[wireguard] # WireGuard configuration for the VPN server address =, fdfd:fdfd:1234::2 listen_port = 1234 # You can provide a private key and a pre-shared key for the server # If you don't provide them, they will be generated automatically # private_key = your_private_key # preshared_key = your_preshared_key # Peer configuration peer_public_key = public key of the peer peer_allowed_ips =, fdfd:fdfd:1234::1 peer_endpoint = peer_persistent_keepalive = 25 # IP addresses that should be routed through the VPN - this is returned in the WireGuard configuration generated # The default value below routes all Google IP addresses as well as https://icanhazip.com as used in Invidious' smart-ipv6-rotator # The addresses of the server itself are automatically routed through the VPN # # To route all traffic through the VPN, use: # routed_addresses =, ::/0 routed_addresses = 2001:4860:4000::/36, 2404:6800:4000::/36, 2607:f8b0:4000::/36, 2800:3f0:4000::/36, 2a00:1450:4000::/36, 2c0f:fb50:4000::/36, 2606:4700::6812:7261 [hetzner] api_token = your_hetzner_api_token location = nbg1 server_type = cx22 image = debian-12 [aws] access_key = your_aws_access_key secret_key = your_aws_secret_key region = us-east-1 instance_type = t2.micro ami_name = debian-12-amd64-20240702-1796 key_pair = your_aws_key_pair [digitalocean] api_token = your_digitalocean_api_token region = nyc3 server_type = s-1vcpu-1gb image = debian-12-x64 [azure] subscription_id = your_azure_subscription_id client_id = your_azure_client_id client_secret = your_azure_client_secret tenant_id = your_azure_tenant_id location = eastus vm_size = Standard_B1s image_publisher = Debian image_offer = debian-11 image_sku = 11-backports-gen2