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Raw Normal View History

* Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
* For more information, see README.md
* @license released under BSD License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
* @link http://piwik.org/docs/tracking-api/
* @category Piwik
* @package PiwikTracker
* PiwikTracker implements the Piwik Tracking Web API.
* For more information, see README.md
* @package PiwikTracker
* @api
class PiwikTracker
* Piwik base URL, for example http://example.org/piwik/
* Must be set before using the class by calling
* PiwikTracker::$URL = 'http://yourwebsite.org/piwik/';
* @var string
static public $URL = '';
* API Version
* @ignore
* @var int
const VERSION = 1;
* @ignore
public $DEBUG_APPEND_URL = '';
* Visitor ID length
* @ignore
* Charset
* @see setPageCharset
* @ignore
* See piwik.js
* Ecommerce item page view tracking stores item's metadata in these Custom Variables slots.
* Builds a PiwikTracker object, used to track visits, pages and Goal conversions
* for a specific website, by using the Piwik Tracking API.
* @param int $idSite Id site to be tracked
* @param string $apiUrl "http://example.org/piwik/" or "http://piwik.example.org/"
* If set, will overwrite PiwikTracker::$URL
function __construct($idSite, $apiUrl = '')
$this->ecommerceItems = array();
$this->attributionInfo = false;
$this->eventCustomVar = false;
$this->forcedDatetime = false;
$this->forcedNewVisit = false;
$this->generationTime = false;
$this->pageCustomVar = false;
$this->customData = false;
$this->hasCookies = false;
$this->token_auth = false;
$this->userAgent = false;
$this->country = false;
$this->region = false;
$this->city = false;
$this->lat = false;
$this->long = false;
$this->width = false;
$this->height = false;
$this->plugins = false;
$this->localHour = false;
$this->localMinute = false;
$this->localSecond = false;
$this->idSite = $idSite;
$this->urlReferrer = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : false;
$this->pageCharset = self::DEFAULT_CHARSET_PARAMETER_VALUES;
$this->pageUrl = self::getCurrentUrl();
$this->ip = !empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : false;
$this->acceptLanguage = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] : false;
$this->userAgent = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : false;
if (!empty($apiUrl)) {
self::$URL = $apiUrl;
// Life of the visitor cookie (in sec)
$this->configVisitorCookieTimeout = 33955200; // 13 months (365 + 28 days)
// Life of the session cookie (in sec)
$this->configSessionCookieTimeout = 1800; // 30 minutes
// Life of the session cookie (in sec)
$this->configReferralCookieTimeout = 15768000; // 6 months
// Visitor Ids in order
$this->userId = false;
$this->forcedVisitorId = false;
$this->cookieVisitorId = false;
$this->randomVisitorId = false;
$this->configCookiesDisabled = false;
$this->configCookiePath = self::DEFAULT_COOKIE_PATH;
$this->configCookieDomain = '';
$this->currentTs = time();
$this->createTs = $this->currentTs;
$this->visitCount = 0;
$this->currentVisitTs = false;
$this->lastVisitTs = false;
$this->ecommerceLastOrderTimestamp = false;
// Allow debug while blocking the request
$this->requestTimeout = 600;
$this->doBulkRequests = false;
$this->storedTrackingActions = array();
$this->sendImageResponse = true;
$this->visitorCustomVar = $this->getCustomVariablesFromCookie();
* By default, Piwik expects utf-8 encoded values, for example
* for the page URL parameter values, Page Title, etc.
* It is recommended to only send UTF-8 data to Piwik.
* If required though, you can also specify another charset using this function.
* @param string $charset
public function setPageCharset($charset = '')
$this->pageCharset = $charset;
* Sets the current URL being tracked
* @param string $url Raw URL (not URL encoded)
public function setUrl($url)
$this->pageUrl = $url;
* Sets the URL referrer used to track Referrers details for new visits.
* @param string $url Raw URL (not URL encoded)
public function setUrlReferrer($url)
$this->urlReferrer = $url;
* Sets the time that generating the document on the server side took.
* @param int $timeMs Generation time in ms
public function setGenerationTime($timeMs)
$this->generationTime = $timeMs;
* @deprecated
* @ignore
public function setUrlReferer($url)
* Sets the attribution information to the visit, so that subsequent Goal conversions are
* properly attributed to the right Referrer URL, timestamp, Campaign Name & Keyword.
* This must be a JSON encoded string that would typically be fetched from the JS API:
* piwikTracker.getAttributionInfo() and that you have JSON encoded via JSON2.stringify()
* If you call enableCookies() then these referral attribution values will be set
* to the 'ref' first party cookie storing referral information.
* @param string $jsonEncoded JSON encoded array containing Attribution info
* @throws Exception
* @see function getAttributionInfo() in https://github.com/piwik/piwik/blob/master/js/piwik.js
public function setAttributionInfo($jsonEncoded)
$decoded = json_decode($jsonEncoded, $assoc = true);
if (!is_array($decoded)) {
throw new Exception("setAttributionInfo() is expecting a JSON encoded string, $jsonEncoded given");
$this->attributionInfo = $decoded;
* Sets Visit Custom Variable.
* See http://piwik.org/docs/custom-variables/
* @param int $id Custom variable slot ID from 1-5
* @param string $name Custom variable name
* @param string $value Custom variable value
* @param string $scope Custom variable scope. Possible values: visit, page, event
* @throws Exception
public function setCustomVariable($id, $name, $value, $scope = 'visit')
if (!is_int($id)) {
throw new Exception("Parameter id to setCustomVariable should be an integer");
if ($scope == 'page') {
$this->pageCustomVar[$id] = array($name, $value);
} elseif($scope == 'event') {
$this->eventCustomVar[$id] = array($name, $value);
} elseif ($scope == 'visit') {
$this->visitorCustomVar[$id] = array($name, $value);
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid 'scope' parameter value");
* Returns the currently assigned Custom Variable.
* If scope is 'visit', it will attempt to read the value set in the first party cookie created by Piwik Tracker ($_COOKIE array).
* @param int $id Custom Variable integer index to fetch from cookie. Should be a value from 1 to 5
* @param string $scope Custom variable scope. Possible values: visit, page, event
* @throws Exception
* @return mixed An array with this format: array( 0 => CustomVariableName, 1 => CustomVariableValue ) or false
* @see Piwik.js getCustomVariable()
public function getCustomVariable($id, $scope = 'visit')
if ($scope == 'page') {
return isset($this->pageCustomVar[$id]) ? $this->pageCustomVar[$id] : false;
} elseif ($scope == 'event') {
return isset($this->eventCustomVar[$id]) ? $this->eventCustomVar[$id] : false;
} else if ($scope != 'visit') {
throw new Exception("Invalid 'scope' parameter value");
if (!empty($this->visitorCustomVar[$id])) {
return $this->visitorCustomVar[$id];
$cookieDecoded = $this->getCustomVariablesFromCookie();
if (!is_int($id)) {
throw new Exception("Parameter to getCustomVariable should be an integer");
if (!is_array($cookieDecoded)
|| !isset($cookieDecoded[$id])
|| !is_array($cookieDecoded[$id])
|| count($cookieDecoded[$id]) != 2
) {
return false;
return $cookieDecoded[$id];
* Clears any Custom Variable that may be have been set.
* This can be useful when you have enabled bulk requests,
* and you wish to clear Custom Variables of 'visit' scope.
public function clearCustomVariables()
$this->visitorCustomVar = array();
$this->pageCustomVar = array();
$this->eventCustomVar = array();
* Sets the current visitor ID to a random new one.
public function setNewVisitorId()
$this->randomVisitorId = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, self::LENGTH_VISITOR_ID);
$this->userId = false;
$this->forcedVisitorId = false;
$this->cookieVisitorId = false;
* Sets the current site ID.
* @param int $idSite
public function setIdSite($idSite)
$this->idSite = $idSite;
* Sets the Browser language. Used to guess visitor countries when GeoIP is not enabled
* @param string $acceptLanguage For example "fr-fr"
public function setBrowserLanguage($acceptLanguage)
$this->acceptLanguage = $acceptLanguage;
* Sets the user agent, used to detect OS and browser.
* If this function is not called, the User Agent will default to the current user agent.
* @param string $userAgent
public function setUserAgent($userAgent)
$this->userAgent = $userAgent;
* Sets the country of the visitor. If not used, Piwik will try to find the country
* using either the visitor's IP address or language.
* Allowed only for Admin/Super User, must be used along with setTokenAuth().
* @param string $country
public function setCountry($country)
$this->country = $country;
* Sets the region of the visitor. If not used, Piwik may try to find the region
* using the visitor's IP address (if configured to do so).
* Allowed only for Admin/Super User, must be used along with setTokenAuth().
* @param string $region
public function setRegion($region)
$this->region = $region;
* Sets the city of the visitor. If not used, Piwik may try to find the city
* using the visitor's IP address (if configured to do so).
* Allowed only for Admin/Super User, must be used along with setTokenAuth().
* @param string $city
public function setCity($city)
$this->city = $city;
* Sets the latitude of the visitor. If not used, Piwik may try to find the visitor's
* latitude using the visitor's IP address (if configured to do so).
* Allowed only for Admin/Super User, must be used along with setTokenAuth().
* @param float $lat
public function setLatitude($lat)
$this->lat = $lat;
* Sets the longitude of the visitor. If not used, Piwik may try to find the visitor's
* longitude using the visitor's IP address (if configured to do so).
* Allowed only for Admin/Super User, must be used along with setTokenAuth().
* @param float $long
public function setLongitude($long)
$this->long = $long;
* Enables the bulk request feature. When used, each tracking action is stored until the
* doBulkTrack method is called. This method will send all tracking data at once.
public function enableBulkTracking()
$this->doBulkRequests = true;
* Enable Cookie Creation - this will cause a first party VisitorId cookie to be set when the VisitorId is set or reset
* @param string $domain (optional) Set first-party cookie domain. Accepted values: example.com, *.example.com (same as .example.com) or subdomain.example.com
* @param string $path (optional) Set first-party cookie path
public function enableCookies( $domain = '', $path = '/' )
$this->configCookiesDisabled = false;
$this->configCookieDomain = self::domainFixup($domain);
$this->configCookiePath = $path;
* If image response is disabled Piwik will respond with a HTTP 204 header instead of responding with a gif.
public function disableSendImageResponse()
$this->sendImageResponse = false;
* Fix-up domain
static protected function domainFixup($domain)
$dl = strlen($domain) - 1;
// remove trailing '.'
if ($domain{$dl} === '.') {
$domain = substr($domain, 0, $dl);
// remove leading '*'
if (substr($domain, 0, 2) === '*.') {
$domain = substr($domain, 1);
return $domain;
* Get cookie name with prefix and domain hash
* @param string $cookieName
* @return string
protected function getCookieName($cookieName) {
// NOTE: If the cookie name is changed, we must also update the method in piwik.js with the same name.
$hash = substr( sha1( ($this->configCookieDomain == '' ? self::getCurrentHost() : $this->configCookieDomain) . $this->configCookiePath ), 0, 4);
return self::FIRST_PARTY_COOKIES_PREFIX . $cookieName . '.' . $this->idSite . '.' . $hash;
* Tracks a page view
* @param string $documentTitle Page title as it will appear in the Actions > Page titles report
* @return mixed Response string or true if using bulk requests.
public function doTrackPageView($documentTitle)
$url = $this->getUrlTrackPageView($documentTitle);
return $this->sendRequest($url);
* Tracks an event
* @param string $category The Event Category (Videos, Music, Games...)
* @param string $action The Event's Action (Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...)
* @param string|bool $name (optional) The Event's object Name (a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...)
* @param float|bool $value (optional) The Event's value
* @return mixed Response string or true if using bulk requests.
public function doTrackEvent($category, $action, $name = false, $value = false)
$url = $this->getUrlTrackEvent($category, $action, $name, $value);
return $this->sendRequest($url);
* Tracks a content impression
* @param string $contentName The name of the content. For instance 'Ad Foo Bar'
* @param string $contentPiece The actual content. For instance the path to an image, video, audio, any text
* @param string|bool $contentTarget (optional) The target of the content. For instance the URL of a landing page.
* @return mixed Response string or true if using bulk requests.
public function doTrackContentImpression($contentName, $contentPiece = 'Unknown', $contentTarget = false)
$url = $this->getUrlTrackContentImpression($contentName, $contentPiece, $contentTarget);
return $this->sendRequest($url);
* Tracks a content interaction. Make sure you have tracked a content impression using the same content name and
* content piece, otherwise it will not count. To do so you should call the method doTrackContentImpression();
* @param string $interaction The name of the interaction with the content. For instance a 'click'
* @param string $contentName The name of the content. For instance 'Ad Foo Bar'
* @param string $contentPiece The actual content. For instance the path to an image, video, audio, any text
* @param string|bool $contentTarget (optional) The target the content leading to when an interaction occurs. For instance the URL of a landing page.
* @return mixed Response string or true if using bulk requests.
public function doTrackContentInteraction($interaction, $contentName, $contentPiece = 'Unknown', $contentTarget = false)
$url = $this->getUrlTrackContentInteraction($interaction, $contentName, $contentPiece, $contentTarget);
return $this->sendRequest($url);
* Tracks an internal Site Search query, and optionally tracks the Search Category, and Search results Count.
* These are used to populate reports in Actions > Site Search.
* @param string $keyword Searched query on the site
* @param string $category (optional) Search engine category if applicable
* @param bool|int $countResults (optional) results displayed on the search result page. Used to track "zero result" keywords.
* @return mixed Response or true if using bulk requests.
public function doTrackSiteSearch($keyword, $category = '', $countResults = false)
$url = $this->getUrlTrackSiteSearch($keyword, $category, $countResults);
return $this->sendRequest($url);
* Records a Goal conversion
* @param int $idGoal Id Goal to record a conversion
* @param float $revenue Revenue for this conversion
* @return mixed Response or true if using bulk request
public function doTrackGoal($idGoal, $revenue = 0.0)
$url = $this->getUrlTrackGoal($idGoal, $revenue);
return $this->sendRequest($url);
* Tracks a download or outlink
* @param string $actionUrl URL of the download or outlink
* @param string $actionType Type of the action: 'download' or 'link'
* @return mixed Response or true if using bulk request
public function doTrackAction($actionUrl, $actionType)
// Referrer could be udpated to be the current URL temporarily (to mimic JS behavior)
$url = $this->getUrlTrackAction($actionUrl, $actionType);
return $this->sendRequest($url);
* Adds an item in the Ecommerce order.
* This should be called before doTrackEcommerceOrder(), or before doTrackEcommerceCartUpdate().
* This function can be called for all individual products in the cart (or order).
* SKU parameter is mandatory. Other parameters are optional (set to false if value not known).
* Ecommerce items added via this function are automatically cleared when doTrackEcommerceOrder() or getUrlTrackEcommerceOrder() is called.
* @param string $sku (required) SKU, Product identifier
* @param string $name (optional) Product name
* @param string|array $category (optional) Product category, or array of product categories (up to 5 categories can be specified for a given product)
* @param float|int $price (optional) Individual product price (supports integer and decimal prices)
* @param int $quantity (optional) Product quantity. If not specified, will default to 1 in the Reports
* @throws Exception
public function addEcommerceItem($sku, $name = '', $category = '', $price = 0.0, $quantity = 1)
if (empty($sku)) {
throw new Exception("You must specify a SKU for the Ecommerce item");
$price = $this->forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($price);
$this->ecommerceItems[$sku] = array($sku, $name, $category, $price, $quantity);
* Tracks a Cart Update (add item, remove item, update item).
* On every Cart update, you must call addEcommerceItem() for each item (product) in the cart,
* including the items that haven't been updated since the last cart update.
* Items which were in the previous cart and are not sent in later Cart updates will be deleted from the cart (in the database).
* @param float $grandTotal Cart grandTotal (typically the sum of all items' prices)
* @return mixed Response or true if using bulk request
public function doTrackEcommerceCartUpdate($grandTotal)
$url = $this->getUrlTrackEcommerceCartUpdate($grandTotal);
return $this->sendRequest($url);
* Sends all stored tracking actions at once. Only has an effect if bulk tracking is enabled.
* To enable bulk tracking, call enableBulkTracking().
* @throws Exception
* @return string Response
public function doBulkTrack()
if (empty($this->storedTrackingActions)) {
throw new Exception("Error: you must call the function doTrackPageView or doTrackGoal from this class, before calling this method doBulkTrack()");
$data = array('requests' => $this->storedTrackingActions);
// token_auth is not required by default, except if bulk_requests_require_authentication=1
if(!empty($this->token_auth)) {
$data['token_auth'] = $this->token_auth;
$postData = json_encode($data);
$response = $this->sendRequest($this->getBaseUrl(), 'POST', $postData, $force = true);
$this->storedTrackingActions = array();
return $response;
* Tracks an Ecommerce order.
* If the Ecommerce order contains items (products), you must call first the addEcommerceItem() for each item in the order.
* All revenues (grandTotal, subTotal, tax, shipping, discount) will be individually summed and reported in Piwik reports.
* Only the parameters $orderId and $grandTotal are required.
* @param string|int $orderId (required) Unique Order ID.
* This will be used to count this order only once in the event the order page is reloaded several times.
* orderId must be unique for each transaction, even on different days, or the transaction will not be recorded by Piwik.
* @param float $grandTotal (required) Grand Total revenue of the transaction (including tax, shipping, etc.)
* @param float $subTotal (optional) Sub total amount, typically the sum of items prices for all items in this order (before Tax and Shipping costs are applied)
* @param float $tax (optional) Tax amount for this order
* @param float $shipping (optional) Shipping amount for this order
* @param float $discount (optional) Discounted amount in this order
* @return mixed Response or true if using bulk request
public function doTrackEcommerceOrder($orderId, $grandTotal, $subTotal = 0.0, $tax = 0.0, $shipping = 0.0, $discount = 0.0)
$url = $this->getUrlTrackEcommerceOrder($orderId, $grandTotal, $subTotal, $tax, $shipping, $discount);
return $this->sendRequest($url);
* Sets the current page view as an item (product) page view, or an Ecommerce Category page view.
* This must be called before doTrackPageView() on this product/category page.
* It will set 3 custom variables of scope "page" with the SKU, Name and Category for this page view.
* Note: Custom Variables of scope "page" slots 3, 4 and 5 will be used.
* On a category page, you may set the parameter $category only and set the other parameters to false.
* Tracking Product/Category page views will allow Piwik to report on Product & Categories
* conversion rates (Conversion rate = Ecommerce orders containing this product or category / Visits to the product or category)
* @param string $sku Product SKU being viewed
* @param string $name Product Name being viewed
* @param string|array $category Category being viewed. On a Product page, this is the product's category.
* You can also specify an array of up to 5 categories for a given page view.
* @param float $price Specify the price at which the item was displayed
public function setEcommerceView($sku = '', $name = '', $category = '', $price = 0.0)
if (!empty($category)) {
if (is_array($category)) {
$category = json_encode($category);
} else {
$category = "";
$this->pageCustomVar[self::CVAR_INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_CATEGORY] = array('_pkc', $category);
if (!empty($price)) {
$price = (float) $price;
$price = $this->forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($price);
$this->pageCustomVar[self::CVAR_INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_PRICE] = array('_pkp', $price);
// On a category page, do not record "Product name not defined"
if (empty($sku) && empty($name)) {
if (!empty($sku)) {
$this->pageCustomVar[self::CVAR_INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_SKU] = array('_pks', $sku);
if (empty($name)) {
$name = "";
$this->pageCustomVar[self::CVAR_INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_NAME] = array('_pkn', $name);
* Force the separator for decimal point to be a dot. See https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/6435
* If for instance a German locale is used it would be a comma otherwise.
* @param float|string $value
* @return string
private function forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($value)
if (null === $value || false === $value) {
return $value;
return str_replace(',', '.', $value);
* Returns URL used to track Ecommerce Cart updates
* Calling this function will reinitializes the property ecommerceItems to empty array
* so items will have to be added again via addEcommerceItem()
* @ignore
public function getUrlTrackEcommerceCartUpdate($grandTotal)
$url = $this->getUrlTrackEcommerce($grandTotal);
return $url;
* Returns URL used to track Ecommerce Orders
* Calling this function will reinitializes the property ecommerceItems to empty array
* so items will have to be added again via addEcommerceItem()
* @ignore
public function getUrlTrackEcommerceOrder($orderId, $grandTotal, $subTotal = 0.0, $tax = 0.0, $shipping = 0.0, $discount = 0.0)
if (empty($orderId)) {
throw new Exception("You must specifiy an orderId for the Ecommerce order");
$url = $this->getUrlTrackEcommerce($grandTotal, $subTotal, $tax, $shipping, $discount);
$url .= '&ec_id=' . urlencode($orderId);
$this->ecommerceLastOrderTimestamp = $this->getTimestamp();
return $url;
* Returns URL used to track Ecommerce orders
* Calling this function will reinitializes the property ecommerceItems to empty array
* so items will have to be added again via addEcommerceItem()
* @ignore
protected function getUrlTrackEcommerce($grandTotal, $subTotal = 0.0, $tax = 0.0, $shipping = 0.0, $discount = 0.0)
if (!is_numeric($grandTotal)) {
throw new Exception("You must specifiy a grandTotal for the Ecommerce order (or Cart update)");
$url = $this->getRequest($this->idSite);
$url .= '&idgoal=0';
if (!empty($grandTotal)) {
$grandTotal = $this->forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($grandTotal);
$url .= '&revenue=' . $grandTotal;
if (!empty($subTotal)) {
$subTotal = $this->forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($subTotal);
$url .= '&ec_st=' . $subTotal;
if (!empty($tax)) {
$tax = $this->forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($tax);
$url .= '&ec_tx=' . $tax;
if (!empty($shipping)) {
$shipping = $this->forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($shipping);
$url .= '&ec_sh=' . $shipping;
if (!empty($discount)) {
$discount = $this->forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($discount);
$url .= '&ec_dt=' . $discount;
if (!empty($this->ecommerceItems)) {
// Removing the SKU index in the array before JSON encoding
$items = array();
foreach ($this->ecommerceItems as $item) {
$items[] = $item;
$url .= '&ec_items=' . urlencode(json_encode($items));
$this->ecommerceItems = array();
return $url;
* Builds URL to track a page view.
* @see doTrackPageView()
* @param string $documentTitle Page view name as it will appear in Piwik reports
* @return string URL to piwik.php with all parameters set to track the pageview
public function getUrlTrackPageView($documentTitle = '')
$url = $this->getRequest($this->idSite);
if (strlen($documentTitle) > 0) {
$url .= '&action_name=' . urlencode($documentTitle);
return $url;
* Builds URL to track a custom event.
* @see doTrackEvent()
* @param string $category The Event Category (Videos, Music, Games...)
* @param string $action The Event's Action (Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...)
* @param string|bool $name (optional) The Event's object Name (a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...)
* @param float|bool $value (optional) The Event's value
* @return string URL to piwik.php with all parameters set to track the pageview
* @throws
public function getUrlTrackEvent($category, $action, $name = false, $value = false)
$url = $this->getRequest($this->idSite);
if(strlen($category) == 0) {
throw new Exception("You must specify an Event Category name (Music, Videos, Games...).");
if(strlen($action) == 0) {
throw new Exception("You must specify an Event action (click, view, add...).");
$url .= '&e_c=' . urlencode($category);
$url .= '&e_a=' . urlencode($action);
if(strlen($name) > 0) {
$url .= '&e_n=' . urlencode($name);
if(strlen($value) > 0) {
$value = $this->forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($value);
$url .= '&e_v=' . $value;
return $url;
* Builds URL to track a content impression.
* @see doTrackContentImpression()
* @param string $contentName The name of the content. For instance 'Ad Foo Bar'
* @param string $contentPiece The actual content. For instance the path to an image, video, audio, any text
* @param string|false $contentTarget (optional) The target of the content. For instance the URL of a landing page.
* @throws Exception In case $contentName is empty
* @return string URL to piwik.php with all parameters set to track the pageview
public function getUrlTrackContentImpression($contentName, $contentPiece, $contentTarget)
$url = $this->getRequest($this->idSite);
if (strlen($contentName) == 0) {
throw new Exception("You must specify a content name");
$url .= '&c_n=' . urlencode($contentName);
if (!empty($contentPiece) && strlen($contentPiece) > 0) {
$url .= '&c_p=' . urlencode($contentPiece);
if (!empty($contentTarget) && strlen($contentTarget) > 0) {
$url .= '&c_t=' . urlencode($contentTarget);
return $url;
* Builds URL to track a content impression.
* @see doTrackContentInteraction()
* @param string $interaction The name of the interaction with the content. For instance a 'click'
* @param string $contentName The name of the content. For instance 'Ad Foo Bar'
* @param string $contentPiece The actual content. For instance the path to an image, video, audio, any text
* @param string|false $contentTarget (optional) The target the content leading to when an interaction occurs. For instance the URL of a landing page.
* @throws Exception In case $interaction or $contentName is empty
* @return string URL to piwik.php with all parameters set to track the pageview
public function getUrlTrackContentInteraction($interaction, $contentName, $contentPiece, $contentTarget)
$url = $this->getRequest($this->idSite);
if (strlen($interaction) == 0) {
throw new Exception("You must specify a name for the interaction");
if (strlen($contentName) == 0) {
throw new Exception("You must specify a content name");
$url .= '&c_i=' . urlencode($interaction);
$url .= '&c_n=' . urlencode($contentName);
if (!empty($contentPiece) && strlen($contentPiece) > 0) {
$url .= '&c_p=' . urlencode($contentPiece);
if (!empty($contentTarget) && strlen($contentTarget) > 0) {
$url .= '&c_t=' . urlencode($contentTarget);
return $url;
* Builds URL to track a site search.
* @see doTrackSiteSearch()
* @param string $keyword
* @param string $category
* @param int $countResults
* @return string
public function getUrlTrackSiteSearch($keyword, $category, $countResults)
$url = $this->getRequest($this->idSite);
$url .= '&search=' . urlencode($keyword);
if (strlen($category) > 0) {
$url .= '&search_cat=' . urlencode($category);
if (!empty($countResults) || $countResults === 0) {
$url .= '&search_count=' . (int)$countResults;
return $url;
* Builds URL to track a goal with idGoal and revenue.
* @see doTrackGoal()
* @param int $idGoal Id Goal to record a conversion
* @param float $revenue Revenue for this conversion
* @return string URL to piwik.php with all parameters set to track the goal conversion
public function getUrlTrackGoal($idGoal, $revenue = 0.0)
$url = $this->getRequest($this->idSite);
$url .= '&idgoal=' . $idGoal;
if (!empty($revenue)) {
$revenue = $this->forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($revenue);
$url .= '&revenue=' . $revenue;
return $url;
* Builds URL to track a new action.
* @see doTrackAction()
* @param string $actionUrl URL of the download or outlink
* @param string $actionType Type of the action: 'download' or 'link'
* @return string URL to piwik.php with all parameters set to track an action
public function getUrlTrackAction($actionUrl, $actionType)
$url = $this->getRequest($this->idSite);
$url .= '&' . $actionType . '=' . $actionUrl;
return $url;
* Overrides server date and time for the tracking requests.
* By default Piwik will track requests for the "current datetime" but this function allows you
* to track visits in the past. All times are in UTC.
* Allowed only for Super User, must be used along with setTokenAuth()
* @see setTokenAuth()
* @param string $dateTime Date with the format 'Y-m-d H:i:s', or a UNIX timestamp
public function setForceVisitDateTime($dateTime)
$this->forcedDatetime = $dateTime;
* Forces Piwik to create a new visit for the tracking request.
* By default, Piwik will create a new visit if the last request by this user was more than 30 minutes ago.
* If you call setForceNewVisit() before calling doTrack*, then a new visit will be created for this request.
public function setForceNewVisit()
$this->forcedNewVisit = true;
* Overrides IP address
* Allowed only for Super User, must be used along with setTokenAuth()
* @see setTokenAuth()
* @param string $ip IP string, eg.
public function setIp($ip)
$this->ip = $ip;
* Force the action to be recorded for a specific User. The User ID is a string representing a given user in your system.
* A User ID can be a username, UUID or an email address, or any number or string that uniquely identifies a user or client.
* @param string $userId Any user ID string (eg. email address, ID, username). Must be non empty. Set to false to de-assign a user id previously set.
* @throws Exception
public function setUserId($userId)
if($userId === false) {
if($userId === '') {
throw new Exception("User ID cannot be empty.");
$this->userId = $userId;
* Hash function used internally by Piwik to hash a User ID into the Visitor ID.
* Note: matches implementation of Tracker\Request->getUserIdHashed()
* @param $id
* @return string
static public function getUserIdHashed($id)
return substr( sha1( $id ), 0, 16);
* Forces the requests to be recorded for the specified Visitor ID.
* Note: it is recommended to use ->setUserId($userId); instead.
* Rather than letting Piwik attribute the user with a heuristic based on IP and other user fingeprinting attributes,
* force the action to be recorded for a particular visitor.
* If you use both setVisitorId and setUserId, setUserId will take precedence.
* If not set, the visitor ID will be fetched from the 1st party cookie, or will be set to a random UUID.
* @deprecated We recommend to use ->setUserId($userId).
* @param string $visitorId 16 hexadecimal characters visitor ID, eg. "33c31e01394bdc63"
* @throws Exception
public function setVisitorId($visitorId)
$hexChars = '01234567890abcdefABCDEF';
if (strlen($visitorId) != self::LENGTH_VISITOR_ID
|| strspn($visitorId, $hexChars) !== strlen($visitorId)
) {
throw new Exception("setVisitorId() expects a "
. " characters hexadecimal string (containing only the following: "
. $hexChars
. ")");
$this->forcedVisitorId = $visitorId;
* If the user initiating the request has the Piwik first party cookie,
* this function will try and return the ID parsed from this first party cookie (found in $_COOKIE).
* If you call this function from a server, where the call is triggered by a cron or script
* not initiated by the actual visitor being tracked, then it will return
* the random Visitor ID that was assigned to this visit object.
* This can be used if you wish to record more visits, actions or goals for this visitor ID later on.
* @return string 16 hex chars visitor ID string
public function getVisitorId()
if (!empty($this->userId)) {
return $this->getUserIdHashed($this->userId);
if (!empty($this->forcedVisitorId)) {
return $this->forcedVisitorId;
if ($this->loadVisitorIdCookie()) {
return $this->cookieVisitorId;
return $this->randomVisitorId;
* Returns the User ID string, which may have been set via:
* $v->setUserId('username@example.org');
* @return bool
public function getUserId()
return $this->userId;
* Loads values from the VisitorId Cookie
* @return bool True if cookie exists and is valid, False otherwise
protected function loadVisitorIdCookie()
$idCookie = $this->getCookieMatchingName('id');
if ($idCookie === false) {
return false;
$parts = explode('.', $idCookie);
if (strlen($parts[0]) != self::LENGTH_VISITOR_ID) {
return false;
$this->cookieVisitorId = $parts[0]; // provides backward compatibility since getVisitorId() didn't change any existing VisitorId value
$this->createTs = $parts[1];
$this->visitCount = (int)$parts[2];
$this->currentVisitTs = $parts[3];
$this->lastVisitTs = $parts[4];
if(isset($parts[5])) {
$this->ecommerceLastOrderTimestamp = $parts[5];
return true;
* Deletes all first party cookies from the client
public function deleteCookies()
$expire = $this->currentTs - 86400;
$cookies = array('id', 'ses', 'cvar', 'ref');
foreach($cookies as $cookie) {
$this->setCookie($cookie, '', $expire);
* Returns the currently assigned Attribution Information stored in a first party cookie.
* This function will only work if the user is initiating the current request, and his cookies
* can be read by PHP from the $_COOKIE array.
* @return string JSON Encoded string containing the Referrer information for Goal conversion attribution.
* Will return false if the cookie could not be found
* @see Piwik.js getAttributionInfo()
public function getAttributionInfo()
if(!empty($this->attributionInfo)) {
return json_encode($this->attributionInfo);
return $this->getCookieMatchingName('ref');
* Some Tracking API functionnality requires express authentication, using either the
* Super User token_auth, or a user with 'admin' access to the website.
* The following features require access:
* - force the visitor IP
* - force the date & time of the tracking requests rather than track for the current datetime
* @param string $token_auth token_auth 32 chars token_auth string
public function setTokenAuth($token_auth)
$this->token_auth = $token_auth;
* Sets local visitor time
* @param string $time HH:MM:SS format
public function setLocalTime($time)
list($hour, $minute, $second) = explode(':', $time);
$this->localHour = (int)$hour;
$this->localMinute = (int)$minute;
$this->localSecond = (int)$second;
* Sets user resolution width and height.
* @param int $width
* @param int $height
public function setResolution($width, $height)
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;
* Sets if the browser supports cookies
* This is reported in "List of plugins" report in Piwik.
* @param bool $bool
public function setBrowserHasCookies($bool)
$this->hasCookies = $bool;
* Will append a custom string at the end of the Tracking request.
* @param string $string
public function setDebugStringAppend($string)
$this->DEBUG_APPEND_URL = '&' . $string;
* Sets visitor browser supported plugins
* @param bool $flash
* @param bool $java
* @param bool $director
* @param bool $quickTime
* @param bool $realPlayer
* @param bool $pdf
* @param bool $windowsMedia
* @param bool $gears
* @param bool $silverlight
public function setPlugins($flash = false, $java = false, $director = false, $quickTime = false, $realPlayer = false, $pdf = false, $windowsMedia = false, $gears = false, $silverlight = false)
$this->plugins =
'&fla=' . (int)$flash .
'&java=' . (int)$java .
'&dir=' . (int)$director .
'&qt=' . (int)$quickTime .
'&realp=' . (int)$realPlayer .
'&pdf=' . (int)$pdf .
'&wma=' . (int)$windowsMedia .
'&gears=' . (int)$gears .
'&ag=' . (int)$silverlight;
* By default, PiwikTracker will read first party cookies
* from the request and write updated cookies in the response (using setrawcookie).
* This can be disabled by calling this function.
public function disableCookieSupport()
$this->configCookiesDisabled = true;
* Returns the maximum number of seconds the tracker will spend waiting for a response
* from Piwik. Defaults to 600 seconds.
public function getRequestTimeout()
return $this->requestTimeout;
* Sets the maximum number of seconds that the tracker will spend waiting for a response
* from Piwik.
* @param int $timeout
* @throws Exception
public function setRequestTimeout($timeout)
if (!is_int($timeout) || $timeout < 0) {
throw new Exception("Invalid value supplied for request timeout: $timeout");
$this->requestTimeout = $timeout;
* Used in tests to output useful error messages.
* @ignore
static public $DEBUG_LAST_REQUESTED_URL = false;
* @ignore
protected function sendRequest($url, $method = 'GET', $data = null, $force = false)
// if doing a bulk request, store the url
if ($this->doBulkRequests && !$force) {
= $url
. (!empty($this->userAgent) ? ('&ua=' . urlencode($this->userAgent)) : '')
. (!empty($this->acceptLanguage) ? ('&lang=' . urlencode($this->acceptLanguage)) : '');
// Clear custom variables so they don't get copied over to other users in the bulk request
$this->userAgent = false;
$this->acceptLanguage = false;
return true;
if (function_exists('curl_init') && function_exists('curl_exec')) {
$options = array(
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $this->userAgent,
CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->requestTimeout,
'Accept-Language: ' . $this->acceptLanguage
switch ($method) {
case 'POST':
$options[CURLOPT_POST] = TRUE;
// only supports JSON data
if (!empty($data)) {
$options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Content-Type: application/json';
$options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Expect:';
$options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $data;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
$response = @curl_exec($ch);
$content = '';
if (!empty($response)) {
list($header, $content) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response, $limitCount = 2);
} else if (function_exists('stream_context_create')) {
$stream_options = array(
'http' => array(
'method' => $method,
'user_agent' => $this->userAgent,
'header' => "Accept-Language: " . $this->acceptLanguage . "\r\n",
'timeout' => $this->requestTimeout, // PHP 5.2.1
// only supports JSON data
if (!empty($data)) {
$stream_options['http']['header'] .= "Content-Type: application/json \r\n";
$stream_options['http']['content'] = $data;
$ctx = stream_context_create($stream_options);
$response = file_get_contents($url, 0, $ctx);
$content = $response;
return $content;
* Returns current timestamp, or forced timestamp/datetime if it was set
* @return string|int
protected function getTimestamp()
return !empty($this->forcedDatetime)
? strtotime($this->forcedDatetime)
: time();
* Returns the base URL for the piwik server.
protected function getBaseUrl()
if (empty(self::$URL)) {
throw new Exception('You must first set the Piwik Tracker URL by calling PiwikTracker::$URL = \'http://your-website.org/piwik/\';');
if (strpos(self::$URL, '/piwik.php') === false
&& strpos(self::$URL, '/proxy-piwik.php') === false
) {
self::$URL .= '/piwik.php';
return self::$URL;
* @ignore
protected function getRequest($idSite)
$url = $this->getBaseUrl() .
'?idsite=' . $idSite .
'&rec=1' .
'&apiv=' . self::VERSION .
'&r=' . substr(strval(mt_rand()), 2, 6) .
// XDEBUG_SESSIONS_START and KEY are related to the PHP Debugger, this can be ignored in other languages
(!empty($_GET['KEY']) ? '&KEY=' . @urlencode($_GET['KEY']) : '') .
// Only allowed for Super User, token_auth required,
(!empty($this->ip) ? '&cip=' . $this->ip : '') .
(!empty($this->userId) ? '&uid=' . urlencode($this->userId) : '') .
(!empty($this->forcedDatetime) ? '&cdt=' . urlencode($this->forcedDatetime) : '') .
(!empty($this->forcedNewVisit) ? '&new_visit=1' : '') .
((!empty($this->token_auth) && !$this->doBulkRequests) ? '&token_auth=' . urlencode($this->token_auth) : '') .
// Values collected from cookie
'&_idts=' . $this->createTs .
'&_idvc=' . $this->visitCount .
(!empty($this->lastVisitTs) ? '&_viewts=' . $this->lastVisitTs : '' ) .
(!empty($this->ecommerceLastOrderTimestamp) ? '&_ects=' . urlencode($this->ecommerceLastOrderTimestamp) : '') .
// These parameters are set by the JS, but optional when using API
(!empty($this->plugins) ? $this->plugins : '') .
(($this->localHour !== false && $this->localMinute !== false && $this->localSecond !== false) ? '&h=' . $this->localHour . '&m=' . $this->localMinute . '&s=' . $this->localSecond : '') .
(!empty($this->width) && !empty($this->height) ? '&res=' . $this->width . 'x' . $this->height : '') .
(!empty($this->hasCookies) ? '&cookie=' . $this->hasCookies : '') .
// Various important attributes
(!empty($this->customData) ? '&data=' . $this->customData : '') .
(!empty($this->visitorCustomVar) ? '&_cvar=' . urlencode(json_encode($this->visitorCustomVar)) : '') .
(!empty($this->pageCustomVar) ? '&cvar=' . urlencode(json_encode($this->pageCustomVar)) : '') .
(!empty($this->eventCustomVar) ? '&e_cvar=' . urlencode(json_encode($this->eventCustomVar)) : '') .
(!empty($this->generationTime) ? '&gt_ms=' . ((int)$this->generationTime) : '') .
(!empty($this->forcedVisitorId) ? '&cid=' . $this->forcedVisitorId : '&_id=' . $this->getVisitorId()) .
// URL parameters
'&url=' . urlencode($this->pageUrl) .
'&urlref=' . urlencode($this->urlReferrer) .
((!empty($this->pageCharset) && $this->pageCharset != self::DEFAULT_CHARSET_PARAMETER_VALUES) ? '&cs=' . $this->pageCharset : '') .
// Attribution information, so that Goal conversions are attributed to the right referrer or campaign
// Campaign name
(!empty($this->attributionInfo[0]) ? '&_rcn=' . urlencode($this->attributionInfo[0]) : '') .
// Campaign keyword
(!empty($this->attributionInfo[1]) ? '&_rck=' . urlencode($this->attributionInfo[1]) : '') .
// Timestamp at which the referrer was set
(!empty($this->attributionInfo[2]) ? '&_refts=' . $this->attributionInfo[2] : '') .
// Referrer URL
(!empty($this->attributionInfo[3]) ? '&_ref=' . urlencode($this->attributionInfo[3]) : '') .
// custom location info
(!empty($this->country) ? '&country=' . urlencode($this->country) : '') .
(!empty($this->region) ? '&region=' . urlencode($this->region) : '') .
(!empty($this->city) ? '&city=' . urlencode($this->city) : '') .
(!empty($this->lat) ? '&lat=' . urlencode($this->lat) : '') .
(!empty($this->long) ? '&long=' . urlencode($this->long) : '') .
(!$this->sendImageResponse ? '&send_image=0' : '') .
// Reset page level custom variables after this page view
$this->pageCustomVar = array();
$this->eventCustomVar = array();
// force new visit only once, user must call again setForceNewVisit()
$this->forcedNewVisit = false;
return $url;
* Returns a first party cookie which name contains $name
* @param string $name
* @return string String value of cookie, or false if not found
* @ignore
protected function getCookieMatchingName($name)
if($this->configCookiesDisabled) {
return false;
if(!is_array($_COOKIE)) {
return false;
$name = $this->getCookieName($name);
// Piwik cookie names use dots separators in piwik.js,
// but PHP Replaces . with _ http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.variables.predefined.php#72571
$name = str_replace('.', '_', $name);
foreach ($_COOKIE as $cookieName => $cookieValue) {
if (strpos($cookieName, $name) !== false) {
return $cookieValue;
return false;
* If current URL is "http://example.org/dir1/dir2/index.php?param1=value1&param2=value2"
* will return "/dir1/dir2/index.php"
* @return string
* @ignore
static protected function getCurrentScriptName()
$url = '';
if (!empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
$url = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
} else if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
if (($pos = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?')) !== false) {
$url = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, $pos);
} else {
if (empty($url)) {
if ($url[0] !== '/') {
$url = '/' . $url;
return $url;
* If the current URL is 'http://example.org/dir1/dir2/index.php?param1=value1&param2=value2"
* will return 'http'
* @return string 'https' or 'http'
* @ignore
static protected function getCurrentScheme()
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])
&& ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === true)
) {
return 'https';
return 'http';
* If current URL is "http://example.org/dir1/dir2/index.php?param1=value1&param2=value2"
* will return "http://example.org"
* @return string
* @ignore
static protected function getCurrentHost()
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
return $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
return 'unknown';
* If current URL is "http://example.org/dir1/dir2/index.php?param1=value1&param2=value2"
* will return "?param1=value1&param2=value2"
* @return string
* @ignore
static protected function getCurrentQueryString()
$url = '';
if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])
&& !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])
) {
$url .= '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
return $url;
* Returns the current full URL (scheme, host, path and query string.
* @return string
* @ignore
static protected function getCurrentUrl()
return self::getCurrentScheme() . '://'
. self::getCurrentHost()
. self::getCurrentScriptName()
. self::getCurrentQueryString();
* Sets the first party cookies as would the piwik.js
* All cookies are supported: 'id' and 'ses' and 'ref' and 'cvar' cookies.
protected function setFirstPartyCookies()
if ($this->configCookiesDisabled) {
if (empty($this->cookieVisitorId)) {
// Set the 'ref' cookie
$attributionInfo = $this->getAttributionInfo();
if(!empty($attributionInfo)) {
$this->setCookie('ref', $attributionInfo, $this->configReferralCookieTimeout);
// Set the 'ses' cookie
$this->setCookie('ses', '*', $this->configSessionCookieTimeout);
// Set the 'id' cookie
$visitCount = $this->visitCount + 1;
$cookieValue = $this->getVisitorId() . '.' . $this->createTs . '.' . $visitCount . '.' . $this->currentTs . '.' . $this->lastVisitTs . '.' . $this->ecommerceLastOrderTimestamp;
$this->setCookie('id', $cookieValue, $this->configVisitorCookieTimeout);
// Set the 'cvar' cookie
$this->setCookie('cvar', json_encode($this->visitorCustomVar), $this->configSessionCookieTimeout);
* Sets a first party cookie to the client to improve dual JS-PHP tracking.
* This replicates the piwik.js tracker algorithms for consistency and better accuracy.
* @param $cookieName
* @param $cookieValue
* @param $cookieTTL
protected function setCookie($cookieName, $cookieValue, $cookieTTL)
$cookieExpire = $this->currentTs + $cookieTTL;
if(!headers_sent()) {
setcookie($this->getCookieName($cookieName), $cookieValue, $cookieExpire, $this->configCookiePath, $this->configCookieDomain);
* @return bool|mixed
protected function getCustomVariablesFromCookie()
$cookie = $this->getCookieMatchingName('cvar');
if (!$cookie) {
return false;
return json_decode($cookie, $assoc = true);
* Helper function to quickly generate the URL to track a page view.
* @param $idSite
* @param string $documentTitle
* @return string
function Piwik_getUrlTrackPageView($idSite, $documentTitle = '')
$tracker = new PiwikTracker($idSite);
return $tracker->getUrlTrackPageView($documentTitle);
* Helper function to quickly generate the URL to track a goal.
* @param $idSite
* @param $idGoal
* @param float $revenue
* @return string
function Piwik_getUrlTrackGoal($idSite, $idGoal, $revenue = 0.0)
$tracker = new PiwikTracker($idSite);
return $tracker->getUrlTrackGoal($idGoal, $revenue);