Kumi kumi · any pronouns
  • Joined on 2024-02-15

Welcome to Kumi's Git Profile! 👋

  "name": "Kumi",
  "roles": ["Private.coffee Chairperson", "Kumi Systems owner", "Developer"],
  "location": "Earth",
  "pronouns": [],
  "interests": ["Privacy", "Web Development", "Scripting", "Automation"],
  "contact": {
    "matrix": "@kumi:private.coffee"

Hi, I'm Kumi! I'm a software developer, systems engineer, and the Chairperson of Private.coffee, a privacy-focused association based in Austria. Here, you'll find a collection of my software projects.

Also check out the Kumi Systems Profile for more projects created in my professional capacity, and the Private.coffee Profile for projects created by the association.

🌟 About Me

I'm passionate about privacy, security, and open-source software. I love building and operating tools that help people protect their data and stay safe online. I'm also a big fan of automation and scripting, and I enjoy creating tools that make (my) life easier.

🤝 Contributing

I am always open to contributions and new ideas. If you have suggestions or improvements, feel free to fork any repository and submit a pull request. Let's create something amazing together!

📬 Contact

If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say hi, you can reach me through through issues on here, or on Matrix. I'm always happy to connect!

Thank you for visiting my profile! Happy coding! 😊