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synced 2025-01-05 06:48:07 +00:00
Enhanced configuration by introducing a dynamic GitHub URL. This change ensures the GitHub link in all language files is consistently updated based on the configuration, increasing maintainability and consistency across translations.
89 lines
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89 lines
4.3 KiB
<?php // Translator: Winslow SorenEricMent(逸雩)
// For the HTML meta specification, e.g. <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">
$lang_meta = "zh"; // https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_language_codes.asp
$page_title = "门罗币与欧元/BTC/CHF/美元等币种汇率"; // The browser tab title or search engine title
$meta_description = "门罗币实时多币种汇率,免费提供。"; // Search engine description / text
$meta_keywords = "门罗币, XMR, 法币, 价格, 汇率, 实时, 交易, 结汇"; // Search engine keywords
$title_h1 = "转换至"; // ↓ XMR [...] ↓
$moneroooTable = "Service provided by <a href='https://moner.ooo/'>Moner.ooo</a>, Data provided by <a href='https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/monero' hreflang='en' rel='external'>CoinGecko</a>";
// Info Text
$info = "本站提供的汇率仅供参考。其精确程度不被保证,且可能在您不注意的情况下发生变更。汇率大约每分钟更新一次。最近一次在 Europe/Berlin 时间 <u title='Hours:Minutes:Seconds (hh:mm:ss)'>".$time."</u> 。数据由 <a class='text-white' href='https://www.coingecko.com/zh/%E6%95%B0%E5%AD%97%E8%B4%A7%E5%B8%81/%E9%97%A8%E7%BD%97%E5%B8%81' hreflang='zh' rel='external' target='_blank'>CoinGecko</a>。<br/><a target='_blank' href='https://kuno.anne.media/donate/onml/' rel='external' hreflang='en'><img loading='lazy' src='./img/kuno-monero-26x26.png' width='17' height='17' alt='Kuno - Moner.ooo donation page'></a> <a target='_blank' href='https://kuno.anne.media/' class='text-white' rel='external' hreflang='en'>Kuno – Fundraise with Monero</a> | <a class='text-white' href='{$github_url}' hreflang='en' rel='external' target='_blank'>GitHub</a>";
$servers_guru = " | <a style='text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;' class='text-white' href='https://servers.guru/' hreflang='en' rel='external' target='_blank'>Webhosting provided by<img loading='lazy' src='./img/servers-guru.svg' height='19' alt='Servers Guru' title='Servers Guru' /></a>";
$clipboard_copy_tooltip = "Copy to clipboard";
$l_fiatSelect = "Currency choice";
$l_fiatInput = "Fiat value input field";
$l_xmrInput = "Monero value input field";
// Tooltip Titel
$l_eur = "欧元";
$l_btc = "比特币";
$l_chf = "瑞士法郎";
$l_usd = "美元";
$l_ltc = "莱特币";
$l_gbp = "英镑";
$l_rub = "俄罗斯卢布";
$l_jpy = "日本元";
$l_try = "土耳其里拉";
$l_cad = "加元";
$l_aud = "澳元";
$l_hkd = "港币";
$l_sgd = "新加坡元";
$l_pln = "兹罗提";
$l_zar = "南非兰特";
$l_inr = "印度卢比";
$l_aed = "阿联酋迪拉姆";
$l_eth = "以太坊";
$l_uah = "格里夫纳";
$l_krw = "韩元";
$l_brl = "巴西雷亚尔";
$l_myr = "马来西亚林吉特";
$l_cny = "人民币";
$l_xag = "银(以盎司为单位)";
$l_xau = "黄金(以盎司为单位)";
$l_vnd = "越南盾";
$l_vef = "委内瑞拉 玻利瓦尔";
$l_thb = "泰铢";
$l_sar = "沙特里亚尔";
$l_sek = "瑞典克朗";
$l_pkr = "巴基斯坦卢比";
$l_nzd = "新西兰元";
$l_php = "菲律宾比索";
$l_nok = "挪威克朗";
$l_lkr = "斯里兰卡卢比";
$l_mmk = "缅甸元";
$l_huf = "匈牙利福林";
$l_ils = "以色列新谢克尔";
$l_kwd = "科威特第纳尔";
$l_ngn = "尼日利亚奈拉";
$l_idr = "印尼盾";
$l_twd = "新台币";
$l_ars = "阿根廷比索";
$l_bdt = "孟加拉国塔卡";
$l_bhd = "巴林第纳尔";
$l_bmd = "百慕大元";
$l_czk = "捷克克朗";
$l_dkk = "丹麦克朗";
$l_clp = "智利比索";
$l_mxn = "墨西哥比索";
$l_bch = "比特币现金";
$l_bnb = "币安币";
$l_eos = "EOS.IO";
$l_xrp = "瑞波币";
$l_xlm = "恒星币";
$l_link = "链环";
$l_dot = "波卡";
$l_yfi = "Yearn.Finance";
$l_gel = "格鲁吉亚拉里";
$l_xdr = "特别提款权";
// More Monero links
$getmonero = '<a class="text-white" href="https://www.getmonero.org/zh-cn/" hreflang="zh-cn" target="_blank" rel="external">官方网站</a> | <a class="text-white" href="https://ccs.getmonero.org/" hreflang="en" target="_blank" rel="external">社区众筹系统 (CCS)</a> | <a class="text-white" href="https://www.monero.observer/resources/" hreflang="en" target="_blank" rel="external">门罗浏览器</a> | <a class="text-white" href="https://www.monerotalk.live/" hreflang="en" target="_blank" rel="external">Monero Talk播客</a>';
$countrymonero = ' | <a class="text-white" href="https://t.me/monerocn" hreflang="en" target="_blank" rel="external">Telegram - Monero CN</a>';