2023-09-23 12:07:24 +06:00

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cobalt API Documentation

This document provides info about methods and acceptable variables for all cobalt API requests.

⚠️ Main API instance has moved to

Make sure your projects use the correct API domain.

POST: /api/json

Main processing endpoint.

Request Body Type: application/json
Response Body Type: application/json

Request Body Variables

key type variables default description
url string Sharable URL encoded as URI null Must be included in every request.
vCodec string h264 / av1 / vp9 h264 Applies only to YouTube downloads. h264 is recommended for phones.
vQuality string 144 / ... / 2160 / max 720 720 quality is recommended for phones.
aFormat string best / mp3 / ogg / wav / opus mp3
isAudioOnly boolean true / false false
isNoTTWatermark boolean true / false false Changes whether downloaded TikTok videos have watermarks.
isTTFullAudio boolean true / false false Enables download of original sound used in a TikTok video.
isAudioMuted boolean true / false false Disables audio track in video downloads.
dubLang boolean true / false false Backend uses Accept-Language for YouTube video audio tracks when true.
disableMetadata boolean true / false false Disables file metadata when set to true.

Response Body Variables

key type variables
status string error / redirect / stream / success / rate-limit / picker
text string Text
url string Direct link to a file / link to cobalt's live render
pickerType string various / images
picker array Array of picker items
audio string Direct link to a file / link to cobalt's live render

Picker Item Variables

Item type: object

key type variables description
type string video Used only if pickerType is various.
url string Direct link to a file / link to cobalt's live render
thumb string Item thumbnail that's displayed in the picker Used only for video type.

GET: /api/stream

Content live render streaming endpoint.

Request Query Variables

key variables description
p 1 Used for probing whether user is rate limited.
t Stream token Unique stream ID. Used for retrieving cached stream info data.
h HMAC Hashed combination of: (hashed) ip address, stream token, expiry timestamp, and service name. Used for verification of stream.
e Expiry timestamp

GET: /api/serverInfo

Returns current basic server info.
Response Body Type: application/json

Response Body Variables

key type variables
version string cobalt version
commit string Git commit
branch string Git branch
name string Server name
url string Server url
cors int CORS status
startTime string Server start time