from os import readlink from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.urls import reverse import requests import json from .models import * import datetime from datetime import date, timedelta from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, Timeout, TooManyRedirects import math import locale import pandas as pd from operator import truediv import pygsheets from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from requests import Session from psaw import PushshiftAPI #library Pushshift from import staticfiles_storage ########################################### # Set some parameters ########################################### locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.utf8') # This loads Reddit stats about a subreddit api = PushshiftAPI() ########################################### # Useful functions for admins ########################################### # Get all history for metrics of a certain coin named as 'symbol' # Only authorized users can download all price data via URL request @login_required def get_history(request, symbol, start_time=None, end_time=None): update = True count = 0 with open("settings.json") as file: data = json.load(file) file.close() if start_time and end_time: url = data["metrics_provider"][0]["metrics_url"] + symbol + data["metrics_provider"][0]["metrics"] + '&start_time=' + start_time + '&end_time=' + end_time else: url = data["metrics_provider"][0]["metrics_url"] + symbol + data["metrics_provider"][0]["metrics"] while update: response = requests.get(url) data = json.loads(response.text) data_aux = data['data'] for item in data_aux: day, hour = str(item['time']).split('T') day = datetime.datetime.strptime(day, '%Y-%m-%d') day = datetime.datetime.strftime(day, '%Y-%m-%d') coin = Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).filter(date=day) if coin: coin.delete() try: coin = Coin() = symbol = day coin.priceusd = float(item['PriceUSD']) coin.pricebtc = float(item['PriceBTC']) coin.inflation = float(item['IssContPctAnn']) coin.stocktoflow = (100/coin.inflation)**1.65 = float(item['SplyCur']) try: coin.fee = float(item['FeeTotNtv']) except: coin.fee = 0 try: coin.revenue = float(item['RevNtv']) except: coin.revenue = 0 try: coin.hashrate = float(item['HashRate']) except: coin.hashrate = 0 try: coin.transactions = float(item['TxCnt']) except: coin.transactions = 0 count += 1 print( except: pass try: url = data['next_page_url'] update = True except: update = False break message = 'Total of ' + str(count) + ' data imported' context = {'message': message} return render(request, 'monerojnet/maintenance.html', context) # Populate database with rank history # Only authorized users can do this @login_required def load_rank(request, symbol): gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='service_account_credentials.json') sh ='zcash_bitcoin') wks = sh.worksheet_by_title('Sheet8') count = 0 values_mat = wks.get_values(start=(3,1), end=(9999,2), returnas='matrix') print(len(values_mat)) Rank.objects.all().delete() for k in range(0,len(values_mat)): if values_mat[k][0] and values_mat[k][1]: rank = Rank() = symbol = values_mat[k][0] rank.rank = int(values_mat[k][1].replace(',', '.')) if not(rank.rank) and not( break else: count += 1 else: break message = 'Total of ' + str(count) + ' data imported' context = {'message': message} return render(request, 'monerojnet/maintenance.html', context) # Populate database with dominance history # Only authorized users can do this @login_required def load_dominance(request, symbol): gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='service_account_credentials.json') sh ='zcash_bitcoin') wks = sh.worksheet_by_title('Sheet7') count = 0 values_mat = wks.get_values(start=(3,1), end=(9999,2), returnas='matrix') #print(len(values_mat)) Dominance.objects.all().delete() for k in range(0,len(values_mat)): if values_mat[k][0] and values_mat[k][1]: dominance = Dominance() = symbol = values_mat[k][0] dominance.dominance = float(values_mat[k][1].replace(',', '.')) if not(dominance.dominance) and not( break else: count += 1 else: break message = 'Total of ' + str(count) + ' data imported' context = {'message': message} return render(request, 'monerojnet/maintenance.html', context) # Import Reddit history from file on static folder # Only authorized users can do this @login_required def importer(request): count = 0 Social.objects.all().delete() filename = staticfiles_storage.path('import.txt') with open(filename) as f: content = f.readlines() for line in content: data = json.loads(line) symbol = data['name'] item = data['subscriberCountTimeSeries'] dates = [] subscriberCount = [] commentsPerHour = [] postsPerHour = [] for unit in item: date_now = datetime.datetime.strptime('1970-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d') date_now += timedelta(int(unit['utcDay'])) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_now, '%Y-%m-%d')) value = float(unit['count']) subscriberCount.append(value) item = data['commentsPerHourTimeSeries'] for unit in item: value = float(unit['commentsPerHour']) commentsPerHour.append(value) item = data['postsPerHourTimeSeries'] for unit in item: value = float(unit['postsPerHour']) postsPerHour.append(value) for i in range(len(dates)-1): social = Social() = symbol = dates[i] if i >= len(dates) - len(subscriberCount): social.subscriberCount = subscriberCount[i-len(subscriberCount)] else: social.subscriberCount = 0 if i >= len(dates) - len(commentsPerHour): social.commentsPerHour = commentsPerHour[i-(len(dates) - len(commentsPerHour))] else: social.commentsPerHour = 0 if i >= len(dates) - len(postsPerHour): social.postsPerHour = postsPerHour[i-(len(dates) - len(postsPerHour))] else: social.postsPerHour = 0 count += 1 message = 'Total of ' + str(count) + ' data imported' context = {'message': message} return render(request, 'monerojnet/maintenance.html', context) # Erase all data for a certain coin # Only authorized users can do this @login_required def reset(request, symbol): coins = Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).all().delete() message = 'All data for ' + str(symbol) + ' erased' context = {'message': message} return render(request, 'monerojnet/maintenance.html', context) ########################################### # Other useful functions ########################################### # Get most recent metrics from a data provider of your choice for 'symbol' def get_latest_metrics(symbol): now = current_time = int(now.strftime("%H")) if current_time >= 3: yesterday = - timedelta(1) start_time = datetime.datetime.strftime(yesterday, '%Y-%m-%d') try: coin = Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).filter(date=day) if coin: if (coin.inflation > 0) or (coin.priceusd > 0): return False else: coin.delete() update = True else: update = True except: update = True else: return False count = 0 with open("settings.json") as file: data = json.load(file) file.close() url = data["metrics_provider"][0]["metrics_url"] + symbol + data["metrics_provider"][0]["metrics"] + '&start_time=' + start_time while update: response = requests.get(url) data = json.loads(response.text) data_aux = data['data'] for item in data_aux: day, hour = str(item['time']).split('T') day = datetime.datetime.strptime(day, '%Y-%m-%d') day = datetime.datetime.strftime(day, '%Y-%m-%d') coin = Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).filter(date=day) if coin: coin.delete() try: coin = Coin() = symbol = day coin.priceusd = float(item['PriceUSD']) coin.pricebtc = float(item['PriceBTC']) coin.inflation = float(item['IssContPctAnn']) coin.stocktoflow = (100/coin.inflation)**1.65 = float(item['SplyCur']) try: coin.fee = float(item['FeeTotNtv']) except: coin.fee = 0 try: coin.revenue = float(item['RevNtv']) except: coin.revenue = 0 try: coin.hashrate = float(item['HashRate']) except: coin.hashrate = 0 try: coin.transactions = float(item['TxCnt']) except: coin.transactions = 0 count += 1 print( except: pass try: url = data['next_page_url'] update = True except: update = False break return count # Get daily post on Reddit def data_prep_posts(subreddit, start_time, end_time, filters, limit): if(len(filters) == 0): filters = ['id', 'author', 'created_utc', 'domain', 'url', 'title', 'num_comments'] posts = list(api.search_submissions(subreddit=subreddit, after=start_time, before=end_time, filter=filters, limit=limit)) return pd.DataFrame(posts) # Get daily comments on Reddit def data_prep_comments(term, start_time, end_time, filters, limit): if (len(filters) == 0): filters = ['id', 'author', 'created_utc','body', 'permalink', 'subreddit'] comments = list(api.search_comments(q=term, after=start_time, before=end_time, filter=filters, limit=limit)) return pd.DataFrame(comments) # Get latest price data for Monero def get_latest_price(): with open("settings.json") as file: data = json.load(file) url = data["metrics_provider"][0]["price_url"] parameters = { 'convert':'USD', } headers = { 'Accepts': 'application/json', data["metrics_provider"][0]["api_key_name"]: data["metrics_provider"][0]["api_key_value"], } session = Session() session.headers.update(headers) try: response = session.get(url, params=parameters) data = json.loads(response.text) except (ConnectionError, Timeout, TooManyRedirects) as e: data = False file.close() return data # Get latest dominance value and update def update_dominance(data): if not(data): #print('error updating dominance') return False else: dominance = Dominance() = 'xmr' = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') dominance.dominance = float(data['data']['XMR']['quote']['USD']['market_cap_dominance']) gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='service_account_credentials.json') sh ='zcash_bitcoin') wks = sh.worksheet_by_title('Sheet7') values_mat = wks.get_values(start=(3,1), end=(9999,2), returnas='matrix') k = len(values_mat) date_aux = datetime.datetime.strptime(values_mat[k-1][0], '%Y-%m-%d') date_aux2 = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') date_aux2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_aux2, '%Y-%m-%d') if date_aux < date_aux2: cell = 'B' + str(k + 3) wks.update_value(cell, dominance.dominance) cell = 'A' + str(k + 3) wks.update_value(cell, else: #print('spreadsheet with the latest data already') return False #print('updated') return data # Get latest rank value and update def update_rank(): data = get_latest_price() if not(data): return False else: rank = Rank() = 'xmr' = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') rank.rank = int(data['data']['XMR']['cmc_rank']) gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='service_account_credentials.json') sh ='zcash_bitcoin') wks = sh.worksheet_by_title('Sheet8') values_mat = wks.get_values(start=(3,1), end=(9999,2), returnas='matrix') k = len(values_mat) date_aux = datetime.datetime.strptime(values_mat[k-1][0], '%Y-%m-%d') date_aux2 = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') date_aux2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_aux2, '%Y-%m-%d') if date_aux < date_aux2: cell = 'B' + str(k + 3) wks.update_value(cell, rank.rank) cell = 'A' + str(k + 3) wks.update_value(cell, #print('spreadsheet updated') else: #print('spreadsheet with the latest data already') return data #print('updated') return data # Load Reddit api to check if there are new followers def check_new_social(symbol): date_now = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') socials = Social.objects.filter(name=symbol).filter(date=date_now) if not(socials): print('getting new data') request = ''+ symbol +'/about.json' response = requests.get(request, headers = {'User-agent': 'Checking new social data'}) data = json.loads(response.content) data = data['data'] subscribers = data['subscribers'] social = Social() = symbol = date_now social.subscriberCount = subscribers date_aux = date_aux = datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d') date_aux = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d') timestamp1 = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(date_aux)) timestamp2 = int(timestamp1 - 86400) limit = 1000 filters = [] data = data_prep_posts(symbol, timestamp2, timestamp1, filters, limit) print(len(data)) social.postsPerHour = len(data)/24 timestamp2 = int(timestamp1 - 7200) limit = 1000 data = data_prep_comments(symbol, timestamp2, timestamp1, filters, limit) print(len(data)) social.commentsPerHour = len(data)/2 return True ########################################### # Views ########################################### def index(request): symbol = 'xmr' rank = list(Rank.objects.order_by('-date'))[1] if < data = update_rank() dominance = list(Dominance.objects.order_by('-date'))[1] if < data = update_dominance(data) coin = list(Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).order_by('-date'))[1] if coin: now_inflation = coin.inflation supply = int(*10**12 now_units = supply/(10**12) else: message = 'Website under maintenance. Check back in a few minutes' context = {'message': message} return render(request, 'monerojnet/maintenance.html', context) now_units = locale.format('%.0f', now_units, grouping=True) now_inflation = locale.format('%.2f', now_inflation, grouping=True)+'%' context = {'now_inflation': now_inflation, 'now_units': now_units} return render(request, 'monerojnet/index.html', context) def pt(request): symbol = 'xmr' rank = list(Rank.objects.order_by('-date'))[1] if < data = update_rank() dominance = list(Dominance.objects.order_by('-date'))[1] if < data = update_dominance(data) coin = list(Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).order_by('-date'))[1] if coin: now_inflation = coin.inflation supply = int(*10**12 now_units = supply/(10**12) else: message = 'Website under maintenance. Check back in a few minutes' context = {'message': message} return render(request, 'monerojnet/maintenance.html', context) now_units = locale.format('%.0f', now_units, grouping=True) now_inflation = locale.format('%.2f', now_inflation, grouping=True)+'%' context = {'now_inflation': now_inflation, 'now_units': now_units} return render(request, 'monerojnet/pt.html', context) def fr(request): symbol = 'xmr' rank = list(Rank.objects.order_by('-date'))[1] if < data = update_rank() dominance = list(Dominance.objects.order_by('-date'))[1] if < data = update_dominance(data) coin = list(Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).order_by('-date'))[1] if coin: now_inflation = coin.inflation supply = int(*10**12 now_units = supply/(10**12) else: message = 'Website under maintenance. Check back in a few minutes' context = {'message': message} return render(request, 'monerojnet/maintenance.html', context) now_units = locale.format('%.0f', now_units, grouping=True) now_inflation = locale.format('%.2f', now_inflation, grouping=True)+'%' context = {'now_inflation': now_inflation, 'now_units': now_units} return render(request, 'monerojnet/fr.html', context) def artigos(request): context = {} return render(request, 'monerojnet/artigos.html', context) def articles(request): context = {} return render(request, 'monerojnet/articles.html', context) def social(request): socials = Social.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='Bitcoin') dates = [] social_xmr = [] social_crypto = [] social_btc = [] last_xmr = 0 last_btc = 0 last_crypto = 0 socials = Social.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='Bitcoin') for social in socials: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) if social.subscriberCount > last_btc: last_btc = social.subscriberCount social_btc.append(social.subscriberCount) else: social_btc.append(last_btc) socialscrypto = Social.objects.filter('CryptoCurrency') if socialscrypto: for socialcrypto in socialscrypto: if socialcrypto.subscriberCount > last_crypto: social_crypto.append(socialcrypto.subscriberCount) last_crypto = socialcrypto.subscriberCount else: social_crypto.append(last_crypto) else: social_crypto.append(last_crypto) socialsxmr = Social.objects.filter('Monero') if socialsxmr: for socialxmr in socialsxmr: if socialxmr.subscriberCount > last_xmr: social_xmr.append(socialxmr.subscriberCount) last_xmr = socialxmr.subscriberCount else: social_xmr.append(last_xmr) else: social_xmr.append(last_xmr) last_xmr = locale.format('%.0f', last_xmr, grouping=True) last_btc = locale.format('%.0f', last_btc, grouping=True) last_crypto = locale.format('%.0f', last_crypto, grouping=True) context = {'dates': dates, 'social_xmr': social_xmr, 'social_crypto': social_crypto, 'social_btc': social_btc, 'last_xmr': last_xmr, 'last_btc': last_btc, 'last_crypto': last_crypto} return render(request, 'monerojnet/social.html', context) def social2(request): dates = [] social_btc = [] last_btc = 0 N = 1 socials = Social.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='Bitcoin') for social in socials: coins = Coin.objects.filter('btc') if coins: for coin in coins: if social.subscriberCount > 0 and coin.priceusd > 0 and > 0: last_btc = ((coin.priceusd***N)/social.subscriberCount social_btc.append(last_btc) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) dates2 = [] social_xmr = [] last_xmr = 0 N = 1 socials = Social.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='Monero') for social in socials: coins = Coin.objects.filter('xmr') if coins: for coin in coins: if social.subscriberCount > 0 and coin.priceusd > 0 and > 0: last_xmr = ((coin.priceusd***N)/social.subscriberCount social_xmr.append(last_xmr) dates2.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) last_xmr = '$' + locale.format('%.0f', last_xmr, grouping=True) last_btc = '$' + locale.format('%.0f', last_btc, grouping=True) context = {'dates': dates, 'dates2': dates2, 'social_btc': social_btc, 'social_xmr': social_xmr, 'last_xmr': last_xmr, 'last_btc': last_btc} return render(request, 'monerojnet/social2.html', context) def social3(request): dates = [] social_xmr = [] last_xmr = 0.001 social_crypto = [] last_crypto = 0.001 socials = Social.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='Bitcoin') for social in socials: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) socialsxmr = Social.objects.filter('Monero') if socialsxmr: for socialxmr in socialsxmr: if socialxmr.subscriberCount > 0.001 and social.subscriberCount > 0.001: if socialxmr.subscriberCount/social.subscriberCount > 0.001: last_xmr = 100*(socialxmr.subscriberCount/social.subscriberCount) social_xmr.append(last_xmr) else: social_xmr.append(last_xmr) else: social_xmr.append(last_xmr) else: social_xmr.append(last_xmr) socialscrypto = Social.objects.filter('CryptoCurrency') if socialscrypto: for socialcrypto in socialscrypto: if socialcrypto.subscriberCount > 0.001 and social.subscriberCount > 0.001: if socialcrypto.subscriberCount/social.subscriberCount > 0.001: last_crypto = 100*(socialcrypto.subscriberCount/social.subscriberCount) social_crypto.append(last_crypto) else: social_crypto.append(last_crypto) else: social_crypto.append(last_crypto) else: social_crypto.append(last_crypto) last_xmr = locale.format('%.1f', last_xmr, grouping=True)+ '%' last_crypto = locale.format('%.1f', last_crypto, grouping=True)+ '%' context = {'dates': dates, 'social_xmr': social_xmr, 'social_crypto': social_crypto, 'last_xmr': last_xmr, 'last_crypto': last_crypto} return render(request, 'monerojnet/social3.html', context) def social4(request): socials = Social.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='Bitcoin') dates = [] social_xmr = [] social_crypto = [] social_btc = [] last_xmr = 0 last_btc = 0 last_crypto = 0 socials = Social.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='Bitcoin') for social in socials: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) if social.subscriberCount > last_btc: last_btc = social.subscriberCount social_btc.append(social.subscriberCount) else: social_btc.append(last_btc) socialscrypto = Social.objects.filter('CryptoCurrency') if socialscrypto: for socialcrypto in socialscrypto: if socialcrypto.subscriberCount > last_crypto: social_crypto.append(socialcrypto.subscriberCount) last_crypto = socialcrypto.subscriberCount else: social_crypto.append(last_crypto) else: social_crypto.append(last_crypto) socialsxmr = Social.objects.filter('Monero') if socialsxmr: for socialxmr in socialsxmr: if socialxmr.subscriberCount > last_xmr: social_xmr.append(socialxmr.subscriberCount) last_xmr = socialxmr.subscriberCount else: social_xmr.append(last_xmr) else: social_xmr.append(last_xmr) N = 30 last_btc = '' speed_btc = [] for i in range(len(social_btc)): if i < N: speed_btc.append(last_btc) else: if social_btc[i-N] != 0 and social_btc[i] - social_btc[i-N] != 0: last_btc = 100*(social_btc[i] - social_btc[i-N])/social_btc[i-N] if last_btc < 0.2: last_btc = 0.2 if last_btc > 1000: last_btc = '' else: last_btc = '' speed_btc.append(last_btc) last_btc = '' newcomers_btc = [] for i in range(len(social_btc)): if i < N: newcomers_btc.append(last_btc) else: last_btc = (social_btc[i] - social_btc[i-N]) if last_btc < 10: last_btc = '' newcomers_btc.append(last_btc) last_crypto = '' speed_crypto = [] for i in range(len(social_crypto)): if i < N: speed_crypto.append(last_crypto) else: if social_crypto[i-N] != 0 and social_crypto[i] - social_crypto[i-N] != 0: last_crypto = 100*(social_crypto[i] - social_crypto[i-N])/social_crypto[i-N] if last_crypto < 0.2: last_crypto = 0.2 if last_crypto > 1000: last_crypto = '' else: last_crypto = '' speed_crypto.append(last_crypto) last_crypto = '' newcomers_crypto = [] for i in range(len(social_crypto)): if i < N: newcomers_crypto.append(last_crypto) else: last_crypto = (social_crypto[i] - social_crypto[i-N]) if last_crypto < 2: last_crypto = '' newcomers_crypto.append(last_crypto) last_xmr = '' speed_xmr = [] for i in range(len(social_xmr)): if i < N: speed_xmr.append(last_xmr) else: if social_xmr[i-N] != 0 and social_xmr[i] - social_xmr[i-N] != 0: last_xmr = 100*(social_xmr[i] - social_xmr[i-N])/social_xmr[i-N] if last_xmr < 0.2: last_xmr = 0.2 if last_xmr > 1000: last_xmr = '' else: last_xmr = '' speed_xmr.append(last_xmr) last_xmr = '' newcomers_xmr = [] for i in range(len(social_xmr)): if i < N: newcomers_xmr.append(last_xmr) else: last_xmr = (social_xmr[i] - social_xmr[i-N]) if last_xmr < 0: last_xmr = '' newcomers_xmr.append(last_xmr) last_xmr = locale.format('%.0f', last_xmr, grouping=True) last_btc = locale.format('%.0f', last_btc, grouping=True) last_crypto = locale.format('%.0f', last_crypto, grouping=True) context = {'dates': dates, 'speed_xmr': speed_xmr, 'speed_crypto': speed_crypto, 'speed_btc': speed_btc, 'newcomers_xmr': newcomers_xmr, 'newcomers_btc': newcomers_btc, 'newcomers_crypto': newcomers_crypto, 'last_xmr': last_xmr, 'last_btc': last_btc, 'last_crypto': last_crypto} return render(request, 'monerojnet/social4.html', context) def social5(request): symbol = 'xmr' transactions = [] pricexmr = [] dates = [] now_transactions = 0 dates = [] social_xmr = [] last_xmr = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) if coins: for coin in coins: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) socials = Social.objects.filter('Monero') if socials: for social in socials: if social.subscriberCount > last_xmr: last_xmr = social.subscriberCount social_xmr.append(social.subscriberCount) else: social_xmr.append(last_xmr) else: social_xmr.append(last_xmr) if coin.transactions > 200: transactions.append(coin.transactions) now_transactions = coin.transactions else: transactions.append('') if coin.priceusd > 0.001: pricexmr.append(coin.priceusd) else: pricexmr.append('') else: pricexmr.append('') transactions.append('') last_xmr = locale.format('%.0f', last_xmr, grouping=True) now_transactions = locale.format('%.0f', now_transactions, grouping=True) context = {'dates': dates, 'social_xmr': social_xmr, 'last_xmr': last_xmr, 'now_transactions': now_transactions, 'transactions': transactions, 'pricexmr': pricexmr} return render(request, 'monerojnet/social5.html', context) def social6(request): socials = Social.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='Bitcoin') dates = [] social_xmr = [] social_crypto = [] social_btc = [] last_xmr = 0 last_btc = 0 last_crypto = 0 socials = Social.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='Bitcoin') for social in socials: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) if social.commentsPerHour*24 < last_btc/4: social_btc.append(last_btc) else: social_btc.append(social.commentsPerHour*24) last_btc = social.commentsPerHour*24 socialscrypto = Social.objects.filter('CryptoCurrency') if socialscrypto: for socialcrypto in socialscrypto: if socialcrypto.commentsPerHour*24 < last_crypto/4: social_crypto.append(last_crypto) else: social_crypto.append(socialcrypto.commentsPerHour*24) last_crypto = socialcrypto.commentsPerHour*24 else: social_crypto.append(last_crypto) socialsxmr = Social.objects.filter('Monero') if socialsxmr: for socialxmr in socialsxmr: if socialxmr.commentsPerHour*24 < last_xmr/4: social_xmr.append(last_xmr) else: social_xmr.append(socialxmr.commentsPerHour*24) last_xmr = socialxmr.commentsPerHour*24 else: social_xmr.append(last_xmr) last_xmr = locale.format('%.0f', last_xmr, grouping=True) last_btc = locale.format('%.0f', last_btc, grouping=True) last_crypto = locale.format('%.0f', last_crypto, grouping=True) context = {'dates': dates, 'social_xmr': social_xmr, 'social_crypto': social_crypto, 'social_btc': social_btc, 'last_xmr': last_xmr, 'last_btc': last_btc, 'last_crypto': last_crypto} return render(request, 'monerojnet/social6.html', context) def social7(request): socials = Social.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='Bitcoin') dates = [] social_xmr = [] social_crypto = [] social_btc = [] last_xmr = 0 last_btc = 0 last_crypto = 0 socials = Social.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='Bitcoin') for social in socials: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) social_btc.append(social.postsPerHour*24) last_btc = social.postsPerHour*24 socialscrypto = Social.objects.filter('CryptoCurrency') if socialscrypto: for socialcrypto in socialscrypto: social_crypto.append(socialcrypto.postsPerHour*24) last_crypto = socialcrypto.postsPerHour*24 else: social_crypto.append(last_crypto) socialsxmr = Social.objects.filter('Monero') if socialsxmr: for socialxmr in socialsxmr: social_xmr.append(socialxmr.postsPerHour*24) last_xmr = socialxmr.postsPerHour*24 else: social_xmr.append(last_xmr) last_xmr = locale.format('%.0f', last_xmr, grouping=True) last_btc = locale.format('%.0f', last_btc, grouping=True) last_crypto = locale.format('%.0f', last_crypto, grouping=True) context = {'dates': dates, 'social_xmr': social_xmr, 'social_crypto': social_crypto, 'social_btc': social_btc, 'last_xmr': last_xmr, 'last_btc': last_btc, 'last_crypto': last_crypto} return render(request, 'monerojnet/social7.html', context) def pricelog(request): symbol = 'xmr' now_price = 0 now_sf = 0 now_inflation = 0 v0 = 0.002 delta = (0.015 - 0.002)/(6*365) count = 0 maximum = 0 supply = 0 dates = [] color = [] values = [] coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) values.append(coin.priceusd) if coin.priceusd < 0.01: coin.priceusd = 0.01 if coin.stocktoflow < 0.1: coin.stocktoflow = 0.1 now_inflation = coin.inflation now_price = coin.priceusd now_sf = coin.stocktoflow if now_price > maximum: maximum = now_price new_color = 30*coin.pricebtc/(count*delta + v0) color.append(new_color) supply = int(*10**12 count += 1 count = 0 for count in range(650): date_now = + timedelta(count) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_now, '%Y-%m-%d')) reward = (2**64 -1 - supply) >> 19 if reward < 0.6*(10**12): reward = 0.6*( 10**12) supply += int(720*reward) now_price = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', now_price, grouping=True) now_sf = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', now_sf, grouping=True) maximum = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', maximum, grouping=True) now_inflation = locale.format('%.2f', now_inflation, grouping=True)+'%' context = {'values': values, 'dates': dates, 'maximum': maximum, 'now_price': now_price, 'now_inflation': now_inflation, 'now_sf': now_sf, 'color': color} return render(request, 'monerojnet/pricelog.html', context) def movingaverage(request): symbol = 'xmr' v0 = 0.002 delta = (0.015 - 0.002)/(6*365) count = 0 dates = [] color = [] values = [] average1 = [] average2 = [] total = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) if coin.priceusd < 0.2: coin.priceusd = 0.2 total += coin.priceusd values.append(coin.priceusd) if count < 1460: aux = total/(730 + count/2) if aux < 0.2: aux = 0.2 average1.append(aux) average2.append(aux*5) if coin.priceusd > 5*aux: new_color = 1 if coin.priceusd < aux: new_color = 0 else: new_color = coin.priceusd/(5*aux) color.append(new_color) else: color.append(new_color) count += 1 n = 1460 median = pd.Series(values).rolling(window=n).mean().iloc[n-1:].values #for count in range(1460): # average1.append('') # average2.append('') for item in median: average1.append(item) average2.append(item*5) context = {'values': values, 'dates': dates, 'color': color, 'average1': average1, 'average2': average2} return render(request, 'monerojnet/movingaverage.html', context) def powerlaw(request): symbol = 'xmr' now_price = 0 now_sf = 0 now_inflation = 0 v0 = 0.002 delta = (0.015 - 0.002)/(6*365) count = 0 maximum = 0 dates = [] counter = [] years = [] line3 = [] line2 = [] line1 = [] a3 = 0.00000000000000000009 a2 = 0.0000000000000000000000008 a1 = 0.00000000000000000000000002 b3 = ((math.log(477,10)-math.log(5.01,10))/(math.log(2511,10)-math.log(1231,10))) b2 = ((math.log(95,10)-math.log(0.23,10))/(math.log(3297,10)-math.log(1468,10))) b1 = ((math.log(84,10)-math.log(0.39,10))/(math.log(3507,10)-math.log(1755,10))) color = [] values = [] yearnumber = 2014 days = 1200 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: if coin.priceusd < 0.01: continue days += 1 price3 = a3*(days**b3) price2 = a2*(days**b2) price1 = a1*(days**b1) line3.append(price3) line2.append(price2) line1.append(price1) counter.append(days) if > yearnumber: yearnumber += 1 years.append(yearnumber) dates.append(days) values.append(coin.priceusd) if coin.priceusd < 0.01: coin.priceusd = 0.01 if coin.stocktoflow < 0.1: coin.stocktoflow = 0.1 now_inflation = coin.inflation now_price = coin.priceusd now_sf = coin.stocktoflow if now_price > maximum: maximum = now_price new_color = 30*coin.pricebtc/(count*delta + v0) color.append(new_color) count += 1 for count in range(1, 3650): date_now = + timedelta(count) values.append('') days += 1 price3 = a3*(days**b3) price2 = a2*(days**b2) price1 = a1*(days**b1) line3.append(price3) line2.append(price2) line1.append(price1) counter.append(days) if date_now.year > yearnumber: yearnumber += 1 years.append(yearnumber) dates.append(days) now_price = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', now_price, grouping=True) now_sf = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', now_sf, grouping=True) maximum = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', maximum, grouping=True) now_inflation = locale.format('%.2f', now_inflation, grouping=True)+'%' context = {'values': values, 'dates': dates, 'maximum': maximum, 'now_price': now_price, 'now_inflation': now_inflation, 'now_sf': now_sf, 'color': color, 'years': years, 'counter': counter, 'line1': line1, 'line2': line2, 'line3': line3} return render(request, 'monerojnet/powerlaw.html', context) def pricelin(request): symbol = 'xmr' now_price = 0 now_sf = 0 now_inflation = 0 v0 = 0.002 delta = (0.015 - 0.002)/(6*365) count = 0 maximum = 0 supply = 0 dates = [] color = [] values = [] coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) values.append(coin.priceusd) if coin.priceusd < 0.01: coin.priceusd = 0.01 if coin.stocktoflow < 0.1: coin.stocktoflow = 0.1 now_inflation = coin.inflation now_price = coin.priceusd now_sf = coin.stocktoflow if now_price > maximum: maximum = now_price new_color = 30*coin.pricebtc/(count*delta + v0) color.append(new_color) supply = int(*10**12 count += 1 count = 0 for count in range(650): date_now = + timedelta(count) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_now, '%Y-%m-%d')) reward = (2**64 -1 - supply) >> 19 if reward < 0.6*(10**12): reward = 0.6*( 10**12) supply += int(720*reward) stock = (100/(100*reward*720*365/supply))**1.65 now_price = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', now_price, grouping=True) now_sf = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', now_sf, grouping=True) maximum = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', maximum, grouping=True) now_inflation = locale.format('%.2f', now_inflation, grouping=True)+'%' context = {'values': values, 'dates': dates, 'maximum': maximum, 'now_price': now_price, 'now_inflation': now_inflation, 'now_sf': now_sf, 'color': color} return render(request, 'monerojnet/pricelin.html', context) def pricesats(request): symbol = 'xmr' projection = [] color = [] values = [] dates = [] now_price = 0 maximum = 0 bottom = 1 v0 = 0.002 delta = (0.015 - 0.002)/(6*365) count = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) if coin.pricebtc > 0.001: values.append(coin.pricebtc) else: values.append('') date_aux1 = datetime.datetime.strptime('2021-03-15', '%Y-%m-%d') date_aux2 = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') date_aux2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_aux2, '%Y-%m-%d') if date_aux2 < date_aux1: lastprice = coin.pricebtc projection.append('') else: day = date_aux2 - timedelta(1700) coin_aux1 = Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).get(date=day) day = date_aux2 - timedelta(1701) coin_aux2 = Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).get(date=day) if coin_aux1 and coin_aux2: lastprice += (coin_aux1.pricebtc/coin_aux2.pricebtc-1)*lastprice*0.75 projection.append(lastprice) else: projection.append('') if coin.pricebtc > 0: now_price = coin.pricebtc if now_price > maximum: maximum = now_price if now_price > 0: if now_price < bottom: bottom = now_price new_color = 30*coin.pricebtc/(count*delta + v0) color.append(new_color) count += 1 count = 0 for count in range(300): date_now = + timedelta(count) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_now, '%Y-%m-%d')) day = date_now - timedelta(1900) coin_aux1 = Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).get(date=day) day = date_now - timedelta(1901) coin_aux2 = Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).get(date=day) if coin_aux1 and coin_aux2: lastprice += (coin_aux1.pricebtc/coin_aux2.pricebtc-1)*lastprice*0.75 projection.append(lastprice) else: projection.append('') now_price = locale.format('%.4f', now_price, grouping=True) + ' BTC' maximum = locale.format('%.4f', maximum, grouping=True) + ' BTC' bottom = locale.format('%.4f', bottom, grouping=True) + ' BTC' context = {'values': values, 'dates': dates, 'maximum': maximum, 'now_price': now_price, 'color': color, 'projection': projection, 'bottom': bottom} return render(request, 'monerojnet/pricesats.html', context) def fractal(request): symbol = 'xmr' dates1 = [] dates2 = [] cycle1 = [] cycle2 = [] now_multiple = 0 maximum = 0 count1 = 1 count2 = 1 date1_aux = datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 29) date2_aux = datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 21) coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: date3_aux = datetime.datetime.combine(, datetime.time(0, 0)) if date3_aux < date1_aux and date3_aux > date2_aux: start_inflation = coin.inflation cycle1.append(coin.priceusd/5) dates1.append(count1/12.7) if (coin.priceusd/5) > maximum: maximum = coin.priceusd/5 count1 += 1 elif date3_aux > date1_aux: cycle2.append(coin.priceusd/477.12) dates2.append(count2/20.7) #24 now_multiple = coin.priceusd/477.12 count2 += 0.86 now_multiple = locale.format('%.2f', now_multiple, grouping=True) + 'x' maximum = locale.format('%.2f', maximum, grouping=True) + 'x' context = {'cycle1': cycle1, 'cycle2': cycle2, 'dates1': dates1, 'dates2': dates2, 'now_multiple': now_multiple, 'maximum': maximum} return render(request, 'monerojnet/fractal.html', context) def inflationfractal(request): symbol = 'xmr' dates1 = [] dates2 = [] cycle1 = [] cycle2 = [] now_multiple = 0 maximum = 0 current_inflation = 0 start_inflation = 0 count1 = 1 count2 = 1 date1_aux = datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 29) date2_aux = datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 21) coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: date3_aux = datetime.datetime.combine(, datetime.time(0, 0)) if date3_aux < date1_aux and date3_aux > date2_aux: start_inflation = coin.inflation current_inflation = start_inflation cycle1.append(coin.priceusd/5) dates1.append(count1/12.7) if (coin.priceusd/5) > maximum: maximum = coin.priceusd/5 count1 += 1 elif date3_aux > date1_aux: if (coin.inflation/current_inflation) > 1.15 or (coin.inflation/current_inflation) < 0.85: coin.inflation = current_inflation else: current_inflation = coin.inflation delta = math.sqrt(coin.inflation/start_inflation) cycle2.append(delta*coin.priceusd/477.12) dates2.append(count2/20.55) #24 now_multiple = delta*coin.priceusd/477.12 count2 += 0.86 now_multiple = locale.format('%.2f', now_multiple, grouping=True) + 'x' maximum = locale.format('%.2f', maximum, grouping=True) + 'x' context = {'cycle1': cycle1, 'cycle2': cycle2, 'dates1': dates1, 'dates2': dates2, 'now_multiple': now_multiple, 'maximum': maximum} return render(request, 'monerojnet/inflationfractal.html', context) def golden(request): symbol = 'xmr' dates = [] prices = [] coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: firstdate = break day = firstdate - timedelta(350) for i in range(350): dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(day, '%Y-%m-%d')) prices.append(0.2) for coin in coins: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) if coin.priceusd > 0.2: prices.append(coin.priceusd) else: prices.append(0.2) n = 350 median = pd.Series(prices).rolling(window=n).mean().iloc[n-1:].values m_350 = [] m_350_0042 = [] m_350_0060 = [] m_350_0200 = [] m_350_0300 = [] m_350_0500 = [] m_350_0800 = [] m_350_1300 = [] for i in range(350): m_350.append('') m_350_0042.append('') m_350_0060.append('') m_350_0200.append('') m_350_0300.append('') m_350_0500.append('') m_350_0800.append('') m_350_1300.append('') for item in median: m_350.append(float(item)) m_350_0042.append(float(item)*0.42) m_350_0060.append(float(item)*0.60) m_350_0200.append(float(item)*2.00) m_350_0300.append(float(item)*3.00) m_350_0500.append(float(item)*5.00) m_350_0800.append(float(item)*8.00) m_350_1300.append(float(item)*13.00) n = 120 median = pd.Series(prices).rolling(window=n).mean().iloc[n-1:].values m_111 = [] for i in range(120): m_111.append('') for item in median: m_111.append(float(item)) i = 0 down = True price_cross = [] for price in prices: if m_111[i] != '' and m_350_0200[i] != '': if down == True and m_111[i] > m_350_0200[i]: down = False price_cross.append(price) elif price > m_350_0500[i]: price_cross.append(price) elif down == False and m_111[i] < m_350_0200[i]: down = True else: price_cross.append('') else: price_cross.append('') i += 1 context = {'dates': dates, 'prices': prices, 'm_350': m_350, 'm_350_0042': m_350_0042, 'm_350_0060': m_350_0060, 'm_350_0200': m_350_0200, 'm_350_0300': m_350_0300, 'm_350_0500': m_350_0500, 'm_350_0800': m_350_0800, 'm_350_1300': m_350_1300, 'median': median, 'm_111': m_111, 'price_cross': price_cross} return render(request, 'monerojnet/golden.html', context) def competitors(request): dates = [] xmr = [] dash = [] grin = [] zcash = [] count = 0 now_xmr = 0 now_dash = 0 now_grin = 0 now_zcash = 0 count = 0 coins_xmr = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='xmr') for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: if coin_xmr.priceusd: if count > 30: xmr.append(coin_xmr.priceusd/5.01) now_xmr = coin_xmr.priceusd/5.01 dates.append(count) count += 1 elif count <= 63: continue else: xmr.append('') count = 0 coins_dash = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='dash') for coin_dash in coins_dash: count += 1 if coin_dash.priceusd and count > 130: dash.append(coin_dash.priceusd/14.7) now_dash = coin_dash.priceusd/14.7 elif count <= 130: continue else: dash.append('') dates.append(count) count = 0 coins_grin = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='grin') for coin_grin in coins_grin: count += 1 if coin_grin.priceusd and count > 155: grin.append(coin_grin.priceusd/6.37) now_grin = coin_grin.priceusd/6.37 elif count <= 155: continue else: grin.append('') dates.append(count) count = 0 coins_zcash = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='zec') for coin_zcash in coins_zcash: count += 1 if coin_zcash.priceusd and count > 434: zcash.append(coin_zcash.priceusd/750) now_zcash = coin_zcash.priceusd/750 elif count <= 434: continue else: zcash.append('') dates.append(count) now_dash = locale.format('%.2f', now_dash, grouping=True) now_grin = locale.format('%.2f', now_grin, grouping=True) now_zcash = locale.format('%.2f', now_zcash, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.2f', now_xmr, grouping=True) context = {'xmr': xmr, 'dash': dash, 'grin': grin, 'zcash': zcash, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_dash': now_dash, 'now_grin': now_grin, 'now_zcash': now_zcash, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/competitors.html', context) def marketcap(request): dates = [] xmr = [] dash = [] grin = [] zcash = [] now_xmr = 0 now_dash = 0 now_grin = 0 now_zcash = 0 coins_xmr = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='xmr') for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) if coin_xmr.priceusd: xmr.append(coin_xmr.priceusd* now_xmr = coin_xmr.priceusd* else: xmr.append('') try: coin_dash = Coin.objects.filter(name='dash').get( now_dash = coin_dash.priceusd* if now_dash > 1000000: dash.append(now_dash) else: dash.append('') except: dash.append('') try: coin_zcash = Coin.objects.filter(name='zec').get( now_zcash = coin_zcash.priceusd* if now_zcash > 1000000: zcash.append(now_zcash) else: zcash.append('') except: zcash.append('') try: coin_grin = Coin.objects.filter(name='grin').get( now_grin = coin_grin.priceusd* if now_grin > 1000000: grin.append(now_grin) else: grin.append('') except: grin.append('') now_dash = '$'+locale.format('%.0f', now_dash, grouping=True) now_grin = '$'+locale.format('%.0f', now_grin, grouping=True) now_zcash = '$'+locale.format('%.0f', now_zcash, grouping=True) now_xmr = '$'+locale.format('%.0f', now_xmr, grouping=True) context = {'xmr': xmr, 'dash': dash, 'grin': grin, 'zcash': zcash, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_dash': now_dash, 'now_grin': now_grin, 'now_zcash': now_zcash, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/marketcap.html', context) def inflationreturn(request): count = 0 xmr = [] dash = [] grin = [] zcash = [] btc = [] now_xmr = 0 now_dash = 0 now_grin = 0 now_zcash = 0 now_btc = 0 inflation_xmr = [] inflation_dash = [] inflation_grin = [] inflation_zcash = [] inflation_btc = [] lastxmrA = 0 lastxmrB = 0 count = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='xmr') for coin in coins: count += 1 if coin.priceusd and count > 30: now_xmr = coin.priceusd/5.01 #correcao de um erro nos dados if 100/coin.inflation > 110 and now_xmr < 10: xmr.append(lastxmrA) inflation_xmr.append(lastxmrB) else: xmr.append(now_xmr) inflation_xmr.append(100/coin.inflation) lastxmrA = now_xmr lastxmrB = 100/coin.inflation count = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='dash') for coin in coins: count += 1 if coin.priceusd and count > 130: now_dash = coin.priceusd/14.7 dash.append(now_dash) inflation_dash.append(100/coin.inflation) count = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='grin') for coin in coins: count += 1 if coin.priceusd and count > 155: now_grin = coin.priceusd/6.37 grin.append(now_grin) inflation_grin.append(100/coin.inflation) count = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='zec') for coin in coins: count += 1 if coin.priceusd and count > 434: now_zcash = coin.priceusd/750 zcash.append(now_zcash) inflation_zcash.append(100/coin.inflation) count = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') for coin in coins: count += 1 if coin.priceusd and count > 325: now_btc = coin.priceusd/30 btc.append(now_btc) inflation_btc.append(100/coin.inflation) now_dash = locale.format('%.2f', now_dash, grouping=True) now_grin = locale.format('%.2f', now_grin, grouping=True) now_zcash = locale.format('%.2f', now_zcash, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.2f', now_xmr, grouping=True) now_btc = locale.format('%.2f', now_btc, grouping=True) context = {'inflation_btc': inflation_btc,'inflation_xmr': inflation_xmr, 'inflation_dash': inflation_dash, 'inflation_grin': inflation_grin, 'inflation_zcash': inflation_zcash, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_dash': now_dash, 'now_grin': now_grin, 'now_zcash': now_zcash, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'btc': btc, 'xmr': xmr, 'dash': dash, 'zcash': zcash, 'grin': grin} return render(request, 'monerojnet/inflationreturn.html', context) def bitcoin(request): dates = [] dates3 = [] dates4 = [] btc = [] xmr3 = [] count1 = 0 count3 = 0 now_xmr = 0 now_btc = 0 coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') for coin_btc in coins_btc: if coin_btc.priceusd: if count1 > 325: #450 btc.append(coin_btc.priceusd/30) now_btc = coin_btc.priceusd/30 dates.append(count1) count1 += 1 #1.4 elif count1 <= 325: #450 continue else: btc.append('') coins_xmr = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='xmr') for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: if coin_xmr.priceusd: if count3 > 30: xmr3.append(coin_xmr.priceusd/5.01) dates4.append(count3) count3 += 0.82 elif count3 <= 30: continue else: xmr3.append('') dates2 = [] xmr2 = [] btc2 = [] for coin_btc in coins_btc: if coin_btc.priceusd: if coin_btc.priceusd/30 > 0.02: btc2.append(coin_btc.priceusd/30) else: btc2.append('') else: btc2.append('') dates2.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) coins_xmr = Coin.objects.filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: if coin_xmr.priceusd/5.01 > 0.02: xmr2.append(coin_xmr.priceusd/5.01) else: xmr2.append('') else: xmr2.append('') now_btc = locale.format('%.2f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.2f', now_xmr, grouping=True) context = {'btc': btc, 'xmr2': xmr2, 'btc2': btc2, 'xmr3': xmr3, 'dates': dates, 'dates2': dates2, 'dates3': dates3, 'dates4': dates4} return render(request, 'monerojnet/bitcoin.html', context) def translin(request): symbol = 'xmr' transactions = [] pricexmr = [] dates = [] now_transactions = 0 maximum = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: if coin.transactions > 200: transactions.append(coin.transactions) now_transactions = coin.transactions if now_transactions > maximum: maximum = now_transactions else: transactions.append('') if coin.priceusd > 0.001: pricexmr.append(coin.priceusd) else: pricexmr.append('') = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') dates.append( now_transactions = int(now_transactions) maximum = int(maximum) context = {'transactions': transactions, 'dates': dates, 'maximum': maximum, 'now_transactions': now_transactions, 'pricexmr': pricexmr} return render(request, 'monerojnet/translin.html', context) def percentage(request): symbol = 'xmr' transactions = [] dates = [] now_transactions = 0 maximum = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: coins_aux = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc').filter( if coin.transactions < 500: coin.transactions = 500 if coins_aux: for coin_aux in coins_aux: if > 0 and coin_aux.transactions > 0: now_transactions = 100*coin.transactions/coin_aux.transactions if now_transactions > maximum: maximum = now_transactions if now_transactions < 0.001: now_transactions = 0.001 transactions.append(now_transactions) = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') dates.append( now_transactions = locale.format('%.1f', now_transactions, grouping=True) + '%' maximum = locale.format('%.1f', maximum, grouping=True) + '%' context = {'transactions': transactions, 'dates': dates, 'now_transactions': now_transactions, 'maximum': maximum} return render(request, 'monerojnet/percentage.html', context) def translog(request): symbol = 'xmr' transactions = [] pricexmr = [] dates = [] now_transactions = 0 maximum = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: if coin.transactions > 200: transactions.append(coin.transactions) now_transactions = coin.transactions if now_transactions > maximum: maximum = now_transactions else: transactions.append('') if coin.priceusd > 0.001: pricexmr.append(coin.priceusd) else: pricexmr.append('') = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') dates.append( now_transactions = int(now_transactions) maximum = int(maximum) context = {'transactions': transactions, 'dates': dates, 'maximum': maximum, 'now_transactions': now_transactions, 'pricexmr': pricexmr} return render(request, 'monerojnet/translog.html', context) def hashrate(request): symbol = 'xmr' hashrate = [] dates = [] now_hashrate = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') dates.append( if coin.hashrate > 0: now_hashrate = coin.hashrate hashrate.append(coin.hashrate) now_hashrate = locale.format('%.0f', now_hashrate, grouping=True) context = {'hashrate': hashrate, 'dates': dates, 'now_hashrate': now_hashrate} return render(request, 'monerojnet/hashrate.html', context) def hashprice(request): symbol = 'xmr' hashrate = [] dates = [] buy = [] sell = [] now_hashrate = 0 color = [] v0 = 0.002 delta = (0.015 - 0.002)/(6*365) count = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: if count > 50: buy.append(0.00000003) sell.append(0.00000100) = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') dates.append( if coin.hashrate > 0 and coin.priceusd > 0: now_hashrate = coin.priceusd/coin.hashrate hashrate.append(now_hashrate) else: hashrate.append('') new_color = 30*coin.pricebtc/(count*delta + v0) color.append(new_color) count += 1 now_hashrate = locale.format('%.8f', now_hashrate, grouping=True) context = {'hashrate': hashrate, 'dates': dates, 'now_hashrate': now_hashrate, 'color': color, 'buy': buy, 'sell': sell} return render(request, 'monerojnet/hashprice.html', context) def hashvsprice(request): symbol = 'xmr' hashrate = [] prices = [] dates = [] now_hashrate = 0 now_priceusd = 0 now_pricebtc = 0 color = [] v0 = 0.002 delta = (0.015 - 0.002)/(6*365) count = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: if count > 55: = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') dates.append( if coin.priceusd > 0: now_hashrate = coin.hashrate now_priceusd = coin.priceusd now_pricebtc = coin.pricebtc hashrate.append(now_hashrate) prices.append(now_priceusd) else: hashrate.append('') prices.append('') new_color = 30*coin.pricebtc/(count*delta + v0) color.append(new_color) count += 1 now_hashrate = locale.format('%.0f', now_hashrate, grouping=True) now_priceusd = '$' + locale.format('%.2f', now_priceusd, grouping=True) now_pricebtc = locale.format('%.5f', now_pricebtc, grouping=True) + ' BTC' context = {'hashrate': hashrate, 'dates': dates, 'now_hashrate': now_hashrate, 'color': color, 'prices': prices, 'now_pricebtc': now_pricebtc, 'now_priceusd': now_priceusd} return render(request, 'monerojnet/hashvsprice.html', context) def metcalfesats(request): symbol = 'xmr' color = [] metcalfe = [] prices = [] dates = [] now_metcalfe = 0 now_price = 0 maximum = 0 v0 = 0.002 delta = (0.015 - 0.002)/(6*365) count = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: coins_aux = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc').filter( if coin.transactions < 500: coin.transactions = 500 if coins_aux: for coin_aux in coins_aux: if > 0 and coin_aux.transactions > 0: now_metcalfe = coin.transactions**coin_aux.transactions) if now_metcalfe < 0.001: now_metcalfe = 0.001 metcalfe.append(now_metcalfe) if now_metcalfe > maximum: maximum = now_metcalfe if coin.pricebtc > 0: now_price = coin.pricebtc prices.append(coin.pricebtc) new_color = 30*coin.pricebtc/(count*delta + v0) color.append(new_color) = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') dates.append( count += 1 now_price = locale.format('%.4f', now_price, grouping=True) + ' BTC' now_metcalfe = locale.format('%.4f', now_metcalfe, grouping=True) + ' BTC' maximum = locale.format('%.4f', maximum, grouping=True) + ' BTC' context = {'metcalfe': metcalfe, 'dates': dates, 'maximum': maximum, 'now_metcalfe': now_metcalfe, 'color': color, 'prices': prices, 'now_price': now_price} return render(request, 'monerojnet/metcalfesats.html', context) def metcalfeusd(request): symbol = 'xmr' color = [] metcalfe = [] prices = [] dates = [] now_metcalfe = 0 now_price = 0 maximum = 0 v0 = 0.002 delta = (0.015 - 0.002)/(6*365) count = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: coins_aux = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc').filter( if coin.transactions < 500: coin.transactions = 500 if coins_aux: for coin_aux in coins_aux: if > 0 and coin_aux.transactions > 0: now_metcalfe = coin_aux.priceusd*coin.transactions**coin_aux.transactions) if now_metcalfe < 0.23: now_metcalfe = 0.23 metcalfe.append(now_metcalfe) if now_metcalfe > maximum: maximum = now_metcalfe if coin.priceusd > 0: now_price = coin.priceusd prices.append(now_price) new_color = 30*coin.pricebtc/(count*delta + v0) color.append(new_color) = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') dates.append( count += 1 now_price = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', now_price, grouping=True) now_metcalfe = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', now_metcalfe, grouping=True) maximum = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', maximum, grouping=True) context = {'metcalfe': metcalfe, 'dates': dates, 'maximum': maximum, 'now_metcalfe': now_metcalfe, 'color': color, 'prices': prices, 'now_price': now_price} return render(request, 'monerojnet/metcalfeusd.html', context) def coins(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') supplyxmr = [] supplybtc = [] fsupplyxmr = [] fsupplybtc = [] dates = [] now_xmr = 0 now_btc = 0 for coin_btc in coins_btc: supplybtc.append(int( dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) coins_xmr = Coin.objects.filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: supplyxmr.append(int( if > now_xmr: now_xmr = int( else: supplyxmr.append('') if > now_btc: now_btc = int( fsupplyxmr.append('') fsupplybtc.append('') rewardbtc = 900 supplybitcoin = supply = int(*10**12 for i in range(365*(2060-2020)): supply = int(supply) reward = (2**64 -1 - supply) >> 19 if reward < 0.6*(10**12): reward = 0.6*(10**12) supply += int(720*reward) fsupplyxmr.append(supply/(10**12)) date_aux = + timedelta(i) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d')) supplybitcoin += rewardbtc if supplybitcoin > 21000000: supplybitcoin = 21000000 fsupplybtc.append(supplybitcoin) date_aux2 = datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d') if date_aux2 == '2024-04-23': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2028-05-05': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2032-05-03': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2036-04-30': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2040-04-27': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2044-04-25': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2048-04-22': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2052-04-19': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2056-04-30': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2060-04-27': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2064-04-25': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2068-04-22': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2072-04-19': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2076-04-30': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2080-04-27': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2084-04-25': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2088-04-22': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2140-01-01': rewardbtc = 0 supplybitcoin = 21000000 supplyxmr.append('') supplybtc.append('') now_btc = locale.format('%.0f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.0f', now_xmr, grouping=True) context = {'supplyxmr': supplyxmr, 'supplybtc': supplybtc, 'fsupplyxmr': fsupplyxmr, 'fsupplybtc': fsupplybtc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/coins.html', context) def dailyemission(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') emissionbtc = [] emissionxmr = [] dates = [] now_btc = 0 now_xmr = 0 high_btc = 0 high_xmr = 0 supplybtc = 0 supplyxmr = 0 valuebtc = 0 valuexmr = 0 for coin_btc in coins_btc: valuebtc = ( - supplybtc)*coin_btc.priceusd if valuebtc < 1000: emissionbtc.append('') else: emissionbtc.append(valuebtc) supplybtc = dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) coins_xmr = Coin.objects.filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: valuexmr = ( - supplyxmr)*coin_xmr.priceusd supplyxmr = if valuexmr < 1000: emissionxmr.append('') else: emissionxmr.append(valuexmr) now_xmr = valuexmr if valuexmr > high_xmr: high_xmr = valuexmr else: emissionxmr.append('') now_btc = valuebtc if valuebtc > high_btc: high_btc = int(valuebtc) for i in range(500): date_aux = + timedelta(i) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d')) emissionxmr.append('') emissionbtc.append('') now_btc = "$" + locale.format('%.0f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = "$" + locale.format('%.0f', now_xmr, grouping=True) high_btc = "$" + locale.format('%.0f', high_btc, grouping=True) high_xmr = "$" + locale.format('%.0f', high_xmr, grouping=True) context = {'emissionxmr': emissionxmr, 'emissionbtc': emissionbtc, 'high_xmr': high_xmr, 'high_btc': high_btc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/dailyemission.html', context) def extracoins(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') nsupply = [] fsupply = [] dates = [] now_diff = 0 for coin_btc in coins_btc: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) coins_xmr = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: nsupply.append(int(- + now_diff = int(- + else: nsupply.append(int( fsupply.append('') rewardbtc = 900 supplybitcoin = supply = int(*10**12 for i in range(365*(2060-2020)): supply = int(supply) reward = (2**64 -1 - supply) >> 19 if reward < 0.6*(10**12): reward = 0.6*(10**12) supply += int(720*reward) date_aux = + timedelta(i) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d')) supplybitcoin += rewardbtc if supplybitcoin > 21000000: supplybitcoin = 21000000 fsupply.append(-supply/(10**12) + supplybitcoin) date_aux2 = datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d') if date_aux2 == '2024-04-23': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2028-05-05': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2032-05-03': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2036-04-30': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2040-04-27': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2044-04-25': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2048-04-22': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2052-04-19': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2056-04-30': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2060-04-27': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2064-04-25': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2068-04-22': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2072-04-19': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2076-04-30': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2080-04-27': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2084-04-25': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2088-04-22': rewardbtc = rewardbtc/2 if date_aux2 == '2140-01-01': rewardbtc = 0 supplybitcoin = 21000000 nsupply.append('') now_diff = locale.format('%.0f', now_diff, grouping=True) context = {'nsupply': nsupply, 'fsupply': fsupply, 'dates': dates, 'now_diff': now_diff} return render(request, 'monerojnet/extracoins.html', context) def inflation(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') inflationxmr = [] inflationbtc = [] finflationxmr = [] finflationbtc = [] dates = [] now_xmr = 999999 now_btc = 999999 for coin_btc in coins_btc: if float(coin_btc.inflation) > 0.1: inflationbtc.append(float(coin_btc.inflation)) now_btc = float(coin_btc.inflation) else: inflationbtc.append('') dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) coins_xmr = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: inflationxmr.append(float(coin_xmr.inflation)) now_xmr = float(coin_xmr.inflation) else: inflationxmr.append('') finflationxmr.append('') finflationbtc.append('') inflationbitcoin = 1.75 supply = int(*10**12 for i in range(2000): supply = int(supply) reward = (2**64 -1 - supply) >> 19 if reward < 0.6*(10**12): reward = 0.6*(10**12) supply += int(720*reward) finflationxmr.append(100*reward*720*365/supply) date_aux = + timedelta(i) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d')) finflationbtc.append(inflationbitcoin) date_aux2 = datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d') if date_aux2 == '2024-04-23': inflationbitcoin = 0.65 inflationxmr.append('') inflationbtc.append('') now_btc = locale.format('%.2f', now_btc, grouping=True) + '%' now_xmr = locale.format('%.2f', now_xmr, grouping=True) + '%' context = {'inflationxmr': inflationxmr, 'inflationbtc': inflationbtc, 'finflationxmr': finflationxmr, 'finflationbtc': finflationbtc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/inflation.html', context) def compinflation(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') dates = [] inflationxmr = [] inflationdash = [] inflationgrin = [] inflationzcash = [] inflationbtc = [] now_xmr = 999999 now_dash = 999999 now_grin = 999999 now_zcash = 999999 now_btc = 999999 count = 0 for coin_btc in coins_btc: count += 1 if coin_btc.inflation > 0.1: inflationbtc.append(coin_btc.inflation) else: inflationbtc.append('') dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) if count < 1750: inflationdash.append('') inflationxmr.append('') else: coins_dash = Coin.objects.filter(name='dash').filter( if coins_dash: for coin_dash in coins_dash: if coin_dash.inflation > 0.1: inflationdash.append(coin_dash.inflation) else: inflationdash.append('') else: inflationdash.append('') coins_xmr = Coin.objects.filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: if coin_xmr.inflation > 0.1: inflationxmr.append(coin_xmr.inflation) else: inflationxmr.append('') else: inflationxmr.append('') if count < 2800: inflationzcash.append('') else: coins_zcash = Coin.objects.filter(name='zec').filter( if coins_zcash: for coin_zcash in coins_zcash: if coin_zcash.inflation > 0.1: inflationzcash.append(coin_zcash.inflation) else: inflationzcash.append('') else: inflationzcash.append('') if count < 3600: inflationgrin.append('') else: coins_grin = Coin.objects.filter(name='grin').filter( if coins_grin: for coin_grin in coins_grin: if coin_grin.inflation > 0.1: inflationgrin.append(coin_grin.inflation) else: inflationgrin.append('') else: inflationgrin.append('') if count > 4300: now_grin = coin_grin.inflation now_zcash = coin_zcash.inflation now_btc = coin_btc.inflation now_xmr = coin_xmr.inflation now_dash = coin_dash.inflation now_dash = locale.format('%.2f', now_dash, grouping=True) + '%' now_grin = locale.format('%.2f', now_grin, grouping=True) + '%' now_zcash = locale.format('%.2f', now_zcash, grouping=True) + '%' now_xmr = locale.format('%.2f', now_xmr, grouping=True) + '%' now_btc = locale.format('%.2f', now_btc, grouping=True) + '%' context = {'inflationxmr': inflationxmr, 'inflationdash': inflationdash, 'inflationgrin': inflationgrin, 'inflationzcash': inflationzcash, 'inflationbtc': inflationbtc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'now_dash': now_dash, 'now_grin': now_grin, 'now_zcash': now_zcash, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/compinflation.html', context) def sfmodel(request): check_new_social('Bitcoin') check_new_social('Monero') check_new_social('CryptoCurrency') symbol = 'btc' get_latest_metrics(symbol) symbol = 'dash' get_latest_metrics(symbol) symbol = 'grin' get_latest_metrics(symbol) symbol = 'zec' get_latest_metrics(symbol) symbol = 'xmr' get_latest_metrics(symbol) timevar = 1283 now_price = 0 now_sf = 0 now_inflation = 0.001 v0 = 0.002 delta = (0.015 - 0.002)/(6*365) count = 0 maximum = 0 supply = 0 stock = 0.000001 dates = [] inflations = [] circulations = [] stock_to_flow = [] projection = [] color = [] values = [] sf_aux = 0 skipped = 0 start_inflation = 0 count2 = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) values.append(coin.priceusd) date_aux1 = datetime.datetime.strptime('2017-12-29', '%Y-%m-%d') date_aux2 = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') date_aux2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_aux2, '%Y-%m-%d') if date_aux2 < date_aux1: lastprice = coin.priceusd start_inflation = coin.inflation current_inflation = start_inflation projection.append('') count2 = 0 else: day = date_aux2 - timedelta(timevar) coin_aux1 = Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).get(date=day) day = date_aux2 - timedelta(timevar+1) coin_aux2 = Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).get(date=day) date_aux3 = datetime.datetime.strptime('2017-12-29', '%Y-%m-%d') if date_aux3 + timedelta(int(count2*2)) < datetime.datetime.strptime('2021-07-03', '%Y-%m-%d'): day = date_aux3 + timedelta(int(count2*2)) coin_aux3 = Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).get(date=day) if coin_aux3: if (coin_aux3.inflation/current_inflation) > 1.2 or (coin_aux3.inflation/current_inflation) < 0.8: coin_aux3.inflation = current_inflation else: current_inflation = coin_aux3.inflation supply2 = supply else: reward2 = (2**64 -1 - supply2) >> 19 if reward2 < 0.6*(10**12): reward2 = 0.6*(10**12) supply2 += int(720*reward2) current_inflation = 100*reward2*720*365/supply2 if coin_aux1 and coin_aux2: lastprice += (coin_aux1.priceusd/coin_aux2.priceusd-1)*lastprice actualprice = lastprice*(math.sqrt(start_inflation/current_inflation)) projection.append(actualprice) if skipped < 12: projection.append(actualprice) else: skipped = 0 else: projection.append('') skipped += 1 if coin.priceusd < 0.01: coin.priceusd = 0.01 if coin.stocktoflow > sf_aux*2+250: coin.stocktoflow = sf_aux sf_aux = coin.stocktoflow if coin.stocktoflow < 0.1: coin.stocktoflow = 0.1 now_inflation = coin.inflation now_price = coin.priceusd now_sf = coin.stocktoflow new_color = 30*coin.pricebtc/(count*delta + v0) color.append(new_color) supply = int(*10**12 stock_to_flow.append(coin.stocktoflow) count += 1 count2 += 1 count = 0 for count in range(650): date_now = + timedelta(count) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_now, '%Y-%m-%d')) reward = (2**64 -1 - supply) >> 19 if reward < 0.6*(10**12): reward = 0.6*(10**12) supply += int(720*reward) inflation = 100*reward*720*365/supply inflations.append(inflation) circulations.append(supply) stock = (100/(inflation))**1.65 stock_to_flow.append(stock) now_price = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', now_price, grouping=True) now_sf = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', now_sf, grouping=True) maximum = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', maximum, grouping=True) now_inflation = locale.format('%.2f', now_inflation, grouping=True)+'%' context = {'values': values, 'dates': dates, 'maximum': maximum, 'inflations': inflations, 'circulations': circulations, 'stock_to_flow': stock_to_flow, 'projection': projection, 'now_price': now_price, 'now_inflation': now_inflation, 'now_sf': now_sf, 'color': color} return render(request, 'monerojnet/sfmodel.html', context) def sfmodellin(request): symbol = 'xmr' now_price = 0 now_sf = 0 now_inflation = 0.001 v0 = 0.002 delta = (0.015 - 0.002)/(6*365) count = 0 maximum = 0 supply = 0 stock = 0.000001 dates = [] inflations = [] circulations = [] stock_to_flow = [] color = [] values = [] sf_aux = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) values.append(coin.priceusd) now_inflation = coin.inflation now_price = coin.priceusd now_sf = coin.stocktoflow lastprice = coin.priceusd if now_price > maximum: maximum = now_price new_color = 30*coin.pricebtc/(count*delta + v0) color.append(new_color) supply = int(*10**12 if coin.stocktoflow > sf_aux*2+250: coin.stocktoflow = sf_aux sf_aux = coin.stocktoflow stock_to_flow.append(coin.stocktoflow) count += 1 count = 0 for count in range(1): date_now = + timedelta(count) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_now, '%Y-%m-%d')) day = date_now - timedelta(1700) coin_aux1 = Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).get(date=day) day = date_now - timedelta(1701) coin_aux2 = Coin.objects.filter(name=symbol).get(date=day) if coin_aux1 and coin_aux2: lastprice += (coin_aux1.priceusd/coin_aux2.priceusd-1)*lastprice*0.75 reward = (2**64 -1 - supply) >> 19 if reward < 0.6*(10**12): reward = 0.6*( 10**12) supply += int(720*reward) inflations.append(100*reward*720*365/supply) circulations.append(supply) stock = (100/(100*reward*720*365/supply))**1.65 stock_to_flow.append(stock) now_price = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', now_price, grouping=True) now_sf = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', now_sf, grouping=True) maximum = "$"+ locale.format('%.2f', maximum, grouping=True) now_inflation = locale.format('%.2f', now_inflation, grouping=True)+'%' context = {'values': values, 'dates': dates, 'maximum': maximum, 'inflations': inflations, 'circulations': circulations, 'stock_to_flow': stock_to_flow, 'now_price': now_price, 'now_inflation': now_inflation, 'now_sf': now_sf, 'color': color} return render(request, 'monerojnet/sfmodellin.html', context) def sfmultiple(request): symbol = 'btc' get_latest_metrics(symbol) symbol = 'dash' get_latest_metrics(symbol) symbol = 'grin' get_latest_metrics(symbol) symbol = 'zec' get_latest_metrics(symbol) symbol = 'xmr' get_latest_metrics(symbol) now_sf = 0 maximum = 0 dates = [] stock_to_flow = [] buy = [] sell = [] color = [] v0 = 0.002 delta = (0.015 - 0.002)/(6*365) count = 0 sf_aux = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) buy.append(1) sell.append(100) if coin.stocktoflow > sf_aux*2+250: coin.stocktoflow = sf_aux sf_aux = coin.stocktoflow if coin.priceusd < 1: coin.priceusd = 1 if coin.stocktoflow != 0: now_sf =*coin.priceusd/(coin.stocktoflow*1500000) stock_to_flow.append(now_sf) buy.append(1) sell.append(100) if now_sf > maximum: maximum = now_sf new_color = 30*coin.pricebtc/(count*delta + v0) color.append(new_color) count += 1 now_sf = locale.format('%.2f', now_sf, grouping=True) maximum = locale.format('%.2f', maximum, grouping=True) context = {'dates': dates, 'maximum': maximum, 'stock_to_flow': stock_to_flow, 'now_sf': now_sf, 'buy': buy, 'sell': sell, 'color': color} return render(request, 'monerojnet/sfmultiple.html', context) def thermocap(request): symbol = 'xmr' dates = [] values = [] thermocap = [] color = [] v0 = 0.002 delta = (0.015 - 0.002)/(6*365) count = 0 sf_aux = 0 supply = 0 calorie = 1 calories = [] calories2 = [] calories3 = [] coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) if coin.stocktoflow > sf_aux*2+250: coin.stocktoflow = sf_aux sf_aux = coin.stocktoflow values.append(coin.priceusd) new_color = 30*coin.pricebtc/(count*delta + v0) color.append(new_color) calorie += ( - supply)*coin.priceusd if calorie/(4200000*math.sqrt(coin.inflation)) < 0.1: calories.append('') else: calories.append(calorie/(4200000*math.sqrt(coin.inflation))) if calorie/(1000000*math.sqrt(coin.inflation)) < 0.1: calories2.append('') else: calories2.append(calorie/(1000000*math.sqrt(coin.inflation))) if 28*calorie/(2500000*math.sqrt(coin.inflation)) < 0.1: calories3.append('') else: calories3.append(28*calorie/(2500000*math.sqrt(coin.inflation))) temperature = coin.priceusd/calorie if temperature > 0.000004: temperature = 0.000004 thermocap.append(temperature) supply = count += 1 temperature = locale.format('%.2f', temperature, grouping=True) context = {'dates': dates, 'temperature': temperature, 'values': values, 'thermocap': thermocap, 'color': color, 'calories': calories, 'calories2': calories2, 'calories3': calories3} return render(request, 'monerojnet/thermocap.html', context) def sharpe(request): symbol = 'xmr' dates = [] values = [] color = [] rocs = [] sharpe = [] v0 = 0.002 delta = (0.015 - 0.002)/(6*365) count = 0 price = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: new_color = 30*coin.pricebtc/(count*delta + v0) count += 1 if count % 7 == 0: if price == 0: if coin.priceusd > 0: price = coin.priceusd roc = 0 else: roc = 0 else: roc = (coin.priceusd - price)/price price = coin.priceusd rocs.append(roc) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) values.append(coin.priceusd) color.append(new_color) n = 52 median = pd.Series(rocs).rolling(window=n).mean().iloc[n-1:].values std = pd.Series(rocs).rolling(window=n).std().iloc[n-1:].values aux = list(map(truediv, median, std)) for count in range(51): sharpe.append('') for item in aux: sharpe.append(item*math.sqrt(52)) context = {'dates': dates, 'values': values, 'color': color, 'sharpe': sharpe} return render(request, 'monerojnet/sharpe.html', context) def about(request): context = {} return render(request, 'monerojnet/about.html', context) def transcost(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') costbtc = [] costxmr = [] costxmr2 = [] dates = [] now_btc = 0 now_xmr = 0 for coin_btc in coins_btc: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) if coin_btc.transactions == 0: costbtc.append('') else: valuebtc = coin_btc.fee*coin_btc.priceusd/coin_btc.transactions if valuebtc < 0.0001: costbtc.append('') else: costbtc.append(valuebtc) now_btc = valuebtc coins_xmr = Coin.objects.filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: if coin_xmr.transactions == 0: costxmr.append('') costxmr2.append('') else: valuexmr = coin_xmr.fee*coin_xmr.priceusd/coin_xmr.transactions valuexmr2 = coin_xmr.fee*coin_btc.priceusd/coin_xmr.transactions if valuexmr < 0.0001: costxmr.append('') costxmr2.append('') else: costxmr.append(valuexmr) costxmr2.append(valuexmr2) now_xmr = valuexmr else: costxmr.append('') costxmr2.append('') for i in range(500): date_aux = + timedelta(i) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d')) costbtc.append('') costxmr.append('') now_btc = "$" + locale.format('%.2f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = "$" + locale.format('%.2f', now_xmr, grouping=True) context = {'costxmr': costxmr, 'costxmr2': costxmr2, 'costbtc': costbtc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/transcost.html', context) def transcostntv(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') costbtc = [] costxmr = [] dates = [] now_btc = 0 now_xmr = 0 for coin_btc in coins_btc: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) if coin_btc.transactions == 0: costbtc.append('') else: valuebtc = coin_btc.fee/coin_btc.transactions if valuebtc < 0.000001: costbtc.append('') else: costbtc.append(valuebtc) now_btc = valuebtc coins_xmr = Coin.objects.filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: if coin_xmr.transactions == 0: costxmr.append('') else: valuexmr = coin_xmr.fee/coin_xmr.transactions if valuexmr < 0.000001: costxmr.append('') else: costxmr.append(valuexmr) now_xmr = valuexmr else: costxmr.append('') for i in range(500): date_aux = + timedelta(i) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d')) costbtc.append('') costxmr.append('') now_btc = locale.format('%.6f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.6f', now_xmr, grouping=True) context = {'costxmr': costxmr, 'costbtc': costbtc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/transcostntv.html', context) def minerrevcap(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') costbtc = [] costxmr = [] dates = [] now_btc = 0 now_xmr = 0 for coin_btc in coins_btc: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) valuebtc = 365*100*coin_btc.revenue/ if valuebtc < 0.0000001: costbtc.append('') else: costbtc.append(valuebtc) now_btc = valuebtc coins_xmr = Coin.objects.filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: valuexmr = 365*100*coin_xmr.revenue/ if valuexmr < 0.0000001: costxmr.append('') else: costxmr.append(valuexmr) now_xmr = valuexmr else: costxmr.append('') for i in range(500): date_aux = + timedelta(i) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d')) costbtc.append('') costxmr.append('') now_btc = locale.format('%.2f', now_btc, grouping=True) + "%" now_xmr = locale.format('%.2f', now_xmr, grouping=True) + "%" context = {'costxmr': costxmr, 'costbtc': costbtc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/minerrevcap.html', context) def minerrev(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') costbtc = [] costxmr = [] dates = [] now_btc = 0 now_xmr = 0 for coin_btc in coins_btc: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) valuebtc = coin_btc.revenue*coin_btc.priceusd if valuebtc < 0.0001: costbtc.append('') else: costbtc.append(valuebtc) now_btc = valuebtc coins_xmr = Coin.objects.filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: valuexmr = coin_xmr.revenue*coin_xmr.priceusd if valuexmr < 0.0001: costxmr.append('') else: costxmr.append(valuexmr) now_xmr = valuexmr else: costxmr.append('') for i in range(500): date_aux = + timedelta(i) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d')) costbtc.append('') costxmr.append('') now_btc = "$" + locale.format('%.2f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = "$" + locale.format('%.2f', now_xmr, grouping=True) context = {'costxmr': costxmr, 'costbtc': costbtc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/minerrev.html', context) def minerrevntv(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') costbtc = [] costxmr = [] dates = [] now_btc = 0 now_xmr = 0 for coin_btc in coins_btc: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) valuebtc = coin_btc.revenue if valuebtc < 0.000001: costbtc.append('') else: costbtc.append(valuebtc) now_btc = valuebtc coins_xmr = Coin.objects.filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: valuexmr = coin_xmr.revenue if valuexmr < 0.000001: costxmr.append('') else: costxmr.append(valuexmr) now_xmr = valuexmr else: costxmr.append('') for i in range(500): date_aux = + timedelta(i) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d')) costbtc.append('') costxmr.append('') now_btc = locale.format('%.2f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.2f', now_xmr, grouping=True) context = {'costxmr': costxmr, 'costbtc': costbtc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/minerrevntv.html', context) def minerfeesntv(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') costbtc = [] costxmr = [] dates = [] now_btc = 0 now_xmr = 0 supply_btc = 0 supply_xmr = 0 for coin_btc in coins_btc: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) valuebtc = coin_btc.revenue - + supply_btc supply_btc = if valuebtc < 0.1: costbtc.append('') else: costbtc.append(valuebtc) now_btc = valuebtc coins_xmr = Coin.objects.filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: valuexmr = coin_xmr.revenue - + supply_xmr supply_xmr = if valuexmr < 0.1: costxmr.append('') else: costxmr.append(valuexmr) now_xmr = valuexmr else: costxmr.append('') for i in range(500): date_aux = + timedelta(i) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d')) costbtc.append('') costxmr.append('') now_btc = locale.format('%.2f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.2f', now_xmr, grouping=True) context = {'costxmr': costxmr, 'costbtc': costbtc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/minerfeesntv.html', context) def minerfees(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') costbtc = [] costxmr = [] dates = [] now_btc = 0 now_xmr = 0 supply_btc = 0 supply_xmr = 0 for coin_btc in coins_btc: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) valuebtc = (coin_btc.revenue - + supply_btc)*coin_btc.priceusd supply_btc = if valuebtc < 1: costbtc.append('') else: costbtc.append(valuebtc) now_btc = valuebtc coins_xmr = Coin.objects.filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: valuexmr = (coin_xmr.revenue - + supply_xmr)*coin_xmr.priceusd supply_xmr = if valuexmr < 1: costxmr.append('') else: costxmr.append(valuexmr) now_xmr = valuexmr else: costxmr.append('') for i in range(500): date_aux = + timedelta(i) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d')) costbtc.append('') costxmr.append('') now_btc = locale.format('%.2f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.2f', now_xmr, grouping=True) context = {'costxmr': costxmr, 'costbtc': costbtc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/minerfees.html', context) def dailyemissionntv(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') costbtc = [] costxmr = [] dates = [] now_btc = 0 now_xmr = 0 supply_btc = 0 supply_xmr = 0 for coin_btc in coins_btc: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) valuebtc = - supply_btc if valuebtc < 0.000001: costbtc.append('') else: costbtc.append(valuebtc) now_btc = valuebtc supply_btc = coins_xmr = Coin.objects.filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: valuexmr = - supply_xmr if valuexmr < 0.000001: costxmr.append('') else: costxmr.append(valuexmr) now_xmr = valuexmr supply_xmr = else: costxmr.append('') for i in range(500): date_aux = + timedelta(i) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d')) costbtc.append('') costxmr.append('') now_btc = locale.format('%.0f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.0f', now_xmr, grouping=True) context = {'costxmr': costxmr, 'costbtc': costbtc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/dailyemissionntv.html', context) def commit(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') costbtc = [] costxmr = [] dates = [] now_btc = 0 now_xmr = 0 for coin_btc in coins_btc: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) if coin_btc.revenue*coin_btc.priceusd < 0.01: costbtc.append('') else: valuebtc = coin_btc.hashrate/(coin_btc.revenue*coin_btc.priceusd) costbtc.append(valuebtc) now_btc = valuebtc coins_xmr = Coin.objects.filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: if coin_xmr.revenue*coin_xmr.priceusd < 0.01: costxmr.append('') else: valuexmr = coin_xmr.hashrate/(coin_xmr.revenue*coin_xmr.priceusd) costxmr.append(valuexmr) now_xmr = valuexmr else: costxmr.append('') for i in range(500): date_aux = + timedelta(i) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d')) costbtc.append('') costxmr.append('') now_btc = locale.format('%.2f', now_btc, grouping=True) + " hashs / dollar" now_xmr = locale.format('%.2f', now_xmr, grouping=True) + " hashs / dollar" context = {'costxmr': costxmr, 'costbtc': costbtc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/commit.html', context) def commitntv(request): coins_btc = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='btc') costbtc = [] costxmr = [] dates = [] now_btc = 0 now_xmr = 0 for coin_btc in coins_btc: dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')) if coin_btc.revenue < 0.01: costbtc.append('') else: valuebtc = coin_btc.hashrate/coin_btc.revenue if valuebtc < 0.001: costbtc.append('') else: costbtc.append(valuebtc) now_btc = valuebtc coins_xmr = Coin.objects.filter(name='xmr').filter( if coins_xmr: for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: if coin_xmr.revenue < 0.01: costxmr.append('') else: valuexmr = coin_xmr.hashrate/coin_xmr.revenue if valuexmr < 0.001: costxmr.append('') else: costxmr.append(valuexmr) now_xmr = valuexmr else: costxmr.append('') for i in range(500): date_aux = + timedelta(i) dates.append(datetime.datetime.strftime(date_aux, '%Y-%m-%d')) costbtc.append('') costxmr.append('') now_btc = locale.format('%.0f', now_btc, grouping=True) + " hashs / btc" now_xmr = locale.format('%.0f', now_xmr, grouping=True) + " hashs / xmr" context = {'costxmr': costxmr, 'costbtc': costbtc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/commitntv.html', context) def competitorssats(request): dates = [] xmr = [] dash = [] grin = [] zcash = [] count = 0 now_xmr = 0 now_dash = 0 now_grin = 0 now_zcash = 0 count = 0 coins_xmr = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='xmr') for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: if coin_xmr.pricebtc: if count > 32: xmr.append(coin_xmr.pricebtc/0.0058) now_xmr = coin_xmr.pricebtc/0.0058 dates.append(count) count += 1 elif count <= 63: continue else: xmr.append('') count = 0 coins_dash = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='dash') for coin_dash in coins_dash: count += 1 if coin_dash.pricebtc and count > 130: dash.append(coin_dash.pricebtc/0.02) now_dash = coin_dash.pricebtc/0.02 elif count <= 130: continue else: dash.append('') dates.append(count) count = 0 coins_grin = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='grin') for coin_grin in coins_grin: count += 1 if coin_grin.pricebtc and count > 155: grin.append(coin_grin.pricebtc/0.000513) now_grin = coin_grin.pricebtc/0.000513 elif count <= 155: continue else: grin.append('') dates.append(count) count = 0 coins_zcash = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='zec') for coin_zcash in coins_zcash: count += 1 if coin_zcash.pricebtc and count > 434: zcash.append(coin_zcash.pricebtc/0.05) now_zcash = coin_zcash.pricebtc/0.05 elif count <= 434: continue else: zcash.append('') dates.append(count) now_dash = locale.format('%.3f', now_dash, grouping=True) now_grin = locale.format('%.3f', now_grin, grouping=True) now_zcash = locale.format('%.3f', now_zcash, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.3f', now_xmr, grouping=True) context = {'xmr': xmr, 'dash': dash, 'grin': grin, 'zcash': zcash, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_dash': now_dash, 'now_grin': now_grin, 'now_zcash': now_zcash, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/competitorssats.html', context) def competitorssatslin(request): dates = [] xmr = [] dash = [] grin = [] zcash = [] count = 0 now_xmr = 0 now_dash = 0 now_grin = 0 now_zcash = 0 count = 0 coins_xmr = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='xmr') for coin_xmr in coins_xmr: if coin_xmr.pricebtc: if count > 32: xmr.append(coin_xmr.pricebtc/0.0058) now_xmr = coin_xmr.pricebtc/0.0058 dates.append(count) count += 1 elif count <= 63: continue else: xmr.append('') count = 0 coins_dash = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='dash') for coin_dash in coins_dash: count += 1 if coin_dash.pricebtc and count > 130: dash.append(coin_dash.pricebtc/0.02) now_dash = coin_dash.pricebtc/0.02 elif count <= 130: continue else: dash.append('') dates.append(count) count = 0 coins_grin = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='grin') for coin_grin in coins_grin: count += 1 if coin_grin.pricebtc and count > 155: grin.append(coin_grin.pricebtc/0.000513) now_grin = coin_grin.pricebtc/0.000513 elif count <= 155: continue else: grin.append('') dates.append(count) count = 0 coins_zcash = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name='zec') for coin_zcash in coins_zcash: count += 1 if coin_zcash.pricebtc and count > 434: zcash.append(coin_zcash.pricebtc/0.05) now_zcash = coin_zcash.pricebtc/0.05 elif count <= 434: continue else: zcash.append('') dates.append(count) now_dash = locale.format('%.3f', now_dash, grouping=True) now_grin = locale.format('%.3f', now_grin, grouping=True) now_zcash = locale.format('%.3f', now_zcash, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.3f', now_xmr, grouping=True) context = {'xmr': xmr, 'dash': dash, 'grin': grin, 'zcash': zcash, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_dash': now_dash, 'now_grin': now_grin, 'now_zcash': now_zcash, 'dates': dates} return render(request, 'monerojnet/competitorssatslin.html', context) def dread_subscribers(request): dates = [] data1 = [] data2 = [] now_xmr = 0 now_btc = 0 gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='service_account_credentials.json') sh ='zcash_bitcoin') wks = sh.worksheet_by_title('Sheet6') values_mat = wks.get_values(start=(3,1), end=(99,3), returnas='matrix') print(len(values_mat)) for k in range(0,len(values_mat)): if values_mat[k][0] and values_mat[k][2]: date = values_mat[k][0] value1 = values_mat[k][1] value2 = values_mat[k][2] if not(value1) or not(value2): break else: dates.append(date) data1.append(int(value1)) data2.append(int(value2)) now_xmr = int(value2) now_btc = int(value1) else: break dominance = 100*int(value2)/(int(value2)+int(value1)) now_btc = locale.format('%.0f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.0f', now_xmr, grouping=True) dominance = locale.format('%.2f', dominance, grouping=True) context = {'dates': dates, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'data1': data1, "data2": data2, "dominance": dominance} return render(request, 'monerojnet/dread_subscribers.html', context) def coincards(request): dates = [] data1 = [] data2 = [] data3 = [] data4 = [] now_xmr = 0 now_btc = 0 gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='service_account_credentials.json') sh ='zcash_bitcoin') wks = sh.worksheet_by_title('Sheet2') values_mat = wks.get_values(start=(3,1), end=(99,5), returnas='matrix') print(len(values_mat)) for k in range(0,len(values_mat)): if values_mat[k][0] and values_mat[k][2]: date = values_mat[k][0] value1 = values_mat[k][1] value2 = values_mat[k][2] value3 = values_mat[k][3] value4 = values_mat[k][4] if not(value1) or not(value2) or not(value3) or not(value4): break else: dates.append(date) data1.append(float(value1.replace(',','.'))) data2.append(float(value2.replace(',','.'))) data3.append(float(value3.replace(',','.'))) data4.append(float(value4.replace(',','.'))) now_btc = float(value1.replace(',','.')) now_xmr = float(value2.replace(',','.')) now_eth = float(value3.replace(',','.')) now_others = float(value4.replace(',','.')) else: break now_btc = locale.format('%.1f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.1f', now_xmr, grouping=True) now_eth = locale.format('%.1f', now_eth, grouping=True) now_others = locale.format('%.1f', now_others, grouping=True) context = {'dates': dates, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_eth': now_eth, 'now_others': now_others, 'data1': data1, "data2": data2, "data3": data3, "data4": data4} return render(request, 'monerojnet/coincards.html', context) def merchants(request): dates = [] data1 = [] data2 = [] data3 = [] data4 = [] data5 = [] data6 = [] data7 = [] now_xmr = 0 now_btc = 0 now_eth = 0 gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='service_account_credentials.json') sh ='zcash_bitcoin') wks = sh.worksheet_by_title('Sheet3') values_mat = wks.get_values(start=(3,1), end=(99,8), returnas='matrix') print(len(values_mat)) for k in range(0,len(values_mat)): if values_mat[k][0] and values_mat[k][2]: date = values_mat[k][0] value1 = values_mat[k][1] value2 = values_mat[k][2] value3 = values_mat[k][3] value4 = values_mat[k][4] value5 = values_mat[k][5] value6 = values_mat[k][6] value7 = values_mat[k][7] if not(value1) or not(value2) or not(value3) or not(value4) or not(value5) or not(value6) or not(value7): break else: dates.append(date) data1.append(int(value1)) data2.append(int(value2)) data3.append(int(value3)) data4.append(int(value4)) data5.append(int(value5)) data6.append(int(value6)) data7.append(int(value7)) now_btc = int(value1) now_xmr = int(value2) now_eth = int(value3) else: break now_btc = locale.format('%.0f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.0f', now_xmr, grouping=True) now_eth = locale.format('%.0f', now_eth, grouping=True) context = {'dates': dates, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_eth': now_eth, 'data1': data1, "data2": data2, "data3": data3, "data4": data4, "data5": data5, "data6": data6, "data7": data7} return render(request, 'monerojnet/merchants.html', context) def merchants_increase(request): dates = [] data1 = [] data2 = [] data3 = [] data4 = [] data5 = [] data6 = [] data7 = [] now_xmr = 0 now_btc = 0 now_eth = 0 gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='service_account_credentials.json') sh ='zcash_bitcoin') wks = sh.worksheet_by_title('Sheet4') values_mat = wks.get_values(start=(3,1), end=(99,8), returnas='matrix') print(len(values_mat)) for k in range(0,len(values_mat)): if values_mat[k][0] and values_mat[k][2]: date = values_mat[k][0] value1 = values_mat[k][1] value2 = values_mat[k][2] value3 = values_mat[k][3] value4 = values_mat[k][4] value5 = values_mat[k][5] value6 = values_mat[k][6] value7 = values_mat[k][7] if not(value1) or not(value2) or not(value3) or not(value4) or not(value5) or not(value6) or not(value7): break else: dates.append(date) data1.append(int(value1)) data2.append(int(value2)) data3.append(int(value3)) data4.append(int(value4)) data5.append(int(value5)) data6.append(int(value6)) data7.append(int(value7)) now_btc = int(value1) now_xmr = int(value2) now_eth = int(value3) else: break now_btc = locale.format('%.0f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.0f', now_xmr, grouping=True) now_eth = locale.format('%.0f', now_eth, grouping=True) context = {'dates': dates, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_eth': now_eth, 'data1': data1, "data2": data2, "data3": data3, "data4": data4, "data5": data5, "data6": data6, "data7": data7} return render(request, 'monerojnet/merchants_increase.html', context) def merchants_percentage(request): dates = [] data1 = [] data2 = [] data3 = [] data4 = [] data5 = [] data6 = [] data7 = [] now_xmr = 0 now_btc = 0 now_eth = 0 gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='service_account_credentials.json') sh ='zcash_bitcoin') wks = sh.worksheet_by_title('Sheet5') values_mat = wks.get_values(start=(3,1), end=(99,8), returnas='matrix') print(len(values_mat)) for k in range(0,len(values_mat)): if values_mat[k][0] and values_mat[k][2]: date = values_mat[k][0] value1 = values_mat[k][1] value2 = values_mat[k][2] value3 = values_mat[k][3] value4 = values_mat[k][4] value5 = values_mat[k][5] value6 = values_mat[k][6] value7 = values_mat[k][7] if not(value1) or not(value2) or not(value3) or not(value4) or not(value5) or not(value6) or not(value7): break else: dates.append(date) data1.append(float(value1.replace(',', '.'))) data2.append(float(value2.replace(',', '.'))) data3.append(float(value3.replace(',', '.'))) data4.append(float(value4.replace(',', '.'))) data5.append(float(value5.replace(',', '.'))) data6.append(float(value6.replace(',', '.'))) data7.append(float(value7.replace(',', '.'))) now_btc = float(value1.replace(',', '.')) now_xmr = float(value2.replace(',', '.')) now_eth = float(value3.replace(',', '.')) else: break now_btc = locale.format('%.1f', now_btc, grouping=True) now_xmr = locale.format('%.1f', now_xmr, grouping=True) now_eth = locale.format('%.1f', now_eth, grouping=True) context = {'dates': dates, 'now_btc': now_btc, 'now_xmr': now_xmr, 'now_eth': now_eth, 'data1': data1, "data2": data2, "data3": data3, "data4": data4, "data5": data5, "data6": data6, "data7": data7} return render(request, 'monerojnet/merchants_percentage.html', context) def dominance(request): symbol = 'xmr' values = [] pricexmr = [] dates = [] now_value = 0 maximum = 0 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: try: dominance = Dominance.objects.get( if dominance.dominance > 0: values.append(dominance.dominance) now_value = dominance.dominance if now_value > maximum: maximum = now_value else: values.append('') except: values.append('') if coin.priceusd > 0.001: pricexmr.append(coin.priceusd) else: pricexmr.append('') = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') dates.append( now_value = locale.format('%.2f', now_value, grouping=True) maximum = locale.format('%.2f', maximum, grouping=True) context = {'values': values, 'dates': dates, 'maximum': maximum, 'now_value': now_value, 'pricexmr': pricexmr} return render(request, 'monerojnet/dominance.html', context) def rank(request): symbol = 'xmr' values = [] pricexmr = [] dates = [] now_value = 25 maximum = 100 coins = Coin.objects.order_by('date').filter(name=symbol) for coin in coins: try: rank = Rank.objects.get( if rank.rank > 0: values.append(rank.rank) now_value = rank.rank if now_value < maximum: maximum = now_value else: values.append(now_value) except: values.append(now_value) if coin.priceusd > 0.001: pricexmr.append(coin.priceusd) else: pricexmr.append('') = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') dates.append( if now_value == 1: now_value = locale.format('%.0f', now_value, grouping=True) + 'st' if now_value == 2: now_value = locale.format('%.0f', now_value, grouping=True) + 'nd' if now_value == 3: now_value = locale.format('%.0f', now_value, grouping=True) + 'rd' if now_value > 3: now_value = locale.format('%.0f', now_value, grouping=True) + 'th' if maximum == 1: maximum = locale.format('%.0f', maximum, grouping=True) + 'st' if maximum == 2: maximum = locale.format('%.0f', maximum, grouping=True) + 'nd' if maximum == 3: maximum = locale.format('%.0f', maximum, grouping=True) + 'rd' if maximum > 3: maximum = locale.format('%.0f', maximum, grouping=True) + 'th' context = {'values': values, 'dates': dates, 'maximum': maximum, 'now_value': now_value, 'pricexmr': pricexmr} return render(request, 'monerojnet/rank.html', context)