Upgraded the limedriver submodule reference to incorporate recent
enhancements and bug fixes. This update ensures compatibility with the
main project and improves stability.
Upgraded the limedriver subproject to the newest commit hash for
enhanced stability and performance improvements. This update ensures
compatibility with the latest hardware revisions and resolves known
issues identified in the previous version.
token, update submodule
Introduced a new GitHub Actions workflow to automate Python package
builds on Ubuntu environments upon push or pull request events. This
addition ensures the compatibility of the package on the Ubuntu platform
and streamlines the continuous integration process.
Updated the limedriver submodule to the latest commit, keeping the
project in sync with recent upstream changes and maintaining the
integrity of external dependencies.
Upgraded the limedriver subproject to bring in latest enhancements and
fixes. Added 'h5py' and 'matplotlib' to the list of Python project
dependencies, ensuring the availability of necessary libraries for data
handling and plotting functionalities within our project.
The limedriver submodule has been updated to incorporate the latest enhancements and bug fixes, ensuring improved stability and performance for the dependent projects. This change aligns with ongoing efforts to maintain up-to-date dependencies and leverage recent improvements in external libraries.