#!/usr/bin/env python3 import configparser, os.path, tweepy, dbtools, getpass if os.path.isfile("config.cfg"): print("config.cfg already exists. Please remove it before running this script.") exit(1) config = configparser.RawConfigParser() config.add_section('Database') print('''TweepBot will use a database for certain tasks. You can use a file or a MySQL database for this purpose. If you wish to use a MySQL database, you will need the credentials for it. If you don't know what any of that means, stick with the default value and just press Enter. ''') dbtype = input("Database type: %i (file), %i (MySQL) [%i]: " % (dbtools.SQLITE, dbtools.MYSQL, dbtools.SQLITE)) print() try: dbtype = int(dbtype) except: pass if dbtype == dbtools.MYSQL: dbhost = input("MySQL host [localhost]: ") or "localhost" dbuser = input("MySQL username [twitools]: ") or "twitools" dbpass = getpass.getpass("MySQL password (not echoed!): ") dbname = input("MySQL database name [twitools]: ") or "twitools" print() config.set('Database', 'type', dbtype) config.set('Database', 'host', dbhost) config.set('Database', 'user', dbuser) config.set('Database', 'pass', dbpass) config.set('Database', 'name', dbname) else: dbtype = dbtools.SQLITE dbpath = input("Name of the database file [Database.db]: ") or "Database.db" print() config.set('Database', 'type', dbtype) config.set('Database', 'path', dbpath) if dbtype == dbtools.MYSQL: db = dbtools.dbObject(dbtype=dbtype, host=dbhost, user=dbuser, pwd=dbpass, db=dbname) else: db = dbtools.dbObject(dbtype=dbtype, path=dbpath) if not db.isInitialized(): db.executeQuery("CREATE TABLE tokens(`cid` INT PRIMARY KEY, `ato` TEXT, `ase` TEXT, `fish` INT);") db.commit() db.closeConnection() config.add_section("Twitter") cke = input("Your Twitter application's consumer key: ") cse = input("Your Twitter application's consumer secret: ") config.set("Twitter", "cke", cke) config.set("Twitter", "cse", cse) print("Seems like everything worked out fine. Let's write that config file...") with open('config.cfg', 'wt') as cfg: config.write(cfg) print("We're all done. You can now use Twitools. Have fun!")