2019-11-18 22:05:10 +05:30

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/docs/installation-guide-mac-os Mac OS installation guide

Open terminal app and run the following commands

Installing the standalone Command Line Tools

Open terminal app and write the code below

xcode-select --install

Install Homebrew

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Git

brew update
brew install git

Install RVM

You need software-properties-common installed in order to add PPA repositories.

\curl -L | bash -s stable
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm

Install Ruby

Chatwoot APIs are built on Ruby on Rails, you need install ruby 2.6.5

rvm install ruby-2.6.5

Use ruby 2.6.5 as default

rvm use 2.6.5 --default

Install Node.js

Install Node.js from NodeSoure using the following commands

brew install node

Install yarn

We use yarn as package manager

brew install yarn

Install postgres

The database used in Chatwoot is PostgreSQL. Use the following commands to install postgres.

brew install postgresql

The installation procedure created a user account called postgres that is associated with the default Postgres role. In order to use Postgres, you can log into that account.

sudo -u postgres psql

Install redis-server

Chatwoot uses Redis server in agent assignments and reporting. To install redis-server

brew install redis

Enable Redis to start on system boot.

launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.redis.plist

Install imagemagick

brew install imagemagick

Next: Read project setup to install project dependencies