Mark Nelson c08800020c Updated
Updating details in advance before version bump.

Also minor fixes to previously listed changes.
2017-09-04 19:13:50 +08:00

1.6 KiB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[3.3.8] - 2017-09-04


  • New digital signature element (uses existing functionality in the TCPDF library).
  • Ability to duplicate site templates via the manage templates page.
  • Ability to delete issued certificates for individual users on the course report page.


  • Removed usage of magic getter and abuse of $this->element. The variable $this->element will still be accessible by any third-party element plugins, though this is discouraged and the appropriate get_xxx() method should be used instead. Using $this->element in definition_after_data() will no longer work. Please explicitly set the value of any custom fields you have in the form.


  • Added missing confirm_sesskey() checks.
  • Minor bug fixes.

[3.3.7] - 2017-08-11


  • Added much needed Behat test coverage.


  • Minor language string changes.
  • Made changes to the UI when editing a certificate.
    • Moved the 'Add element' submit button below the list of elements.
    • Added icon next to the 'Delete page' link.
    • Changed the 'Add page' button to a link, added an icon and moved it's location to the right.
    • Do not make all submit buttons primary. MDL-59740 needs to be applied to your Moodle install in order to notice the change.


  • Issue where the date an activity was graded was not displaying at all.

[3.3.6] - 2017-08-05


  • Renamed the column 'size' in the table 'customcert_elements' to 'fontsize' due to 'size' being a reserved word in Oracle.