2024-08-30 08:14:56 +00:00
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< div class = " cursor-default text-center text-white " >
< h1 lang = " <?php echo $lang_meta ; ?> " >< span style = " color:#4d4d4d; " >& darr ; </ span >& nbsp ; < span style = " color:#ff6600; " title = " Monero " > XMR </ span >& nbsp ; < ? php echo $title_h1 ; ?> <span style="color:#4d4d4d;">↓</span></h1>
< div class = " fiat-btns table-responsive " >
< table class = " table table-sm table-borderless " >
< tbody >
< ? php
$chunks = array_chunk ( $currencies , 10 );
foreach ( $chunks as $chunk ) {
echo " <tr> " ;
foreach ( $chunk as $currency ) {
$currencyName = isset ( $ { " l_ " . strtolower ( $currency )}) ? $ { " l_ " . strtolower ( $currency )} : $currency ;
echo " <td><a href= \" /?in= { $currency } \" class= \" btn btn-light fiat-btn \" title= \" { $currencyName } \" data-toggle= \" tooltip \" data-bs-html= \" true \" data-placement= \" top \" > { $currency } </a></td> " ;
echo " </tr> " ;
echo " <tr style= \" display:none; \" > " ;
foreach ( $chunk as $currency ) {
echo " <td> " . str_replace ( " . " , " , " , $exchangeRates [ $currency ]) . " </td> " ;
echo " </tr> " ;
</ tbody >
</ table >
</ div >
</ div >
< hr class = " gold " />
< form method = " get " action = " " >
< div class = " input-group mb-3 " >
< button id = " copyXMRBtn " class = " btn-outline-secondary input-group-text clipboard-copy " title = " <?php echo $clipboard_copy_tooltip ; ?> " data - toggle = " tooltip " data - bs - html = " true " data - placement = " top " >& #128203;</button>
< input class = " form-control " id = " xmrInput " name = " xmr " type = " text " spellcheck = " false " autocorrect = " off " inputmode = " numeric " aria - label = " <?php echo $l_xmrInput ; ?> " aria - describedby = " basic-addon-xmr " value = " <?php echo $xmr_value ; ?> " >
< input class = " input-group-text " id = " basic-addon-xmr " type = " text " value = " XMR " aria - label = " Monero " disabled >
</ div >
< div class = " equals-box mb-3 " >
< button id = " convertXMRToFiat " type = " submit " name = " direction " value = " 0 " class = " btn btn-arrow " >
< span class = " equals-text " >& darr ; </ span >
</ button >
< button type = " button " class = " btn btn-equals " >
< span class = " equals-text cursor-default " >=</ span >
</ button >
< button id = " convertFiatToXMR " type = " submit " name = " direction " value = " 1 " class = " btn btn-arrow " >
< span class = " equals-text " >& uarr ; </ span >
</ button >
</ div >
< div class = " fiatDiv input-group mb-3 " >
< button id = " copyFiatBtn " class = " btn-outline-secondary input-group-text clipboard-copy " title = " <?php echo $clipboard_copy_tooltip ; ?> " data - toggle = " tooltip " data - bs - html = " true " data - placement = " top " >& #128203;</button>
< input class = " form-control " id = " fiatInput " name = " fiat " type = " text " spellcheck = " false " autocorrect = " off " inputmode = " numeric " aria - label = " <?php echo $l_fiatInput ; ?> " value = " <?php echo $fiat_value ; ?> " >
< select class = " input-group-text cursor-pointer " id = " selectBox " name = " in " aria - label = " <?php echo $l_fiatSelect ; ?> " >
< ? php
foreach ( $currencies as $currency ) {
$selected = $currency == $xmr_in ? 'selected' : '' ;
$currencyName = isset ( $ { " l_ " . strtolower ( $currency )}) ? $ { " l_ " . strtolower ( $currency )} : $currency ;
echo " <option { $selected } value= \" { $currency } \" > { $currencyName } </option> " ;
</ select >
</ div >
</ form >
< noscript >
< div class = " alert alert-warning " role = " alert " >
Looks like you have JavaScript disabled . You can still use this tool , but you won ' t be able to use the & #128203; buttons to automatically copy the results to your clipboard.<br />
Use the & darr ; button to convert XMR to fiat , or the & uarr ; button to convert fiat to XMR .
</ div >
</ noscript >
< hr class = " gold " />
< small class = " cursor-default text-white text-info " lang = " <?php echo $lang_meta ; ?> " >
< ? php echo $info ;
if ( $display_servers_guru ) {
echo $servers_guru ;
echo $attribution ; ?>
</ small >
< hr />
< ? php
$footer_links = " " ;
if ( isset ( $config [ 'footer_links' ]) && ! empty ( $config [ 'footer_links' ])) {
foreach ( $config [ 'footer_links' ] as $link ) {
$footer_links .= '<a href="' . $link [ 'url' ] . '" class="text-white" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">' . $link [ 'text' ] . '</a> | ' ;
< small class = " cursor-default text-white " lang = " <?php echo $lang_meta ; ?> " >
< ? php echo $footer_links . $getmonero . $countrymonero ; ?>
2024-09-14 06:37:01 +00:00
< ? php echo $footer_html ; ?>
2024-08-30 08:14:56 +00:00
</ small >
</ div >
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< script src = " js/main.js " ></ script >
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