import numpy as np from numpy import pi from scipy import signal class Simulation: def __init__(self) -> None: pass def blochsim(sim_points, sim_time, reference, isochrom, sample, pulse): # PRE-SETTINGS d = {"M0c": 1} # initial mag NISO = 100 if isochrom > 0: NISO = isochrom # number of isochromates nsamples = ( sim_points # number of sample/rasterization points for the calculation ) sim_length = sim_time # in s; Not larger than the repetition time! modulation = "OFF" # select a optional modulation of the pulse ['OFF','SIN'] # Replace by the NWA power later B1c_calc = np.sqrt(2 * 500 / 50) * pi * 4e-7 * 9 / 6e-3 # 17 od 8.5 d["B1c"] = 17.3e-3 # for Peak B1 T %12.5%14.3 # SAMPLE SETTINGS d["T1"] = sample["T1"] # in s; T1, T2 d["T2"] = sample["T2"] # T2STAR = sample["T2s"] # only used for some calculations d["gamma"] = ( sample["gamma"] / (2 * pi) / 1e6 ) # gamma in MHz/T eg 5e6 % sample.gamma in rad/(T s) eg 0.8 d["relax"] = 1 # Flag 1: with Relax, 0 without Relax # Parameter preparation # clear up some unit problems # DO NOT CHANGE d["B1c"] = d["B1c"] * 1e3 d["T1"] = d["T1"] * 1e3 d["T2"] = d["T2"] * 1e3 d["gamma"] = d["gamma"] * 2 * pi d["Nx"] = NISO d["M0"] = np.array( [np.zeros(NISO), np.zeros(NISO), np.ones(NISO)] ) # initial magnetization d["dt"] = sim_length / nsamples # time step width d["dt"] = ( d["dt"] * 1e3 ) # again unit correction. could be changed if necessary, but other time factors # in later calculations would have to be changed too # Pulse Designer u = np.zeros((nsamples, 1)) v = np.zeros((nsamples, 1)) w = np.ones((nsamples, 1)) tt = (np.array(range(1, nsamples + 1)) * d["dt"] - d["dt"]).reshape( -1, 1 ) # time axis in ms # PULSE TEMPLATES pulse_dur_pow_pha = pulse num_pulses, _ = pulse_dur_pow_pha.shape # loop through every pulse for count in range(num_pulses): pulse_begin = pulse_dur_pow_pha[count, 0] pulse_end = pulse_dur_pow_pha[count, 1] pha = pulse_dur_pow_pha[count, 3] * (2 * pi / 360) # phase in rad ind_begin = np.argmin(np.abs(tt * 1e-3 - pulse_begin)) # minValue is unused ind_end = np.argmin(np.abs(tt * 1e-3 - pulse_end)) ind_end = ind_end - 1 u_pow, v_pow = np.pol2cart( pha, pulse_dur_pow_pha[count, 2] ) # theta angle; rho abs if modulation == "OFF": u[ind_begin:ind_end, 0] = u_pow # set real pulse power v[ind_begin:ind_end, 0] = v_pow # set imag pulse power elif modulation == "SIN": u[ind_begin:ind_end, 0] = u_pow * np.sin( (pi * 1e-3 / (pulse_end - pulse_begin)) * tt[ind_begin:ind_end, 0] ) v[ind_begin:ind_end, 0] = v_pow * np.sin( (pi * 1e-3 / (pulse_end - pulse_begin)) * tt[ind_begin:ind_end, 0] ) # Some sidenotes that can be ignored for count in range(1): d["G3"] = 1 # mT/m, fhwm of 2mm Gradient scaling w = w * d["G3"] # Gradient in mT/m # Isochromatic simulaten by modeling with Lorentz distribution Df = 1 / pi / T2STAR # FWHF of Lorentzian in Hz foffr = [] uu = np.random.rand(NISO, 1) - 0.5 foffr = Df / 2 * np.tan(pi * uu) # cauchy distributed frequency offset d["xdis"] = np.linspace(-1, 1, NISO) # in m spatial resolution d["xdis"] = ( np.array(foffr) * 1e-6 / (d["gamma"] / 2 / pi) / (d["G3"] * 1e-3) ) # Conversion factors: foffr from Hz/T to MHz/T as required for d.gamma/2/pi, conversion from Hz-Gamma to radian gamma, and gradient must be scaled from mT/m to T/m # USE BLOCH EQUATIONS # M_sy1 = bloch_symmetric_strang_splitting_vectorised(u, v, w, d) # This function would need to be defined or imported # Z-Component # Mlong = np.squeeze(M_sy1[2, :, :]) # Coordinates M: space components - location(isochromat) - time # Mlong_avg = np.mean(Mlong, 1) # Mlong_avg = Mlong_avg[:-1] # siglong = np.abs(Mlong_avg) # XY-Component # Mtrans = np.squeeze(M_sy1[0, :, :] + 1j*M_sy1[1, :, :]) # Coordinates M: space components - location(isochromat) - time # Mtrans_avg = np.mean(Mtrans, 1) # Mtrans_avg = Mtrans_avg[:-1] # sigtrans = Mtrans_avg * reference # return sigtrans def bloch_symmetric_strang_splitting_vectorised(u, v, w, d): """Vectorised version of bloch_symmetric_strang_splitting Parameters ---------- u : array_like Real part of pulse v : array_like Imaginary part of pulse w : array_like Gradient d : dict """ xdis = d["xdis"] Nx = d["Nx"] Nu = len(u) M0 = d["M0"] dt = d["dt"] gadt = d["gamma"] * dt / 2 B1 = np.tile(gadt * np.transpose(u - 1j * v) * d["B1c"], (Nx, 1)) K = gadt * xdis * np.transpose(w) * d["G3"] phi = -np.sqrt(np.abs(B1) ** 2 + K**2) cs = np.cos(phi) si = np.sin(phi) n1 = np.real(B1) / np.abs(phi) n2 = np.imag(B1) / np.abs(phi) n3 = K / np.abs(phi) n1[np.isnan(n1)] = 1 n2[np.isnan(n2)] = 0 n3[np.isnan(n3)] = 0 Bd1 = n1 * n1 * (1 - cs) + cs Bd2 = n1 * n2 * (1 - cs) - n3 * si Bd3 = n1 * n3 * (1 - cs) + n2 * si Bd4 = n2 * n1 * (1 - cs) + n3 * si Bd5 = n2 * n2 * (1 - cs) + cs Bd6 = n2 * n3 * (1 - cs) - n1 * si Bd7 = n3 * n1 * (1 - cs) - n2 * si Bd8 = n3 * n2 * (1 - cs) + n1 * si Bd9 = n3 * n3 * (1 - cs) + cs M = np.zeros((3, Nx, Nu)) M[:, :, 0] = M0 Mt = M0 D = np.diag( [ np.exp(-1 / d["T2"] * d["relax"] * dt), np.exp(-1 / d["T2"] * d["relax"] * dt), np.exp(-1 / d["T1"] * d["relax"] * dt), ] ) b = np.array([0, 0, d["M0c"]]) - np.array( [0, 0, d["M0c"] * np.exp(-1 / d["T1"] * d["relax"] * dt)] ) for n in range(Nu): # Time loop Mrot = np.array( [ Bd1[:, n] * Mt[0, :] + Bd2[:, n] * Mt[1, :] + Bd3[:, n] * Mt[2, :], Bd4[:, n] * Mt[0, :] + Bd5[:, n] * Mt[1, :] + Bd6[:, n] * Mt[2, :], Bd7[:, n] * Mt[0, :] + Bd8[:, n] * Mt[1, :] + Bd9[:, n] * Mt[2, :], ] ) Mt =, Mrot) + np.tile(b, (Nx, 1)).transpose() Mrot = np.array( [ Bd1[:, n] * Mt[0, :] + Bd2[:, n] * Mt[1, :] + Bd3[:, n] * Mt[2, :], Bd4[:, n] * Mt[0, :] + Bd5[:, n] * Mt[1, :] + Bd6[:, n] * Mt[2, :], Bd7[:, n] * Mt[0, :] + Bd8[:, n] * Mt[1, :] + Bd9[:, n] * Mt[2, :], ] ) Mt = Mrot M[:, :, n + 1] = Mrot return M