Today (April 18th, 2019) is Monero’s 5th Anniversary of existence. Some might call it a birthday. There are many events planned. The schedule of events is posted below.
<h4><ahref=""target="_blank">Brandon “suraeNoether” Goodell from the Monero Research Lab was a guest on The Bitcoin Podcast</a> where he talks about Monero, and other privacy and cryptocurrency related topics.
<h4>Wookey Wallet - an open source, iOS/Android, privacy coin focused mobile wallet released this week, featuring Monero as its first (and only) supported coin</h4>
<p><ahref=""target="_blank">See their website for more details and downloads.</a></p>
<h4>Monero confirmed to have a village at Defcon again this year, with a bigger room than before.</h4>
<p>Now, with the <ahref=""target="_blank">Monero Party proposal</a> funded, it seems Monero’s presence in Las Vegas, NV will be even bigger than last year, all things considered.</p>
<ahref=""target="_blank">The Monero Outreach Workgroup published an in-depth SWOT analysis of Monero</a>
<ahref=""target="_blank">Monero Quick-Facts sheet revised 2/1/2019 is available in Brazilian Portuguese</a>
<ahref=""target="_blank"><pmarkdown="1">Monero Birthday – 5 years old, various events happening throughout the day</p></a>
<p>Below you can find recent CCS proposal ideas open for discussion.</p>
<p><ahref=""target="_blank">Korean Translations GUI & CLI by Xeagu</a></p>
<h3id="proposals">CCS Proposals</h3>
<p><ahref=""target="_blank">ErCiccione: Coordinator of the Localization Workgroup - March</a> by ErCiccione</p>
<p>Raised <b>1.00 of 144.00</b> XMR (0.00694444%)</p>
<h3id="stats">Price & Blockchain Stats</h3>
<h4class="stat">Blockchain Stats</h4>
<p>Block height: <b>1815436</b></p>
<p>Median block size: <b>292.97 kB</b></p>
<p>Hash rate: <b>284.327 MH/s</b></p>
<p>Average Tx per block: <b>5.38</b></p>
<p>Weekly Moving Average Tx per day: <b>3844</b></p>
<p>Block reward: <b>2.90 XMR</b></p>
<pclass="note">Data taken on April 18, 2019</p>
<h4class="stat">Hashrate Pool Distribution</h4>
<p><imgsrc="/img/hashrate-pool-distribution-0418.png"alt="Hashrate Pool Distribution Pie Chart"/></p>
<h4class="stat">Price & Performance</h4>
<divclass="price-intro">XMR Market Cap: <b>$1,166,166,495</b><br> Street Price: <b>$64.56</b></div>
<pclass="table-title">Monero (XMR) Price</p>
<th>XMR to</th>
<tddata-th="XMR to">USD</td>
<tddata-th="XMR to">EUR</td>
<tddata-th="XMR to">BTC</td>
<pclass="note">Data taken on April 18, 2019</p>
<pclass="table-title">XMR Price Graph for April 11-18, 2019</p>
<ahref=""target="_blank"></a> is a domain registration service with privacy as the primary focus. To understand their service, we quote directly from their About section:
“When you buy a domain in our system, we're actually purchasing it for ourselves. We will be the actual owners of the domain, it's not an ownership by proxy as found with all other providers. However, you will still have the full control over the domain name. You can either use our information, our nameservers or you can go with your custom data.
If you ever want to move the domain from our system, we'll of course give you the domain without any additional costs.
The idea is to make sure that we minimise your visibility to the public. We're not going to give your customer data out easily. However, we will help if there are legal merits to any formal government requests to our system. If you use our service in a way that affects anyone's health or safety, we reserve the right to suspend your service.”
<i>Check back next week for another merchant that accepts Monero for their goods and services.</i>
<h3id="volunteer">Volunteer Opportunities</h3>
<p>If you want to get involved in making Monero better, but aren’t sure how, check out the volunteer opportunities below.</p>
<pclass="date"><ahref=""target="_blank">Turkish translators wanted for translation review</a></p>
<pclass="date"><ahref=""target="_blank">CLI, GUI and Monerujo wallets need translators</a></p>
<p>Anyone with moderate technical ability is encouraged to try to build and run Monero nightlies. Do not trust it with your Monero, but feel free to open an Issue on Github as problems arise. Instructions to build on your OS of choice can be found <ahref=""target="_blank">on GitHub</a>. </p>
<p>Download I2P Zero for your machine, follow the direction in the README, and report any issues to the Issue tracker on GitHub, or IRC channel #i2p-zero.</p>
<p><ahref=""target="_blank">Seeking Volunteer Reviewers for PoW RandomX</a></p>
<pmarkdown="1">If you enjoy this publication and want to support it, we encourage you to donate to the Monero General Fund, using the following address:</p>