Testing new modulation.

This commit is contained in:
jupfi 2023-12-09 09:07:21 +01:00
parent 282247077d
commit 58c94b6525

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@ -200,6 +200,33 @@ class LimeNQRController(BaseSpectrometerController):
# Apply the relative amplitude
pulse_amplitude *= parameter.get_option_by_name(TXPulse.RELATIVE_AMPLITUDE).value
# Calculate the number of samples
num_samples = int(float(event.duration) * lime.sra)
# Create the time vector for the pulse duration
tdx = np.linspace(0, float(event.duration), num_samples, endpoint=False)
# Create the full complex exponential for modulation
# This represents a rotating vector (phasor) at your IF
shift_signal = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * self.module.model.if_frequency * tdx)
# pulse_amplitude is your desired pulse envelope, defined earlier
# Let's assume that pulse_amplitude is a real-valued vector with values corresponding to the amplitude of each sample
# Apply the shift by multiplying with the complex exponential
pulse_complex = pulse_amplitude * shift_signal
# Calculate amplitude and phase from the complex signal
modulated_amplitude = np.abs(pulse_complex)
modulated_phase = np.angle(pulse_complex) # This returns the phase in radians
# For SDRs that require phase between 0 and 2*pi
modulated_phase = np.unwrap(modulated_phase) # To correct discontinuities
modulated_phase = (modulated_phase + 2 * np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) # Shift to [0, 2*pi] range
# Apply the shift by multiplying the time domain signal
pulse_amplitude = (modulated_amplitude)
# Clip the pulse amplitude to a minimum and maximum value of -0.99 and 0.99
# this is kind of ugly but it prevents some kind of issue with the pulse clipping
# I'm not sure why this happens but it seems to be related to the pulse shape
@ -226,6 +253,7 @@ class LimeNQRController(BaseSpectrometerController):
int(pulse_shape.resolution * Decimal(lime.sra))
for i in range(len(pulse_amplitude) -1)
lime.pph = list(modulated_phase)
# Add the TX pulse phase to the pulse phase list (lime.pph) -> not yet implemented
logger.debug("Adding TX pulse to existing pulse sequence")
@ -241,6 +269,8 @@ class LimeNQRController(BaseSpectrometerController):
# Setting pulse amplitude
lime.pam += list(pulse_amplitude)
# Setting pulse phase
lime.pph += list(modulated_phase)
# Get the length of the previous event without a tx pulse
blank = []
previous_events = events[: events.index(event)]