Introduced streaming support in the proxy route to handle large data transfers more efficiently without loading everything into memory at once. Added error handling for HTTP errors and content-type detection failures to provide more robust and user-friendly responses. Updated import statements to reflect new dependencies.
Updated the proxy route to fetch and return the content from
jsdelivr instead of just redirecting to the URL. This change
allows the application to handle and manipulate the content
before sending it to the client, which provides more control
over the data flow.
Added a hero section for better user engagement and moved informational content into a clearer main section. The footer with a credit link enhances credibility. Extra styling improves readability with a structured presentation. Updated bootstrap resource links for consistency.
Introduce a simple Flask app that proxies requests to
Includes basic routing for home and proxy endpoints, and a template
render for the home page explaining usage. Added Flask to
requirements.txt and updated .gitignore to exclude venv and __pycache__.