import cmath import numpy as np import logging from scipy.signal import find_peaks from PyQt6.QtCore import pyqtSignal from PyQt6.QtSerialPort import QSerialPort from nqrduck.module.module_model import ModuleModel logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class S11Data: # Conversion factors - the data is generally sent and received in mV # These values are used to convert the data to dB and degrees CENTER_POINT_MAGNITUDE = 900 # mV CENTER_POINT_PHASE = 0 # mV MAGNITUDE_SLOPE = 30 # dB/mV PHASE_SLOPE = 10 # deg/mV def __init__(self, data_points: list) -> None: self.frequency = np.array([data_point[0] for data_point in data_points]) self.return_loss_mv = np.array([data_point[1] for data_point in data_points]) self.phase_mv = np.array([data_point[2] for data_point in data_points]) @property def millivolts(self): return self.frequency, self.return_loss_mv, self.phase_mv @property def return_loss_db(self): return ( self.return_loss_mv - self.CENTER_POINT_MAGNITUDE ) / self.MAGNITUDE_SLOPE @property def phase_deg(self, phase_correction=True): """Returns the absolute value of the phase in degrees Keyword Arguments: phase_correction {bool} -- If True, the phase correction is applied. (default: {False}) """ phase_deg = (self.phase_mv - self.CENTER_POINT_PHASE) / self.PHASE_SLOPE if phase_correction: phase_deg = self.phase_correction(self.frequency, phase_deg) return phase_deg @property def phase_rad(self): return self.phase_deg * cmath.pi / 180 @property def gamma(self): """Complex reflection coefficient""" if len(self.return_loss_db) != len(self.phase_rad): raise ValueError("return_loss_db and phase_rad must be the same length") return [ cmath.rect(10 ** (-loss_db / 20), phase_rad) for loss_db, phase_rad in zip(self.return_loss_db, self.phase_rad) ] def phase_correction( self, frequency_data: np.array, phase_data: np.array ) -> np.array: """This method fixes the phase sign of the phase data. The AD8302 can only measure the absolute value of the phase. Therefore we need to correct the phase sign. This can be done via the slope of the phase. If the slope is negative, the phase is positive and vice versa. Args: frequency_data (np.array): The frequency data. phase_data (np.array): The phase data. Returns: np.array: The corrected phase data. """ # First we apply a moving average filter to the phase data WINDOW_SIZE = 5 phase_data_filtered = ( np.convolve(phase_data, np.ones(WINDOW_SIZE), "same") / WINDOW_SIZE ) # Fix transient response phase_data_filtered[: WINDOW_SIZE // 2] = phase_data[: WINDOW_SIZE // 2] phase_data_filtered[-WINDOW_SIZE // 2 :] = phase_data[-WINDOW_SIZE // 2 :] # Now we find the peaks and valleys of the data HEIGHT = 100 distance = len(phase_data_filtered) / 10 peaks, _ = find_peaks(phase_data_filtered, distance=distance, height=HEIGHT) valleys, _ = find_peaks( 180 - phase_data_filtered, distance=distance, height=HEIGHT ) # Determine if the first point is a peak or a valley if phase_data_filtered[0] > phase_data_filtered[1]: peaks = np.insert(peaks, 0, 0) else: valleys = np.insert(valleys, 0, 0) # Determine if the last point is a peak or a valley if phase_data_filtered[-1] > phase_data_filtered[-2]: peaks = np.append(peaks, len(phase_data_filtered) - 1) else: valleys = np.append(valleys, len(phase_data_filtered) - 1) frequency_peaks = frequency_data[peaks] frequency_valleys = frequency_data[valleys] # Combine the peaks and valleys frequency_peaks_valleys = np.sort( np.concatenate((frequency_peaks, frequency_valleys)) ) peaks_valleys = np.sort(np.concatenate((peaks, valleys))) # Now we can determine the slope of the phase # For this we compare the phase of our peaks_valleys array to the next point # If the phase is increasing, the slope is positive, if it is decreasing, the slope is negative phase_slope = np.zeros(len(peaks_valleys) - 1) for i in range(len(peaks_valleys) - 1): phase_slope[i] = ( phase_data_filtered[peaks_valleys[i + 1]] - phase_data_filtered[peaks_valleys[i]] ) # Now we can determine the sign of the phase # If the slope is negative, the phase is positive and vice versa phase_sign = np.sign(phase_slope) * -1 # Now we can correct the phase for the different sections phase_data_corrected = np.zeros(len(phase_data)) for i in range(len(peaks_valleys) - 1): phase_data_corrected[peaks_valleys[i] : peaks_valleys[i + 1]] = ( phase_data_filtered[peaks_valleys[i] : peaks_valleys[i + 1]] * phase_sign[i] ) # Murks: The last point is always wrong so just set it to the previous value phase_data_corrected[-1] = phase_data_corrected[-2] return phase_data_corrected def to_json(self): return { "frequency": self.frequency.tolist(), "return_loss_mv": self.return_loss_mv.tolist(), "phase_mv": self.phase_mv.tolist(), } @classmethod def from_json(cls, json): f = json["frequency"] rl = json["return_loss_mv"] p = json["phase_mv"] data = [(f[i], rl[i], p[i]) for i in range(len(f))] return cls(data) class LookupTable: """This class is used to store a lookup table for tuning and matching of electrical probeheads.""" data = dict() def __init__( self, start_frequency: float, stop_frequency: float, frequency_step: float, ) -> None: self.start_frequency = start_frequency self.stop_frequency = stop_frequency self.frequency_step = frequency_step # This is the frequency at which the tuning and matching process was started self.started_frequency = None self.init_voltages() def init_voltages(self) -> None: """Initialize the lookup table with default values.""" for frequency in np.arange( self.start_frequency, self.stop_frequency, self.frequency_step ): self.started_frequency = frequency self.add_voltages(None, None) def is_incomplete(self) -> bool: """This method returns True if the lookup table is incomplete, i.e. if there are frequencies for which no the tuning or matching voltage is none. Returns: bool: True if the lookup table is incomplete, False otherwise. """ return any( [ tuning_voltage is None or matching_voltage is None for tuning_voltage, matching_voltage in ] ) def get_next_frequency(self) -> float: """This method returns the next frequency for which the tuning and matching voltage is not yet set. Returns: float: The next frequency for which the tuning and matching voltage is not yet set. """ for frequency, (tuning_voltage, matching_voltage) in if tuning_voltage is None or matching_voltage is None: return frequency return None def add_voltages(self, tuning_voltage: float, matching_voltage: float) -> None: """Add a tuning and matching voltage for the last started frequency to the lookup table. Args: tuning_voltage (float): The tuning voltage for the given frequency. matching_voltage (float): The matching voltage for the given frequency."""[self.started_frequency] = (tuning_voltage, matching_voltage) class AutoTMModel(ModuleModel): available_devices_changed = pyqtSignal(list) serial_changed = pyqtSignal(QSerialPort) data_points_changed = pyqtSignal(list) short_calibration_finished = pyqtSignal(S11Data) open_calibration_finished = pyqtSignal(S11Data) load_calibration_finished = pyqtSignal(S11Data) measurement_finished = pyqtSignal(S11Data) def __init__(self, module) -> None: super().__init__(module) self.data_points = [] self.active_calibration = None self.calibration = None self.serial = None @property def available_devices(self): return self._available_devices @available_devices.setter def available_devices(self, value): self._available_devices = value self.available_devices_changed.emit(value) @property def serial(self): """The serial property is used to store the current serial connection.""" return self._serial @serial.setter def serial(self, value): self._serial = value self.serial_changed.emit(value) def add_data_point( self, frequency: float, return_loss: float, phase: float ) -> None: """Add a data point to the model. These data points are our intermediate data points read in via the serial connection. They will be saved in the according properties later on. """ self.data_points.append((frequency, return_loss, phase)) self.data_points_changed.emit(self.data_points) def clear_data_points(self) -> None: """Clear all data points from the model.""" self.data_points.clear() self.data_points_changed.emit(self.data_points) @property def measurement(self): """The measurement property is used to store the current measurement. This is the measurement that is shown in the main S11 plot""" return self._measurement @measurement.setter def measurement(self, value): """The measurement value is a tuple of three lists: frequency, return loss and phase.""" self._measurement = value self.measurement_finished.emit(value) # Calibration properties @property def active_calibration(self): return self._active_calibration @active_calibration.setter def active_calibration(self, value): self._active_calibration = value @property def short_calibration(self): return self._short_calibration @short_calibration.setter def short_calibration(self, value): logger.debug("Setting short calibration") self._short_calibration = value self.short_calibration_finished.emit(value) def init_short_calibration(self): """This method is called when a frequency sweep has been started for a short calibration in this way the module knows that the next data points are for a short calibration.""" self.active_calibration = "short" self.clear_data_points() @property def open_calibration(self): return self._open_calibration @open_calibration.setter def open_calibration(self, value): logger.debug("Setting open calibration") self._open_calibration = value self.open_calibration_finished.emit(value) def init_open_calibration(self): """This method is called when a frequency sweep has been started for an open calibration in this way the module knows that the next data points are for an open calibration.""" self.active_calibration = "open" self.clear_data_points() @property def load_calibration(self): return self._load_calibration @load_calibration.setter def load_calibration(self, value): logger.debug("Setting load calibration") self._load_calibration = value self.load_calibration_finished.emit(value) def init_load_calibration(self): """This method is called when a frequency sweep has been started for a load calibration in this way the module knows that the next data points are for a load calibration.""" self.active_calibration = "load" self.clear_data_points() @property def calibration(self): return self._calibration @calibration.setter def calibration(self, value): logger.debug("Setting calibration") self._calibration = value @property def LUT(self): return self._LUT @LUT.setter def LUT(self, value): self._LUT = value @property def frequency_sweep_start(self): """The timestamp for when the frequency sweep has been started. This is used for timing of the frequency sweep.""" return self._frequency_sweep_start @frequency_sweep_start.setter def frequency_sweep_start(self, value): self._frequency_sweep_start = value @property def frequency_sweep_end(self): """The timestamp for when the frequency sweep has been ended. This is used for timing of the frequency sweep.""" return self._frequency_sweep_end @frequency_sweep_end.setter def frequency_sweep_end(self, value): self._frequency_sweep_end = value