1
terminated = False
self.retval = p.wait()
if terminated == False:
# class for accessing data of stored HDF5 file
class HDF():
def __init__(self, filename = ''):
# check first for the filename provided
if filename != '':
self.HDFsrc = filename
self.HDFsrc = ''
# get data
# just an alias for __init__ that does load a specific file
def load(self, filename = ''):
# gets the data of the file
def __get_data(self):
if (self.HDFsrc == '') | (self.HDFsrc == []):
# initialize all as empty
self.tdy = []
self.tdx = []
self.attrs = []
self.parsoutp = {}
self.parvar = {}
f = h5py.File(self.HDFsrc, 'r')
HDFkeys = list(f.keys())
for ii, HDFkey in enumerate(HDFkeys):
if ii == 0:
# initialize data array
dsize = f[HDFkey].shape
inddim = dsize[0]
self.tdy = np.zeros((int(dsize[1]/2), int(dsize[0] * len(HDFkeys))),dtype=np.complex_)
# initialize the output objects
self.attrs = [dynclass() for jj in range(len(HDFkeys))]
# get the attribute keys
self.parsoutp = {}
ii_oupargs = 0
for item in f[HDFkey].attrs.items():
itemname = item[0][5:]
itemarg = item[0][1:4]
if not ('///' in itemarg):
self.parsoutp[itemarg] = [ item[1], itemname]
self.parsoutp['//'+str(ii_oupargs)] = [ item[1], itemname]
# look for eventual parvar lists
self.parvar = {}
for item in f.attrs.items():
self.parvar[item[0]] = item[1]
# Get the data
data_raw = np.array(f[HDFkey])
self.tdy[:,ii*inddim:(ii+1)*inddim] = np.transpose(np.float_(data_raw[:,::2])) + 1j*np.transpose(np.float_(data_raw[:,1::2]))
# Get the arguments
ii_oupargs = 0
for item in f[HDFkey].attrs.items():
itemname = item[0][5:]
itemarg = item[0][1:4]
if not ('///' in itemarg):
setattr(self.attrs[ii], itemarg, item[1])
setattr(self.attrs[ii], '//'+str(ii_oupargs), item[1])
srate_MHz = getattr(self.attrs[0], 'sra')*1e-6
self.tdx = 1/srate_MHz*np.arange(self.tdy.shape[0])
# get an argument by matching the text description
def attr_by_txt(self, pattern):
for key in sorted(self.parsoutp):
if pattern in self.parsoutp[key][1]: # pattern match
attr = getattr(self.attrs[0], key)
ouparr = np.zeros( ( len(attr), len(self.attrs)), attr.dtype)
ouparr = np.zeros( ( 1, len(self.attrs)), attr.dtype)
for ii in np.arange(len(self.attrs)):
ouparr[:,ii] = getattr(self.attrs[ii], key)
return np.transpose(ouparr)
print('Problem obtaining the attribute from the description using the pattern ' + pattern + '!')
print('Valid descriptions are: ')
# get an argument by key
def attr_by_key(self, key):
if key in dir(self.attrs[0]):
attr = getattr(self.attrs[0], key)
ouparr = np.zeros( ( len(attr), len(self.attrs)), attr.dtype)
ouparr = np.zeros( ( 1, len(self.attrs)), attr.dtype)
for ii in np.arange(len(self.attrs)):
ouparr[:,ii] = getattr(self.attrs[ii], key)
return np.transpose(ouparr)
print('Problem obtaining the attribute from key ' + key + '!')
print('Valid keys are: ')
# print the arguments
def print_params(self, ouponly = False):
for key in sorted(self.parsoutp):
val = getattr(self.attrs[0], key)
if not('//' in key): # input argument?
if ouponly: continue;
print('{:<5}: {:>50} {:<25}'.format(key, val, self.parsoutp[key][1]))
def plot_dta(self, fignum = 1, stack = False, dtamax = 0.0):
if (fignum == 1) & stack: fignum = 2;
if self.tdy != []:
if dtamax == 0:
dtamax = np.max(np.max(abs(self.tdy),axis=0))
offset = 1.5*dtamax
if stack:
for ii in np.arange(self.tdy.shape[1]):
plt.plot(self.tdx, self.tdy[:,ii].real + ii* offset)
plt.plot(self.tdx, self.tdy.real)
plt.xlabel('$t$ [$\mu$s]')
plt.ylabel('$y$ [Counts]')
# empty class to store dynamic attributes, basically for the attributes in HDF keys
class dynclass:
# addendum that does not fit 100% into this class file, but is related
# class to control the E3631A via serial interface
import serial
import time
from os import listdir
class PSU():
def __init__(self):
self.GperV = 14.309
self.sleeptime = 0.4
devdir = '/dev/'
ttydevs = [f for f in listdir(devdir) if 'ttyUSB' in f]
# ttydev = devdir + [f for f in ttydevs if int(f[-1]) > 4][0]
ttydev = devdir + [f for f in ttydevs][0]
self.psu=serial.Serial(ttydev, stopbits=2, dsrdtr=True)
# read at the beginning to remove eventual junk
response = self.psu.read_all()
response = self.psu.read_all()
if response == 'HEWLETT-PACKARD,E3631A,0,2.1-5.0-1.0\r\n':
print('Success in opening the HP PSU!')
self.psu.write("INST:SEL P6V\r\n")
self.psu.write("OUTP:STAT ON\r\n")
def getVoltage(self):
if not self.psu.isOpen():
# read at the beginning to remove eventual junk
actval = float(self.psu.read_all())
return actval
def setVoltage(self, setval, dV = 0.02, ramptime = 0.1):
actval = self.getVoltage()
diff = setval - actval
dVsigned = dV * (-1 if diff < 0 else 1)
if not self.psu.isOpen():
while (abs(diff) > dV):
actval += dVsigned
diff -= dVsigned
self.psu.write("VOLT " + str(actval) + "\r\n")
self.psu.write("VOLT " + str(setval) + "\r\n")
def getField(self):
return self.getVoltage() * self.GperV
def setField(self, field):
return self.setVoltage(field / self.GperV)

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff