Method: GET Endpoint: Headers: Default GET headers Sample response: { "cursors":{ (This should be irrelevant if MESSAGES_COUNT is high enough – there doesn't seem to be a limit for that) }, "items":[ { "to":"RECIPIENT_ID", "text":"TEXT_CONTENT", "attachments":[ { "type":"IMAGE", "error_text":"This App is outdated and cannot support all message features. Please log in to on or update to the most recent App version.", "params":{ "id":"ATTACHMENT_ID", "owner_id":"ATTACHMENT_SENDER (usually equals SENDER_ID)", "url_token":"URL_TOKEN", "auth_token":"AUTH_TOKEN (seems irrelevant)" "width":IMAGE_WIDTH (int), "height":IMAGE_HEIGHT (int), "rating":"IMAGE_RATING", "is_public":ATTACHMENT_PUBLIC (bool, usually false?) } }, (More attachment objects) ], "id":"MESSAGE_ID", "from":"SENDER_ID", "date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00+0000", "expires":"2000-01-08T12:00:00+0000", "folder":"MESSAGE_FOLDER", "unread":READ_STATUS (bool), "locked":LOCKED_STATUS (?, bool), "spam":SPAM_STATUS (bool) }, (More message objects) ] }