Enhanced the KRPanoDownloader and KRPanoConverter classes to handle downloads and conversions for directional images specified by characters (e.g., 'f' for front, 'r' for right, etc.) in addition to the existing numeric tile-based system. This update adds a new regex pattern to match directional images and updates the URL schema logic to accommodate character-based tile descriptions, improving support for a wider range of image types in panoramic views. This change allows for more flexible and intuitive handling of different image naming conventions, making the module more adaptable to various krpano configurations.
The homepage URL for Pix360-eyerevolution has been updated to point to
the new repository for Pix360-krpano. This change is made in order to
ensure that the correct URL is used when accessing the project's
documentation and other resources. Additionally, this update helps to
maintain consistency and accuracy in our URLs throughout the project's
Introduced a GitLab CI configuration to automate the testing process, which includes the setup of a Python 3.11 environment, cloning the project repository, installing dependencies, and executing migrations and tests specifically for the KrPano module. Also added a barebones TestCase for KrPano without implementation to lay groundwork for future tests.