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The ADF4351 chip is a wideband freqency synthesizer integrated circuit that can generate frequencies
from 35 MHz to 4.4 GHz. It incorporates a PLL (Fraction-N and Integer-N modes) and VCO, along with
prescalers, dividers and multipiers. The users add a PLL loop filter and reference frequency to
create a frequency generator with a very wide range, that is tuneable in settable frequency steps.
The ADF4351 chip provides an I2C interface for setting the device registers that control the
frequency and output levels, along with several IO pins for gathering chip status and
enabling/disabling output and power modes.
The ADF4351 library provides an Arduino API for accessing the features of the ADF chip.
The basic PLL equations for the ADF4351 are:
\f$ RF_{out} = f_{PFD} \times (INT +(\frac{FRAC}{MOD})) \f$
\f$ f_{PFD} = REF_{IN} \times \left[ \frac{(1 + D)}{( R \times (1 + T))} \right] \f$
\f$ D = \textrm{RD2refdouble, ref doubler flag}\f$
\f$ R = \textrm{RCounter, ref divider}\f$
\f$ T = \textrm{RD1Rdiv2, ref divide by 2 flag}\f$
This library uses the BigNumber library (included) from Nick Gammon
Modified by J. Pfitzer from David Fannin (https://github.com/dfannin/adf4351), KK6DF for usage with an ESP32 board
MIT License
#include "ADF4351.h"
#define ADF_FREQ_MAX 4294967295UL ///< Maximum Generated Frequency = value of MAX Unsigned Long
#define ADF_FREQ_MIN 34385000UL ///< Minimum Generated Frequency
#define ADF_PFD_MAX 32000000.0 ///< Maximum Frequency for Phase Detector
#define ADF_PFD_MIN 125000.0 ///< Minimum Frequency for Phase Detector
#define ADF_REFIN_MAX 250000000UL ///< Maximum Reference Frequency
#define REF_FREQ_DEFAULT 250000000UL ///< Default Reference Frequency
uint32_t steps[] = { 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000 , 500000, 1000000 }; ///< Array of Allowed Step Values (Hz)
single register constructor
whole = 0 ;
uint32_t Reg::get()
return whole ;
void Reg::set(uint32_t value)
whole = value ;
void Reg::setbf(uint8_t start, uint8_t len, uint32_t value)
uint32_t bitmask = ((1UL << len) - 1UL) ;
value &= bitmask ;
bitmask <<= start ;
whole = ( whole & ( ~bitmask)) | ( value << start ) ;
uint32_t Reg::getbf(uint8_t start, uint8_t len)
uint32_t bitmask = ((1UL << len) - 1UL) << start ;
uint32_t result = ( whole & bitmask) >> start ;
return ( result ) ;
// Constructor function; initializes communication pinouts
ADF4351::ADF4351(int SCLK, int DATA, int LE, int CE){
_sclk = SCLK;
spi_settings = SPISettings(1000000UL, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0) ;
reffreq = REF_FREQ_DEFAULT ;
cfreq = 0 ;
ChanStep = steps[0] ;
RD2refdouble = 0 ;
RCounter = 25 ;
RD1Rdiv2 = 0 ;
BandSelClock = 80 ;
ClkDiv = 150 ;
Prescaler = 0 ;
pwrlevel = 0 ;
void ADF4351::begin(void){
pinMode(_sclk, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_data, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_le, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_ce, OUTPUT);
int ADF4351::setf(uint32_t freq)
// calculate settings from freq
if ( freq > ADF_FREQ_MAX ) return 1 ;
if ( freq < ADF_FREQ_MIN ) return 1 ;
int localosc_ratio = 2200000000UL / freq ;
outdiv = 1 ;
int RfDivSel = 0 ;
// select the output divider
while ( outdiv <= localosc_ratio && outdiv <= 64 ) {
outdiv *= 2 ;
RfDivSel++ ;
if ( freq > 3600000000UL/outdiv )
Prescaler = 1 ;
Prescaler = 0 ;
PFDFreq = (float) reffreq * ( (float) ( 1.0 + RD2refdouble) / (float) (RCounter * (1.0 + RD1Rdiv2))); // find the loop freq
BigNumber::begin(10) ;
char tmpstr[20] ;
// kludge - BigNumber doesn't like leading spaces
// so you need to make sure the string passed doesnt
// have leading spaces.
int cntdigits = 0 ;
uint32_t num = (uint32_t) ( PFDFreq / 10000 ) ;
while ( num != 0 ) {
cntdigits++ ;
num /= 10 ;
dtostrf(PFDFreq, cntdigits + 8 , 3, tmpstr) ;
// end of kludge
BigNumber BN_PFDFreq = BigNumber(tmpstr) ;
BigNumber BN_N = ( BigNumber(freq) * BigNumber(outdiv) ) / BN_PFDFreq ;
N_Int = (uint16_t) ( (uint32_t) BN_N ) ;
BigNumber BN_Mod = BN_PFDFreq / BigNumber(ChanStep) ;
Mod = BN_Mod ;
BN_Mod = BigNumber(Mod) ;
BigNumber BN_Frac = ((BN_N - BigNumber(N_Int)) * BN_Mod) + BigNumber("0.5") ;
Frac = (int) ( (uint32_t) BN_Frac);
BN_N = BigNumber(N_Int) ;
if ( Frac != 0 ) {
uint32_t gcd = gcd_iter(Frac, Mod) ;
if ( gcd > 1 ) {
Frac /= gcd ;
BN_Frac = BigNumber(Frac) ;
Mod /= gcd ;
BN_Mod = BigNumber(Mod) ;
BigNumber BN_cfreq ;
if ( Frac == 0 ) {
BN_cfreq = ( BN_PFDFreq * BN_N) / BigNumber(outdiv) ;
} else {
BN_cfreq = ( BN_PFDFreq * ( BN_N + ( BN_Frac / BN_Mod) ) ) / BigNumber(outdiv) ;
cfreq = BN_cfreq ;
if ( cfreq != freq ) Serial.println(F("output freq diff than requested")) ;
BigNumber::finish() ;
if ( Mod < 2 || Mod > 4095) {
Serial.println(F("Mod out of range")) ;
return 1 ;
if ( (uint32_t) Frac > (Mod - 1) ) {
Serial.println(F("Frac out of range")) ;
return 1 ;
if ( Prescaler == 0 && ( N_Int < 23 || N_Int > 65535)) {
Serial.println(F("N_Int out of range")) ;
return 1;
} else if ( Prescaler == 1 && ( N_Int < 75 || N_Int > 65535 )) {
Serial.println(F("N_Int out of range")) ;
return 1;
// setting the registers to default values
// R0
R[0].set(0UL) ;
// (0,3,0) control bits
R[0].setbf(3, 12, Frac) ; // fractonal
R[0].setbf(15, 16, N_Int) ; // N integer
// R1
R[1].set(0UL) ;
R[1].setbf(0, 3, 1) ; // control bits
R[1].setbf(3, 12, Mod) ; // Mod
R[1].setbf(15, 12, 1); // phase
R[1].setbf(27, 1, Prescaler); // prescaler
// (28,1,0) phase adjust
// R2
R[2].set(0UL) ;
R[2].setbf(0, 3, 2) ; // control bits
// (3,1,0) counter reset
// (4,1,0) cp3 state
// (5,1,0) power down
R[2].setbf(6, 1, 1) ; // pd polarity
if ( Frac == 0 ) {
R[2].setbf(7, 1, 1) ; // LDP, int-n mode
R[2].setbf(8, 1, 1) ; // ldf, int-n mode
} else {
R[2].setbf(7, 1, 0) ; // LDP, frac-n mode
R[2].setbf(8, 1, 0) ; // ldf ,frac-n mode
R[2].setbf(9, 4, 7) ; // charge pump
// (13,1,0) dbl buf
R[2].setbf(14, 10, RCounter) ; // r counter
R[2].setbf(24, 1, RD1Rdiv2) ; // RD1_RDiv2
R[2].setbf(25, 1, RD2refdouble) ; // RD2refdouble
// R[2].setbf(26,3,0) ; // muxout, not used
// (29,2,0) low noise and spurs mode
// R3
R[3].set(0UL) ;
R[3].setbf(0, 3, 3) ; // control bits
R[3].setbf(3, 12, ClkDiv) ; // clock divider
// (15,2,0) clk div mode
// (17,1,0) reserved
// (18,1,0) CSR
// (19,2,0) reserved
if ( Frac == 0 ) {
R[3].setbf(21, 1, 1); // charge cancel, reduces pfd spurs
R[3].setbf(22, 1, 1); // ABP, int-n
} else {
R[3].setbf(21, 1, 0) ; // charge cancel
R[3].setbf(22, 1, 0); // ABP, frac-n
R[3].setbf(23, 1, 1) ; // Band Select Clock Mode
// (24,8,0) reserved
// R4
R[4].set(0UL) ;
R[4].setbf(0, 3, 4) ; // control bits
R[4].setbf(3, 2, pwrlevel) ; // output power 0-3 (-4dbM to 5dbM, 3db steps)
R[4].setbf(5, 1, 1) ; // rf output enable
// (6,2,0) aux output power
// (8,1,0) aux output enable
// (9,1,0) aux output select
// (10,1,0) mtld
// (11,1,0) vco power down
R[4].setbf(12, 8, BandSelClock) ; // band select clock divider
R[4].setbf(20, 3, RfDivSel) ; // rf divider select
R[4].setbf(23, 1, 1) ; // feedback select
// (24,8,0) reserved
// R5
R[5].set(0UL) ;
R[5].setbf(0, 3, 5) ; // control bits
// (3,16,0) reserved
R[5].setbf(19, 2, 3) ; // Reserved field,set to 11
// (21,1,0) reserved
R[5].setbf(22, 2, 1) ; // LD Pin Mode
// (24,8,0) reserved
int i ;
for (i = 5 ; i > -1 ; i--) {
WriteRegister(getReg(i)) ;
//delayMicroseconds(2500) ;
return 0 ; // ok
int ADF4351::setrf(uint32_t f)
if ( f > ADF_REFIN_MAX ) return 1 ;
if ( f < 100000UL ) return 1 ;
float newfreq = (float) f * ( (float) ( 1.0 + RD2refdouble) / (float) (RCounter * (1.0 + RD1Rdiv2))); // check the loop freq
if ( newfreq > ADF_PFD_MAX ) return 1 ;
if ( newfreq < ADF_PFD_MIN ) return 1 ;
reffreq = f ;
return 0 ;
// write data into register
void ADF4351::WriteRegister(uint32_t regData){
byte txbyte ;
digitalWrite(_le, LOW) ;
for (int i = 3 ; i > -1 ; i--) {
txbyte = (byte) (regData >> (i * 8)) ;
SPI1.transfer(txbyte) ;
digitalWrite(_le, HIGH) ;
delayMicroseconds(5) ;
digitalWrite(_le, LOW) ;
uint32_t ADF4351::getReg(int n)
return R[n].whole ;
uint32_t ADF4351::gcd_iter(uint32_t u, uint32_t v)
uint32_t t;
while (v) {
t = u ;
u = v ;
v = t % v ;
return u ;