# Compiled object files *.o *.obj *.lo # Linked and compiled binary files (executables) bin/ *.so *.a *.out *.exe # Autoconf and Automake generated files config.h config.h.in config.status autom4te.cache/ Makefile *.m4 *.autosave # Dependency files generated by gcc *.d .deps/ .dirstamp # Archive files *.tar *.tar.* *.tgz *.zip # Backup files *~ .*.swp *.bak *.orig # OS generated files .DS_Store* ehthumbs.db Icon? Thumbs.db # Editors' temporary files .vscode/ *.sublime* .idea/ *.swp *.*~ # Log files *.log # Python cache data __pycache__/ *.pyc # Cython / Python build files build/ *.c *.cpp dist/ src/limedriver.egg-info # Data data/ venv/