from pykeydelivery import KeyDelivery import sqlite3 import json import time import subprocess import argparse import logging from typing import Tuple, Never # Print date and time and level with message logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ) def notify(title: str, message: str): """Send a desktop notification If notify-send is not found, this function will do nothing. Args: title (str): The title of the notification message (str): The message of the notification """ logging.debug(f"Sending notification: {title} - {message}") try: [ "notify-send", title, message, # TODO: Look into other options, like adding an icon ] ) except FileNotFoundError: # If notify-send is not found, do nothing logging.warning("notify-send not found, not sending notification") def create_shipment(db: sqlite3.Connection, tracking_number: str, carrier: str, description: str = ""): """Create a shipment in the database Args: db (sqlite3.Connection): The database connection tracking_number (str): The tracking number carrier (str): The carrier slug (e.g. "ups", "austrian_post") description (str, optional): A description for the shipment, displayed in place of the tracking number in notifications. Defaults to "". """ logging.debug(f"Creating shipment for {tracking_number} with carrier {carrier}") db.execute( "INSERT INTO shipments (tracking_number, carrier, description) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (tracking_number, carrier, description), ) db.commit() def get_shipment(db: sqlite3.Connection, tracking_number: str) -> Tuple[int, str, str, str]: """Get a shipment from the database Args: db (sqlite3.Connection): The database connection tracking_number (str): The tracking number Returns: Tuple[int, str, str, str]: The shipment (id, tracking_number, carrier, description) """ logging.debug(f"Getting shipment for {tracking_number}") cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM shipments WHERE tracking_number = ?", (tracking_number,)) return cur.fetchone() def get_shipments(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, str, str, str]]: """Get all shipments from the database Args: db (sqlite3.Connection): The database connection Returns: Tuple[Tuple[int, str, str, str]]: All shipments (id, tracking_number, carrier, description) """ logging.debug(f"Getting all shipments") cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM shipments") return cur.fetchall() def get_shipment_events(db, shipment_id) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, int, str, str, str]]: """Get all events for a shipment from the database Args: db (sqlite3.Connection): The database connection shipment_id (int): The shipment id Returns: Tuple[Tuple[int, int, str, str, str]]: All events for the shipment (id, shipment_id, event_time, event_description, raw_event) """ logging.debug(f"Getting events for shipment {shipment_id}") cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM events WHERE shipment_id = ?", (shipment_id,)) return cur.fetchall() def create_event( db, shipment_id, event_time, event_description, raw_event, ): """Create an event for a shipment in the database Args: db (sqlite3.Connection): The database connection shipment_id (int): The shipment id event_time (str): The event time event_description (str): The event description raw_event (str): The raw event """ logging.debug(f"Creating event for shipment {shipment_id}: {event_description} - {event_time}") db.execute( "INSERT INTO events (shipment_id, event_time, event_description, raw_event) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", ( shipment_id, event_time, event_description, json.dumps(raw_event), ), ) db.commit() def get_latest_event(db, shipment_id) -> Tuple[int, int, str, str, str]: """Get the latest event for a shipment from the database Args: db (sqlite3.Connection): The database connection shipment_id (int): The shipment id Returns: Tuple[int, int, str, str, str]: The latest event (id, shipment_id, event_time, event_description, raw_event) """ logging.debug(f"Getting latest event for shipment {shipment_id}") cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM events WHERE shipment_id = ? ORDER BY event_time DESC LIMIT 1", (shipment_id,), ) return cur.fetchone() def initialize_db(db): """Initialize the database - create tables if they don't exist Args: db (sqlite3.Connection): The database connection """ logging.debug("Initializing database") db.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS shipments (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, tracking_number TEXT, carrier TEXT, description TEXT)" ) db.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS events (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, shipment_id INTEGER, event_time TEXT, event_description TEXT, raw_event TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(shipment_id) REFERENCES shipments(id))" ) db.commit() def get_db(path: str = "trackbert.db"): """Get a database connection Args: path (str, optional): The path to the database file. Defaults to "trackbert.db" in the current directory. Returns: sqlite3.Connection: The database connection """ logging.debug("Connecting to database") db = sqlite3.connect(path) initialize_db(db) return db def start_loop(db: sqlite3.Connection, api: KeyDelivery) -> Never: """Start the main loop Args: db (sqlite3.Connection): The database connection api (KeyDelivery): The KeyDelivery API object """ logging.debug("Starting loop") while True: for shipment in get_shipments(db): shipment_id = shipment[0] tracking_number = shipment[1] carrier = shipment[2] description = shipment[3] logging.debug(f"Checking shipment {tracking_number} with carrier {carrier}") latest_known_event = get_latest_event(db, shipment_id) all_events = api.realtime(carrier, tracking_number) try: logging.debug(f"Got events for {tracking_number}: {len(all_events)}") except KeyError: print(f"Error getting events for {tracking_number}: {all_events}") continue events = sorted(all_events["data"]["items"], key=lambda x: x["time"], reverse=True) logging.debug(f"Latest known event for {tracking_number}: {latest_known_event[3]} - {latest_known_event[2]}") logging.debug(f"Latest upstream event for {tracking_number}: {events[0]['context']} - {events[0]['time']}") for event in events: if latest_known_event is None or event["time"] > latest_known_event[2]: create_event( db, shipment_id, event["time"], event["context"], event, )"New event for {tracking_number}: {event['context']} - {event['time']}") notify(f"New event for {description or tracking_number}", event["context"] + " - " + event["time"]) time.sleep(300) def main() -> Never: """Main function - get the database connection, create the KeyDelivery API object, and start the main loop""" db = get_db() api = KeyDelivery.from_config("config.ini") notify("Trackbert", "Starting up") start_loop(db, api) if __name__ == "__main__": # Parse command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--tracking-number", "-n", type=str, required=False) parser.add_argument("--carrier", "-c", type=str, required=False) parser.add_argument("--description", "-d", type=str, required=False) args = parser.parse_args() # If the user specified a tracking number and carrier, create a shipment and exit if args.tracking_number is not None and args.carrier is not None: db = get_db() create_shipment(db, args.tracking_number, args.carrier, args.description) print(f"Created shipment for {args.tracking_number} with carrier {args.carrier}") exit(0) # If the user specified a tracking number but not a carrier, error out if args.tracking_number is not None: print("You must specify a carrier with -c") exit(1) # If no arguments were specified, start the main loop main()