Replaced incorrect curly braces in the console log statement with proper template literals to accurately display the HOST and PORT values. This ensures the tracker URL is displayed correctly in the console, improving debugging and monitoring.
Integrated WebTorrent for enhanced torrent capabilities by including a minified version of its library. This provides functionality for handling torrent files, streaming media, and managing peer connections.
The integration supports features such as piece fetching, bitfield management, and peer communication, crucial for efficient torrent handling and P2P media streaming.
- Initialize new Express application for file transfer using WebTorrent.
- Set up routes for generating and retrieving mnemonics and info hashes.
- Implement custom BitTorrent tracker server with WebSockets.
- Add `.gitignore` to exclude `node_modules/`.
- Create `index.ejs` for front-end with file upload and download functionalities.
- Initialize `package.json` and `package-lock.json` with necessary dependencies.