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74 lines
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This application tries to be 100% compatible with [pass](http://www.zx2c4.com/projects/password-store/)
You can install the application from:
- [F-Droid](https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=com.zeapo.pwdstore) (the prefered way)
- [Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zeapo.pwdstore) (always lags behind)
- Using the apk file found at `app/app-release.apk` or build everything from source (always updated before Play Store, but usually after F-Droid)
A few ways to get in touch:
- [Github issues](https://github.com/zeapo/Android-Password-Store/issues), use it if you have a bug report, you do not understand how somehting works or feature request
- IRC : on irc://chat.freenode.net/Android-Password-Store (that means channel #Android-Password-Store on freenode), some of us hangout there
- [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/androidpwd), want to discuss something and it's midnight, no one on irc and you really want to write more than a couple of lines? reddit is your way!
*Note:* This section is work in progress
Clone using SSH-key, then decrypt a password
<img src="tutorial_clone_ssh_then_decrypt.gif" alt="Clone And Decrypt" style="width:720px">
- Clone an existing pass repository (ssh-key and user/pass support)
- List the passwords
- Handle the directories as categories
- Decrypt the password files (first line is the password, the rest is extra data)
- Add a new password to the current category (or no category if added at the root)
- Pull and Push changes to the remote repository
- Ability to change remote repository info
This project uses three libraries:
- [OpenKeyChain](https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain) for encryption and decryption of passwords.
To download the library, run the following commands at the root of the project
git submodule init
git submodule update
- [JGit](http://www.eclipse.org/jgit/) a pretty good git lib
- [Apache's FileUtils](https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/) for files manipulations
- Create a new category
- Multi-select (for password deletion)
- Multiple password stores (multiple git repositories).
- More UI enhancements
- Clean-up the hard-coded strings
- Icons: the current ones are CC, but would be great to have our own icons
- UI enhancements: any UI changes or suggestions are welcome
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