Update to new external functions.

This commit is contained in:
jupfi 2024-04-26 11:09:04 +02:00
parent d4ad66269c
commit b7de6baa6b

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@ -6,425 +6,22 @@ Todo:
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import numpy as np
import sympy
from decimal import Decimal
from PyQt6.QtGui import QPixmap
from nqrduck.contrib.mplwidget import MplWidget
from nqrduck.helpers.signalprocessing import SignalProcessing as sp
from numpy.core.multiarray import array as array
from nqrduck.assets.icons import PulseParamters
from nqrduck.helpers.functions import (
from .base_spectrometer_model import BaseSpectrometerModel
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Function:
"""A function that can be used as a pulse parameter.
This class is the base class for all functions that can be used as pulse parameters. Functions can be used for pulse shapes, for example.
expr (str | sympy.Expr): The expression of the function.
name (str): The name of the function.
parameters (list): The parameters of the function.
expr (sympy.Expr): The sympy expression of the function.
resolution (Decimal): The resolution of the function in seconds.
start_x (float): The x value where the evalution of the function starts.
end_x (float): The x value where the evalution of the function ends.
name: str
parameters: list
expression: str | sympy.Expr
resolution: Decimal
start_x: float
end_x: float
def __init__(self, expr) -> None:
"""Initializes the function."""
self.parameters = []
self.expr = expr
self.resolution = Decimal(1 / 30.72e6)
self.start_x = -1
self.end_x = 1
def get_time_points(self, pulse_length: Decimal) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns the time domain points for the function with the given pulse length.
pulse_length (Decimal): The pulse length in seconds.
np.ndarray: The time domain points.
# Get the time domain points
n = int(pulse_length / self.resolution)
t = np.linspace(0, float(pulse_length), n)
return t
def evaluate(self, pulse_length: Decimal, resolution: Decimal = None) -> np.ndarray:
"""Evaluates the function for the given pulse length.
pulse_length (Decimal): The pulse length in seconds.
resolution (Decimal, optional): The resolution of the function in seconds. Defaults to None.
np.ndarray: The evaluated function.
if resolution is None:
resolution = self.resolution
n = int(pulse_length / resolution)
t = np.linspace(self.start_x, self.end_x, n)
x = sympy.symbols("x")
found_variables = dict()
# Create a dictionary of the parameters and their values
for parameter in self.parameters:
found_variables[parameter.symbol] = parameter.value
final_expr = self.expr.subs(found_variables)
# If the expression is a number (does not depend on x), return an array of that number
if final_expr.is_number:
return np.full(t.shape, float(final_expr))
f = sympy.lambdify([x], final_expr, "numpy")
return f(t)
def get_tdx(self, pulse_length: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns the time domain points and the evaluated function for the given pulse length.
pulse_length (float): The pulse length in seconds.
np.ndarray: The time domain points.
n = int(pulse_length / self.resolution)
t = np.linspace(self.start_x, self.end_x, n)
return t
def frequency_domain_plot(self, pulse_length: Decimal) -> MplWidget:
"""Plots the frequency domain of the function for the given pulse length.
pulse_length (Decimal): The pulse length in seconds.
MplWidget: The matplotlib widget containing the plot.
mpl_widget = MplWidget()
td = self.get_time_points(pulse_length)
yd = self.evaluate(pulse_length)
xdf, ydf = sp.fft(td, yd)
mpl_widget.canvas.ax.plot(xdf, abs(ydf))
mpl_widget.canvas.ax.set_xlabel("Frequency in Hz")
return mpl_widget
def time_domain_plot(self, pulse_length: Decimal) -> MplWidget:
"""Plots the time domain of the function for the given pulse length.
pulse_length (Decimal): The pulse length in seconds.
MplWidget: The matplotlib widget containing the plot.
mpl_widget = MplWidget()
td = self.get_time_points(pulse_length)
mpl_widget.canvas.ax.plot(td, abs(self.evaluate(pulse_length)))
mpl_widget.canvas.ax.set_xlabel("Time in s")
return mpl_widget
def get_pulse_amplitude(
self, pulse_length: Decimal, resolution: Decimal = None
) -> np.array:
"""Returns the pulse amplitude in the time domain.
pulse_length (Decimal): The pulse length in seconds.
resolution (Decimal, optional): The resolution of the function in seconds. Defaults to None.
np.array: The pulse amplitude.
return self.evaluate(pulse_length, resolution=resolution)
def add_parameter(self, parameter: Function.Parameter) -> None:
"""Adds a parameter to the function.
parameter (Function.Parameter): The parameter to add.
def to_json(self) -> dict:
"""Returns a json representation of the function.
dict: The json representation of the function.
return {
"name": self.name,
"parameters": [parameter.to_json() for parameter in self.parameters],
"expression": str(self.expr),
"resolution": self.resolution,
"start_x": self.start_x,
"end_x": self.end_x,
def from_json(cls, data: dict) -> Function:
"""Creates a function from a json representation.
data (dict): The json representation of the function.
Function: The function.
for subclass in cls.__subclasses__():
if subclass.name == data["name"]:
cls = subclass
obj = cls()
obj.expr = data["expression"]
obj.name = data["name"]
obj.resolution = data["resolution"]
obj.start_x = data["start_x"]
obj.end_x = data["end_x"]
obj.parameters = []
for parameter in data["parameters"]:
return obj
def expr(self):
"""The sympy expression of the function."""
return self._expr
def expr(self, expr):
if isinstance(expr, str):
self._expr = sympy.sympify(expr)
except ValueError:
logger.error("Could not convert %s to a sympy expression", expr)
raise SyntaxError("Could not convert %s to a sympy expression" % expr)
elif isinstance(expr, sympy.Expr):
self._expr = expr
def resolution(self):
"""The resolution of the function in seconds."""
return self._resolution
def resolution(self, resolution):
self._resolution = Decimal(resolution)
except ValueError:
logger.error("Could not convert %s to a decimal", resolution)
raise SyntaxError("Could not convert %s to a decimal" % resolution)
def start_x(self):
"""The x value where the evalution of the function starts."""
return self._start_x
def start_x(self, start_x):
self._start_x = float(start_x)
except ValueError:
logger.error("Could not convert %s to a float", start_x)
raise SyntaxError("Could not convert %s to a float" % start_x)
def end_x(self):
"""The x value where the evalution of the function ends."""
return self._end_x
def end_x(self, end_x):
self._end_x = float(end_x)
except ValueError:
logger.error("Could not convert %s to a float", end_x)
raise SyntaxError("Could not convert %s to a float" % end_x)
def get_pixmap(self):
"""This is the default pixmap for every function. If one wants to have a custom pixmap, this method has to be overwritten.
QPixmap : The default pixmap for every function
pixmap = PulseParamters.TXCustom()
return pixmap
class Parameter:
"""A parameter of a function.
This can be for example the standard deviation of a Gaussian function.
name (str): The name of the parameter.
symbol (str): The symbol of the parameter.
value (float): The value of the parameter.
name (str): The name of the parameter.
symbol (str): The symbol of the parameter.
value (float): The value of the parameter.
default (float): The default value of the parameter.
def __init__(self, name: str, symbol: str, value: float) -> None:
"""Initializes the parameter."""
self.name = name
self.symbol = symbol
self.value = value
self.default = value
def set_value(self, value: float) -> None:
"""Sets the value of the parameter.
value (float): The new value of the parameter.
self.value = value
logger.debug("Parameter %s set to %s", self.name, self.value)
def to_json(self) -> dict:
"""Returns a json representation of the parameter.
dict: The json representation of the parameter.
return {
"name": self.name,
"symbol": self.symbol,
"value": self.value,
"default": self.default,
def from_json(cls, data):
"""Creates a parameter from a json representation.
data (dict): The json representation of the parameter.
Function.Parameter: The parameter.
obj = cls(data["name"], data["symbol"], data["value"])
obj.default = data["default"]
return obj
class RectFunction(Function):
"""The rectangular function."""
name = "Rectangular"
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Initializes the RecFunction."""
expr = sympy.sympify("1")
def get_pixmap(self) -> QPixmap:
"""Returns the pixmap of the rectangular function.
QPixmap: The pixmap of the rectangular function.
pixmap = PulseParamters.TXRect()
return pixmap
class SincFunction(Function):
"""The sinc function.
The sinc function is defined as sin(x * l) / (x * l).
The parameter is the scale factor l.
name = "Sinc"
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Initializes the SincFunction."""
expr = sympy.sympify("sin(x * l)/ (x * l)")
self.add_parameter(Function.Parameter("Scale Factor", "l", 2))
self.start_x = -np.pi
self.end_x = np.pi
def get_pixmap(self):
"""Returns the pixmap of the sinc function.
QPixmap: The pixmap of the sinc function.
pixmap = PulseParamters.TXSinc()
return pixmap
class GaussianFunction(Function):
"""The Gaussian function.
The Gaussian function is defined as exp(-0.5 * ((x - mu) / sigma)**2).
The parameters are the mean and the standard deviation.
name = "Gaussian"
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Initializes the GaussianFunction."""
expr = sympy.sympify("exp(-0.5 * ((x - mu) / sigma)**2)")
self.add_parameter(Function.Parameter("Mean", "mu", 0))
self.add_parameter(Function.Parameter("Standard Deviation", "sigma", 1))
self.start_x = -np.pi
self.end_x = np.pi
def get_pixmap(self):
"""Returns the QPixmap of the Gaussian function.
QPixmap: The QPixmap of the Gaussian function.
pixmap = PulseParamters.TXGauss()
return pixmap
# class TriangleFunction(Function):
# def __init__(self) -> None:
# expr = sympy.sympify("triang(x)")
# super().__init__(lambda x: triang(x))
class CustomFunction(Function):
"""A custom function."""
name = "Custom"
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Initializes the Custom Function."""
expr = sympy.sympify(" 2 * x**2 + 3 * x + 1")
class Option:
"""Defines options for the pulse parameters which can then be set accordingly.
@ -574,6 +171,50 @@ class FunctionOption(Option):
return self.value.get_pixmap()
class TXRectFunction(RectFunction):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.name = "TX Rectangular Pulse"
def get_pixmap(self):
"""Returns the pixmaps of the function."""
return PulseParamters.TXRect()
class TXSincFunction(SincFunction):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.name = "TX Sinc Pulse"
def get_pixmap(self):
"""Returns the pixmaps of the function."""
return PulseParamters.TXSinc()
class TXGaussianFunction(GaussianFunction):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.name = "TX Gaussian Pulse"
def get_pixmap(self):
"""Returns the pixmaps of the function."""
return PulseParamters.TXGauss()
class TXCustomFunction(CustomFunction):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.name = "TX Custom Pulse"
def get_pixmap(self):
"""Returns the pixmaps of the function."""
return PulseParamters.TXCustom()
class TXPulse(BaseSpectrometerModel.PulseParameter):
"""Basic TX Pulse Parameter. It includes options for the relative amplitude, the phase and the pulse shape.
@ -601,7 +242,12 @@ class TXPulse(BaseSpectrometerModel.PulseParameter):
[RectFunction(), SincFunction(), GaussianFunction(), CustomFunction()],