import h5py import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # class for accessing data of stored HDF5 file this is from the limr program by andrin doll class HDF(): def __init__(self, filename = ''): # check first for the filename provided if filename != '': self.HDFsrc = filename else: self.HDFsrc = '' # get data self.__get_data() # just an alias for __init__ that does load a specific file def load(self, filename = ''): self.__init__(filename) # gets the data of the file def __get_data(self): if (self.HDFsrc == '') | (self.HDFsrc == []): # initialize all as empty self.tdy = [] self.tdx = [] self.attrs = [] self.parsoutp = {} self.parvar = {} else: f = h5py.File(self.HDFsrc, 'r') HDFkeys = list(f.keys()) for ii, HDFkey in enumerate(HDFkeys): if ii == 0: # initialize data array dsize = f[HDFkey].shape inddim = dsize[0] self.tdy = np.zeros((int(dsize[1]/2), int(dsize[0] * len(HDFkeys))),dtype=np.complex_) # initialize the output objects self.attrs = [dynclass() for jj in range(len(HDFkeys))] # get the attribute keys self.parsoutp = {} ii_oupargs = 0 for item in f[HDFkey].attrs.items(): itemname = item[0][5:] itemarg = item[0][1:4] if not ('///' in itemarg): self.parsoutp[itemarg] = [ item[1], itemname] else: self.parsoutp['//'+str(ii_oupargs)] = [ item[1], itemname] ii_oupargs+=1 # look for eventual parvar lists self.parvar = {} for item in f.attrs.items(): self.parvar[item[0]] = item[1] # Get the data data_raw = np.array(f[HDFkey]) try: self.tdy[:,ii*inddim:(ii+1)*inddim] = np.transpose(np.float_(data_raw[:,::2])) + 1j*np.transpose(np.float_(data_raw[:,1::2])) except: pass # Get the arguments ii_oupargs = 0 for item in f[HDFkey].attrs.items(): itemname = item[0][5:] itemarg = item[0][1:4] if not ('///' in itemarg): setattr(self.attrs[ii], itemarg, item[1]) else: setattr(self.attrs[ii], '//'+str(ii_oupargs), item[1]) ii_oupargs+=1 f.close() srate_MHz = getattr(self.attrs[0], 'sra')*1e-6 self.tdx = 1/srate_MHz*np.arange(self.tdy.shape[0]) # get an argument by matching the text description def attr_by_txt(self, pattern): for key in sorted(self.parsoutp): if pattern in self.parsoutp[key][1]: # pattern match attr = getattr(self.attrs[0], key) try: ouparr = np.zeros( ( len(attr), len(self.attrs)), attr.dtype) except: ouparr = np.zeros( ( 1, len(self.attrs)), attr.dtype) for ii in np.arange(len(self.attrs)): ouparr[:,ii] = getattr(self.attrs[ii], key) return np.transpose(ouparr) print('Problem obtaining the attribute from the description using the pattern ' + pattern + '!') print('Valid descriptions are: ') self.print_params() # get an argument by key def attr_by_key(self, key): if key in dir(self.attrs[0]): attr = getattr(self.attrs[0], key) try: ouparr = np.zeros( ( len(attr), len(self.attrs)), attr.dtype) except: ouparr = np.zeros( ( 1, len(self.attrs)), attr.dtype) for ii in np.arange(len(self.attrs)): ouparr[:,ii] = getattr(self.attrs[ii], key) return np.transpose(ouparr) print('Problem obtaining the attribute from key ' + key + '!') print('Valid keys are: ') self.print_params() # print the arguments def print_params(self, ouponly = False): for key in sorted(self.parsoutp): val = getattr(self.attrs[0], key) if not('//' in key): # input argument? if ouponly: continue; print('{:<5}: {:>50} {:<25}'.format(key, val, self.parsoutp[key][1])) def plot_dta(self): plt.plot(self.tdx, self.tdy.real) plt.xlabel('$t$ [$\mu$s]') plt.ylabel('$y$ [Counts]') # empty class to store dynamic attributes, basically for the attributes in HDF keys class dynclass: pass