import cgi import datetime import pytz import workers.conn import workers.val import workers.closest import workers.radar def application(env, re): if env["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST": args = cgi.parse_qs(env['wsgi.input'].readline().decode(), True) elif env["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET": args = cgi.parse_qs(env['QUERY_STRING'], True) else: re("405 Method Not Allowed", []) return conn = False val = False cfrm = None cto = None split = env["PATH_INFO"].split("/") split = [i.strip() for i in split] while "" in split: split.remove("") if len(split) > 2: re("400 Bad Request", []) yield "

400 Bad Request

".encode() yield "Only one (validate) or two (conn) arguments may be passed as path.".encode() return if len(split) > 0: if len(split) == 1: val = True else: conn = True cto = split[1] cfrm = split[0] try: rtype = "conn" if conn else "val" if val else args["type"][0] except: re("400 Bad Request", []) yield "

400 Bad Request

".encode() yield "A request type must be provided.".encode() return json = "json" in args if rtype.lower() in ["conn", "connection"]: try: try: frm = (cfrm or args["from"][0]).encode("latin-1").decode("utf-8") to = (cto or args["to"][0]).encode("latin-1").decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: frm = cfrm or args["from"][0] to = cto or args["to"][0] if not frm or not to: raise ValueError() except: re("400 Bad Request", []) yield "

400 Bad Request

".encode() yield "\"from\" and \"to\" values are required for this type of request.".encode() return count = args["count"][0] if "count" in args and args["count"] else 6 date = args["date"][0] if "date" in args and args["date"] else datetime.datetime.strftime("Europe/Vienna")),"%d.%m.%Y") time = args["time"][0] if "time" in args and args["time"] else datetime.datetime.strftime("Europe/Vienna")),"%H:%M") mode = True if "mode" in args and args["mode"] and args["mode"][0].lower() == "arr" else False details = True if "details" in args else False try: count = int(count) if count < 0 or count > 10: raise ValueError() except: re("400 Bad Request", []) yield "

400 Bad Request

".encode() yield "The \"count\" value must be a value between 0 and 10.".encode() return try: outtime = datetime.datetime.strptime("%s %s" % (date, time), "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M") except: re("400 Bad Request", []) yield "

400 Bad Request

".encode() yield "The \"date\" value must be in DD.MM.YYYY format, the \"time\" value must be in HH:MM format.".encode() return via = list(args["via"]) if "via" in args else None if via and len(via) > 3: re("400 Bad Request", []) yield "

400 Bad Request

".encode() yield "It is not possible to route through more than three \"via\" stations.".encode() return try: output = workers.conn.worker(frm, to, count, outtime, mode, details, json, via) except Exception as e: re("500 Internal Server Error", []) yield "

500 Internal Server Error

".encode() if "debug" in args: yield str(e).encode() return re("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "application/json" if json else "text/xml")]) yield output.encode() return elif rtype.lower() in ["val", "validate"]: try: try: name = (cfrm or args["from"][0]).encode("latin-1").decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: name = cfrm or args["from"][0] if not name: raise ValueError() except: re("400 Bad Request", []) yield "

400 Bad Request

".encode() yield "A \"name\" value is required for this type of request.".encode() return try: output = workers.val.worker(name, json) except Exception as e: re("500 Internal Server Error", []) yield "

500 Internal Server Error

".encode() if "debug" in args: yield str(e).encode() return re("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "application/json" if json else "text/xml")]) yield output.encode() return elif rtype.lower() in ["closest", "close", "near", "nearby"]: try: lat = float(args["lat"][0].replace(",", ".")) lon = float(args["lon"][0].replace(",", ".")) if (not lat and not lat == float(0)) or (not lon and not lon == float(0)): raise ValueError() except: re("400 Bad Request", []) yield "

400 Bad Request

".encode() yield "\"lat\" and \"lon\" values are required for this type of request.".encode() return distance = args["distance"][0] if "distance" in args and args["distance"] else 1000 try: distance = int(distance) if distance < 0 or distance > 10000: raise ValueError() except: re("400 Bad Request", []) yield "

400 Bad Request

" yield "\"distance\" must be a value between 0 and 10000." return try: output = workers.closest.worker(lat, lon, distance, json) except Exception as e: re("500 Internal Server Error", []) yield "

500 Internal Server Error

".encode() if "debug" in args: yield e.encode() return re("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "application/json" if json else "text/xml")]) yield output.encode() return elif rtype.lower() in ["radar", "live"]: trains = args["train"] if "train" in args else None try: output = workers.radar.worker(trains, json) except Exception as e: re("500 Internal Server Error", []) yield "

500 Internal Server Error

".encode() if "debug" in args: yield e.encode() return re("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "application/json" if json else "text/xml")]) yield output.encode() return else: re("400 Bad Request", []) yield "

400 Bad Request

".encode() yield "The request type you submitted is invalid.".encode() return