#!/usr/bin/env python3 import html.parser, tweepy, os, setuptools, translate, twitools lang = setuptools.getListSetting("Translate", "lang") ato = setuptools.getListSetting("Translate", "ato") ase = setuptools.getListSetting("Translate", "ase") if not (len(lang) == len(ato) and len(ato) == len(ase)): raise setuptools.SetupException("Lists do not match in config.cfg.") accounts = [] i = 0 while i < len(lang): accounts += [[lang[i], ato[i], ase[i]]] i += 1 origin = twitools.twoHelper().whoami() search = "from:" + origin last_id_filename = "last_id" rt_bot_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) last_id_file = os.path.join(rt_bot_path, last_id_filename) try: with open(last_id_file, "r") as file: savepoint = file.read() except IOError: savepoint = "" print("No savepoint found. Trying to get as many results as possible.") timeline = twitools.twoHelper().search(search, savepoint) tw_counter = 0 er_counter = 0 for status in timeline: text = html.parser.HTMLParser().unescape(status.text) if text[0] == "@": continue for a in accounts: two = twitools.twObject(ato=a[1], ase=a[2]) tstring = translate.Translator(from_lang=setuptools.getSetting("Translate", "original"), to_lang=a[0]).translate(text).replace("@", "@​") try: two.tweet(tstring[:140]) tw_counter += 1 except Exception as e: print(e) er_counter += 1 continue with open(last_id_file, "w") as file: file.write(str(status.id)) print("Finished. %d Tweets retweeted. %d errors occurred." % (tw_counter, er_counter))