from django.dispatch import receiver from django.utils.timezone import localtime, now from cronhandler.signals import cron from .models import Notification @receiver(cron) def send_notifications(sender, **kwargs): returns = [] for notification in Notification.objects.all(): for datetime in notification.notificationdatetimeschedule_set.all(): if not datetime.sent and datetime.datetime <= localtime(now()): try: returns.append(notification.send()) datetime.sent = True except: pass # TODO: Implement some sort of error logging / admin notification for daily in notification.notificationdailyschedule_set.all(): if ((not daily.last_sent) or daily.last_sent < localtime(now()).date()) and daily.time <= localtime(now()).time(): try: returns.append(notification.send()) daily.last_sent = localtime(now()).date() except: pass # TODO: See above return returns