2024-06-02 20:31:51 +02:00

496 lines
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import numpy as np
import logging
from scipy.constants import h, Boltzmann
from .sample import Sample
from .pulse import PulseArray
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Simulation:
"""Class for the simulation of the Bloch equations."""
def __init__(
sample: Sample,
number_isochromats: int,
initial_magnetization: float,
gradient: float,
noise: float,
length_coil: float,
diameter_coil: float,
number_turns: float,
q_factor_transmit: float,
q_factor_receive: float,
power_amplifier_power: float,
pulse: PulseArray,
averages: int,
gain: float,
temperature: float,
loss_TX: float = 0,
loss_RX: float = 0,
conversion_factor: float = 1,
) -> None:
Constructs all the necessary attributes for the simulation object.
sample : Sample
The sample that is used for the simulation.
number_isochromats : int
The number of isochromats used for the simulation.
initial_magnetization : float
The initial magnetization of the sample.
gradient : float
The gradient of the magnetic field in mt/M.
noise : float
The RMS Noise of the measurement setup in µVolts.
length_coil : float
The length of the coil in meters.
diameter_coil : float
The diameter of the coil in meters.
number_turns : float
The number of turns of the coil.
q_factor_transmit : float
The Q-factor of the transmit path of the probe coil.
q_factor_receive : float
The Q-factor of the receive path of the probe coil.
power_amplifier_power : float
The power of the power amplifier in Watts.
pulse: PulseArray
The pulse that is used for the simulation.
The number of averages that are used for the simulation.
The gain of the amplifier.
The temperature of the sample in Kelvin.
The loss of the transmitter in dB.
The loss of the receiver in dB.
The conversion factor of the receiver in spectromter units / Volt.
self.sample = sample
self.number_isochromats = number_isochromats
self.initial_magnetization = initial_magnetization
self.gradient = gradient
self.noise = noise
self.length_coil = length_coil * 1e-3 # We need our length in meters
self.diameter_coil = diameter_coil * 1e-3 # We need our diameter in meters
self.number_turns = number_turns
self.q_factor_transmit = q_factor_transmit
self.q_factor_receive = q_factor_receive
self.power_amplifier_power = power_amplifier_power
self.pulse = pulse
self.averages = averages
self.gain = gain
self.temperature = temperature
self.loss_TX = loss_TX
self.loss_RX = loss_RX
self.conversion_factor = conversion_factor
def simulate(self):
reference_voltage = self.calculate_reference_voltage()
B1 = (
self.calc_B1() * 1e3
) # I think this is multiplied by 1e3 because everything is in mT
# B1 = 17.3 # Something might be wrong with the calculation of the B1 field. This has to be checked.
self.sample.gamma = self.sample.gamma * 1e-6 # We need our gamma in MHz / T
self.sample.T1 = self.sample.T1 * 1e3 # We need our T1 in ms
self.sample.T2 = self.sample.T2 * 1e3 # We need our T2 in ms
# Calculate the x distribution of the isochromats
xdis = self.calc_xdis()
real_pulsepower = self.pulse.get_real_pulsepower()
imag_pulsepower = self.pulse.get_imag_pulsepower()
# Calculate losses on the pulse
real_pulsepower = real_pulsepower * (1 - 10 ** (-self.loss_TX / 20))
imag_pulsepower = imag_pulsepower * (1 - 10 ** (-self.loss_TX / 20))
# Calculate the magnetization
M_sy1 = self.bloch_symmetric_strang_splitting(
B1, xdis, real_pulsepower, imag_pulsepower
# Z-Component
Mlong = np.squeeze(M_sy1[2, :, :]) # Indices start at 0 in Python
Mlong_avg = np.mean(Mlong, axis=0)
Mlong_avg = np.delete(Mlong_avg, -1) # Remove the last element
# XY-Component
Mtrans = np.squeeze(
M_sy1[1, :, :] + 1j * M_sy1[0, :, :]
) # Indices start at 0 in Python
Mtrans_avg = np.mean(Mtrans, axis=0)
Mtrans_avg = np.delete(Mtrans_avg, -1) # Remove the last element
# Scale the signal according to the reference voltage, averages and gain
timedomain_signal = Mtrans_avg * reference_voltage
# Add the losses of the receiver - this should probably be done before the scaling
timedomain_signal = timedomain_signal * (1 - 10 ** (-self.loss_RX / 20))
# Add noise to the signal
noise_data = self.calculate_noise(timedomain_signal)
timedomain_signal = (timedomain_signal * self.averages * self.gain) + (
noise_data * self.gain
# print(abs(timedomain_signal))
timedomain_signal = timedomain_signal
return timedomain_signal * self.conversion_factor
def bloch_symmetric_strang_splitting(
self, B1, xdis, real_pulsepower, imag_pulsepower, relax=1
"""This method simulates the Bloch equations using the symmetric strang splitting method.
B1 : float
The B1 field of the solenoid coil.
xdis : np.array
The x distribution of the isochromats.
real_pulsepower : np.array
The real part of the pulse power.
imag_pulsepower : np.array
The imaginary part of the pulse power.
relax : float
If relax = 1, the relaxation is taken into account. If relax = 0, the relaxation is not taken into account.
Nx = self.number_isochromats
Nu = real_pulsepower.shape[0]
M0 = np.array([np.zeros(Nx), np.zeros(Nx), np.ones(Nx)])
dt = self.pulse.dwell_time * 1e3 # We need our dwell time in ms
w = np.ones((Nu, 1)) * self.gradient
# Bloch simulation in magnetization domain
gadt = self.sample.gamma * dt / 2
B1 = np.tile(
(gadt * (real_pulsepower - 1j * imag_pulsepower) * B1).reshape(-1, 1), Nx
K = gadt * xdis * w * self.gradient
phi = -np.sqrt(np.abs(B1) ** 2 + K**2)
cs = np.cos(phi)
si = np.sin(phi)
n1 = np.real(B1) / np.abs(phi)
n2 = np.imag(B1) / np.abs(phi)
n3 = K / np.abs(phi)
n1[np.isnan(n1)] = 1
n2[np.isnan(n2)] = 0
n3[np.isnan(n3)] = 0
Bd1 = n1 * n1 * (1 - cs) + cs
Bd2 = n1 * n2 * (1 - cs) - n3 * si
Bd3 = n1 * n3 * (1 - cs) + n2 * si
Bd4 = n2 * n1 * (1 - cs) + n3 * si
Bd5 = n2 * n2 * (1 - cs) + cs
Bd6 = n2 * n3 * (1 - cs) - n1 * si
Bd7 = n3 * n1 * (1 - cs) - n2 * si
Bd8 = n3 * n2 * (1 - cs) + n1 * si
Bd9 = n3 * n3 * (1 - cs) + cs
M = np.zeros((3, Nx, Nu + 1))
M[:, :, 0] = M0
Mt = M0
D = np.diag(
np.exp(-1 / self.sample.T2 * relax * dt),
np.exp(-1 / self.sample.T2 * relax * dt),
np.exp(-1 / self.sample.T1 * relax * dt),
b = np.array([0, 0, self.initial_magnetization]) - np.array(
self.initial_magnetization * np.exp(-1 / self.sample.T1 * relax * dt),
for n in range(Nu): # time loop
Mrot = np.zeros((3, Nx))
Mrot[0, :] = (
Bd1.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[0, :]
+ Bd2.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[1, :]
+ Bd3.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[2, :]
Mrot[1, :] = (
Bd4.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[0, :]
+ Bd5.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[1, :]
+ Bd6.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[2, :]
Mrot[2, :] = (
Bd7.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[0, :]
+ Bd8.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[1, :]
+ Bd9.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[2, :]
Mt = np.dot(D, Mrot) + np.tile(b, (Nx, 1)).T
Mrot[0, :] = (
Bd1.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[0, :]
+ Bd2.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[1, :]
+ Bd3.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[2, :]
Mrot[1, :] = (
Bd4.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[0, :]
+ Bd5.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[1, :]
+ Bd6.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[2, :]
Mrot[2, :] = (
Bd7.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[0, :]
+ Bd8.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[1, :]
+ Bd9.conj().T[:, n] * Mt[2, :]
Mt = Mrot
M[:, :, n + 1] = Mrot
return M
def calc_B1(self) -> float:
"""This method calculates the B1 field of our solenoid coil based on the coil parameters and the power amplifier power.
B1 : float
The B1 field of the solenoid coil in T."""
B1 = (
np.sqrt(2 * self.power_amplifier_power / 50)
* np.pi
* np.sqrt(self.q_factor_transmit)
* 4e-7
* self.number_turns
/ self.length_coil
return B1
def calc_xdis(self) -> np.array:
"""Calculates the x distribution of the isochromats.
xdis : np.array
The x distribution of the isochromats.
# Df is the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of Lorentzian in Hz
Df = 1 / np.pi / self.sample.T2_star
# Randomly generating frequency offset using Cauchy distribution
uu = np.random.rand(self.number_isochromats, 1) - 0.5
foffr = Df / 2 * np.tan(np.pi * uu)
# xdis is a spatial function, but it is being repurposed here to convert through the gradient to a phase difference per time -> T2 dispersion of the isochromats
xdis = np.linspace(-1, 1, self.number_isochromats)
xdis = (
(foffr.T * 1e-6) / (self.sample.gamma / 2 / np.pi) / (self.gradient * 1e-3)
return xdis
def calculate_reference_voltage(self) -> float:
"""This calculates the reference voltage of the measurement setup for the sample at a certain temperature.
reference_voltage : float
The reference voltage of the measurement setup for the sample at a certain temperature in Volts.
u = 4 * np.pi * 1e-7 # permeability of free space
magnetization = (
(self.sample.gamma * 2 * self.sample.atoms)
/ (2 * self.sample.nuclear_spin + 1)
* (h**2 * self.sample.resonant_frequency)
/ (Boltzmann * self.temperature)
* self.sample.spin_factor
coil_crossection = np.pi * (self.diameter_coil / 2) ** 2
reference_voltage = (
* coil_crossection
* u
* (self.sample.resonant_frequency)
* magnetization
reference_voltage = (
reference_voltage * self.sample.powder_factor * self.sample.filling_factor
# This is assumes that our noise is dominated by everything after the resonator - this is not true for low Q probe coils
reference_voltage = reference_voltage * np.sqrt(self.q_factor_receive)
return reference_voltage
def calculate_noise(self, timedomain_signal: np.array) -> np.array:
"""Calculates the noise array that is added to the signal.
timedomain_signal : np.array
The time domain signal that is used for the simulation.
noise_data : np.array
The noise array that is added to the signal."""
n_timedomain_points = timedomain_signal.shape[0]
noise_data = self.noise * 1e-6 * np.random.randn(
self.averages, n_timedomain_points
) + 1j * self.noise * 1e-6 * np.random.randn(self.averages, n_timedomain_points)
noise_data = np.sum(noise_data, axis=0) # Sum along the first axis
return noise_data
def sample(self) -> Sample:
"""Sample that is used for the simulation."""
return self._sample
def sample(self, sample):
self._sample = sample
def number_isochromats(self) -> int:
"""Number of isochromats used for the simulation."""
return self._number_isochromats
def number_isochromats(self, number_isochromats):
self._number_isochromats = number_isochromats
def initial_magnetization(self) -> float:
"""Initial magnetization of the sample."""
return self._initial_magnetization
def initial_magnetization(self, initial_magnetization):
self._initial_magnetization = initial_magnetization
def gradient(self) -> float:
"""Gradient of the magnetic field in mt/M."""
return self._gradient
def gradient(self, gradient):
self._gradient = gradient
def noise(self) -> float:
"""RMS Noise of the measurement setup in Volts"""
return self._noise
def noise(self, noise):
self._noise = noise
def length_coil(self) -> float:
"""Length of the coil in meters."""
return self._length_coil
def length_coil(self, length_coil):
self._length_coil = length_coil
def diameter_coil(self) -> float:
"""Diameter of the coil in meters."""
return self._diameter_coil
def diameter_coil(self, diameter_coil):
self._diameter_coil = diameter_coil
def number_turns(self) -> float:
"""Number of turns of the coil."""
return self._number_turns
def number_turns(self, number_turns):
self._number_turns = number_turns
def q_factor_transmit(self) -> float:
"""Q-factor of the transmit path of the probe coil."""
return self._q_factor_transmit
def q_factor_transmit(self, q_factor_transmit):
self._q_factor_transmit = q_factor_transmit
def q_factor_receive(self) -> float:
"""Q-factor of the receive path of the probe coil."""
return self._q_factor_receive
def q_factor_receive(self, q_factor_receive):
self._q_factor_receive = q_factor_receive
def power_amplifier_power(self) -> float:
"""Power of the power amplifier in Watts."""
return self._power_amplifier_power
def power_amplifier_power(self, power_amplifier_power):
self._power_amplifier_power = power_amplifier_power
def pulse(self) -> PulseArray:
"""Pulse that is used for the simulation."""
return self._pulse
def pulse(self, pulse):
self._pulse = pulse
def averages(self) -> int:
"""Number of averages that are used for the simulation."""
return self._averages
def averages(self, averages):
self._averages = averages
def gain(self) -> float:
"""Gain of the amplifier."""
return self._gain
def gain(self, gain):
self._gain = gain
def temperature(self) -> float:
"""Temperature of the sample."""
return self._temperature
def temperature(self, temperature):
self._temperature = temperature