# The secret key must be a long random string. # You may use the django.core.management.utils.get_random_secret_key() function to generate one, or just smash your keyboard real hard a few times. SECRET_KEY = "longrandomstring" # Putting the system in debug mode will give you a lot of output if an error occurs, but it potentially exposes sensitive information like passwords. # Only set this to True if you really need to, especially if you are running a public instance. DEBUG = False # Specify the time zone you are in. This will affect the times displayed in the application. TIME_ZONE = "Europe/Vienna" # You may set this variable to a list of domain names that are allowed to be used to access your instance. ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"] # Rationale: The application should be running behind a reverse proxy anyway if it's public - let that handle which hosts are allowed # If you are using an external server to make your instance public, we need to store some static files somewhere. # Enter the appropriate directory and make sure your webserver serves that location at /static/ STATIC_ROOT = '/var/www/html/static/' # By default, all files, including uploads, are stored locally. # You may use an S3 compatible storage instead in order to increase reliability and decrease disk usage. # If AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID is set to None, local storage will be used. # See https://django-storages.readthedocs.io/en/latest/backends/amazon-S3.html for all options you can use here. # (NB: Only options starting with "AWS_" are allowed here, the storage configuration will be handled automatically.) AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = None AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = None AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = None AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL = None # By default, this application uses a local sqlite3 database file. You can choose to use a MariaDB/MySQL database instead. # If DB_HOST is set to None, the sqlite3 database will be used. DB_HOST = None # Host name of the database server DB_PORT = 3306 # Port of the database server - the default value usually works DB_NAME = None # Name of the database to be used DB_USER = None # User name to authenticate with DB_PASS = None # Password to authenticate with