Kumi 6e18fa423d
refactor: improve code structure and readability
- Standardized the formatting across ISNICSync.php and eppClient.php for better consistency and readability, making future maintenance and debugging efforts more efficient.
- Adjusted the use of whitespace and alignment in both files to follow best coding practices, enhancing code clarity and developer experience.
- Simplified control structures for improved logic flow and reduced complexity in error handling and network communication processes.
- Ensured that all modified functions and error messages remain functional with clearer, more standardized error handling to minimize runtime errors and facilitate easier error tracking.

This refactor does not introduce any new features or significantly alter existing functionality but sets a solid foundation for more reliable and maintainable codebase.
2024-05-19 20:13:58 +02:00

145 lines
5 KiB

require_once "eppClient.php";
use Pinga\Tembo\eppClient;
$config = include "config.php";
$c = $config["db"];
$registrar = "ISNIC";
try {
// Establish the PDO connection
$dsn = $c["type"] . ":host=" . $c["host"] . ";port=" . $c["port"] . ";dbname=" . $c["name"];
$pdo = new PDO($dsn, $c["user"], $c["password"]);
// Use a prepared statement to prevent SQL injection
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM tld_registrar WHERE registrar = :registrar");
// Bind the $registrar value to the :registrar parameter
$stmt->bindValue(":registrar", $registrar);
// Execute the prepared statement
// Fetch all rows from the result set
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$config = [];
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$config = json_decode($row["config"], true);
$registrar_id = $row["id"];
if (empty($config)) {
throw new Exception("Database cannot be accessed right now.");
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo "Database error: " . $e->getMessage();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "General error: " . $e->getMessage();
function connectEpp(string $registry, $config)
try {
$epp = new eppClient();
$info = [
"host" => $config["host"],
"port" => $config["port"], "timeout" => 30, "tls" => "1.3", "bind" => false, "bindip" => "", "verify_peer" => false, "verify_peer_name" => false,
"verify_host" => false, "cafile" => "", "local_cert" => $config["ssl_cert"], "local_pk" => $config["ssl_key"], "passphrase" => "", "allow_self_signed" => true,
$login = $epp->login([
"clID" => $config["username"], "pw" => $config["password"],
"prefix" => "tembo",
if (array_key_exists("error", $login)) {
echo "Login Error: " . $login["error"] . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo "Login Result: " . $login["code"] . ": " . $login["msg"][0] . PHP_EOL;
return $epp;
} catch (EppException $e) {
return "Error : " . $e->getMessage();
try {
// Fetch all domains
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT sld, tld FROM service_domain WHERE tld_registrar_id = :registrar');
$stmt->bindValue(':registrar', $registrar_id);
$domains = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$epp = connectEpp("generic", $config);
foreach ($domains as $domainRow) {
// Combine sld and tld into a single domain name
$domain = $domainRow['sld'] . $domainRow['tld'];
$params = ["domainname" => $domain];
$domainInfo = $epp->domainInfo($params);
if (array_key_exists("error", $domainInfo)) {
echo "DomainInfo Error: " . $domainInfo["error"] . " (" . $domain . ")" . PHP_EOL;
$ns = $domainInfo['ns'];
$ns1 = isset($ns[1]) ? $ns[1] : null;
$ns2 = isset($ns[2]) ? $ns[2] : null;
$ns3 = isset($ns[3]) ? $ns[3] : null;
$ns4 = isset($ns[4]) ? $ns[4] : null;
$exDate = $domainInfo['exDate'];
$datetime = new DateTime($exDate);
$formattedExDate = $datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$statuses = $domainInfo['status'];
$clientStatuses = ['clientDeleteProhibited', 'clientTransferProhibited', 'clientUpdateProhibited'];
$serverStatuses = ['serverDeleteProhibited', 'serverTransferProhibited', 'serverUpdateProhibited'];
// Check if all client statuses are present in the $statuses array
$clientProhibited = count(array_intersect($clientStatuses, $statuses)) === count($clientStatuses);
// Check if all server statuses are present in the $statuses array
$serverProhibited = count(array_intersect($serverStatuses, $statuses)) === count($serverStatuses);
if ($clientProhibited || $serverProhibited) {
$locked = 1;
} else {
$locked = 0;
// Prepare the UPDATE statement
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE service_domain SET ns1 = :ns1, ns2 = :ns2, ns3 = :ns3, ns4 = :ns4, expires_at = :expires_at, locked = :locked, transfer_code = :transfer_code WHERE sld = :sld AND tld = :tld');
// Bind the values to the statement
$stmt->bindValue(':ns1', $ns1);
$stmt->bindValue(':ns2', $ns2);
$stmt->bindValue(':ns3', $ns3);
$stmt->bindValue(':ns4', $ns4);
$stmt->bindValue(':expires_at', $formattedExDate);
$stmt->bindValue(':locked', $locked);
$stmt->bindValue(':transfer_code', $domainInfo["authInfo"]);
$stmt->bindValue(':sld', $domainRow['sld']);
$stmt->bindValue(':tld', $domainRow['tld']);
// Execute the statement
echo "Update successful for domain: " . $domain . PHP_EOL;
$logout = $epp->logout();
echo "Logout Result: " . $logout["code"] . ": " . $logout["msg"][0] . PHP_EOL;
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo "Database error: " . $e->getMessage();
} catch (EppException $e) {
echo "Error: ", $e->getMessage();