Introduce the Offer model to manage domain purchase offers. The new model includes fields for offered price, messages, intended use, and status with choices for 'pending', 'accepted', and 'rejected', linked to both the Domain and User models. Updated URLs to support offer creation and listing.
This change facilitates better tracking and management of offers made on domains, enabling more robust domain transactions.
Set up the initial Django project structure including custom user model, domain management app, and associated configurations. Added models for Domain, DNSRecord, LeaseAgreement, Payment, and Registrar. Configured serializers, views, and URLs for basic operations. Implemented JWT-based authentication and login via email link. Included necessary admin configurations and migrations.
- Added .gitignore to exclude unnecessary files.
- Added .vscode/launch.json for VSCode debug configuration.
- Added LICENSE file with MIT license.
- Created and initialized project directories.
- Configured settings for different environments and database support.
- Configured basic Celery integration and REST framework settings.