# goodreads-morawa [![Support Private.coffee!](https://shields.private.coffee/badge/private.coffee-support%20us!-pink?logo=coffeescript)](https://private.coffee) [![Latest Git Commit](https://shields.private.coffee/gitea/last-commit/kumi/goodreads-morawa?gitea_url=https://git.private.coffee)](https://git.private.coffee/kumi/goodreads-morawa) This is a UserScript that replaces the "Buy on Amazon" button on Goodreads with a "Buy at Morawa" button, for the Austrians among us. ## Installation 1. Install a UserScript manager for your browser. For example, [Tampermonkey](https://www.tampermonkey.net/) or [Greasemonkey](https://www.greasespot.net/). 2. Click on the `goodreads-morawa.user.js` file in this repository. 3. Click on the `Raw` button. 4. The UserScript manager should ask you to install the script. ## Usage 1. Go to a book page on Goodreads. 2. Click on the "Buy at Morawa" button where the Amazon button used to be. 3. Enjoy! ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.