Tuomas Suutari eb682f23ff Pass scope to OIDC_IDTOKEN_PROCESSING_HOOK
The ID token processing hook might want to add claims to the ID token
conditionally based on the scope parameter.  Therefore it would be very
useful to provide the scope parameter to the processing hook.
2017-07-07 22:56:35 +03:00

153 lines
4.1 KiB

from datetime import timedelta
import time
import uuid
from Cryptodome.PublicKey.RSA import importKey
from django.utils import dateformat, timezone
from jwkest.jwk import RSAKey as jwk_RSAKey
from jwkest.jwk import SYMKey
from jwkest.jws import JWS
from jwkest.jwt import JWT
from oidc_provider.lib.utils.common import get_issuer
from oidc_provider.models import (
from oidc_provider import settings
def create_id_token(user, aud, nonce='', at_hash='', request=None, scope=[]):
Creates the id_token dictionary.
Return a dic.
sub = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_SUB_GENERATOR', import_str=True)(user=user)
expires_in = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_EXPIRE')
# Convert datetimes into timestamps.
now = int(time.time())
iat_time = now
exp_time = int(now + expires_in)
user_auth_time = user.last_login or user.date_joined
auth_time = int(dateformat.format(user_auth_time, 'U'))
dic = {
'iss': get_issuer(request=request),
'sub': sub,
'aud': str(aud),
'exp': exp_time,
'iat': iat_time,
'auth_time': auth_time,
if nonce:
dic['nonce'] = str(nonce)
if at_hash:
dic['at_hash'] = at_hash
if ('email' in scope) and getattr(user, 'email', None):
dic['email'] =
processing_hooks = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_PROCESSING_HOOK')
if not isinstance(processing_hooks, (list, tuple)):
processing_hooks = [processing_hooks]
for hook_string in processing_hooks:
hook = settings.import_from_str(hook_string)
dic = hook(dic, user=user, scope=scope)
return dic
def encode_id_token(payload, client):
Represent the ID Token as a JSON Web Token (JWT).
Return a hash.
keys = get_client_alg_keys(client)
_jws = JWS(payload, alg=client.jwt_alg)
return _jws.sign_compact(keys)
def decode_id_token(token, client):
Represent the ID Token as a JSON Web Token (JWT).
Return a hash.
keys = get_client_alg_keys(client)
return JWS().verify_compact(token, keys=keys)
def client_id_from_id_token(id_token):
Extracts the client id from a JSON Web Token (JWT).
Returns a string or None.
payload = JWT().unpack(id_token).payload()
return payload.get('aud', None)
def create_token(user, client, scope, id_token_dic=None):
Create and populate a Token object.
Return a Token object.
token = Token()
token.user = user
token.client = client
token.access_token = uuid.uuid4().hex
if id_token_dic is not None:
token.id_token = id_token_dic
token.refresh_token = uuid.uuid4().hex
token.expires_at = + timedelta(
token.scope = scope
return token
def create_code(user, client, scope, nonce, is_authentication,
code_challenge=None, code_challenge_method=None):
Create and populate a Code object.
Return a Code object.
code = Code()
code.user = user
code.client = client
code.code = uuid.uuid4().hex
if code_challenge and code_challenge_method:
code.code_challenge = code_challenge
code.code_challenge_method = code_challenge_method
code.expires_at = + timedelta(
code.scope = scope
code.nonce = nonce
code.is_authentication = is_authentication
return code
def get_client_alg_keys(client):
Takes a client and returns the set of keys associated with it.
Returns a list of keys.
if client.jwt_alg == 'RS256':
keys = []
for rsakey in RSAKey.objects.all():
keys.append(jwk_RSAKey(key=importKey(rsakey.key), kid=rsakey.kid))
if not keys:
raise Exception('You must add at least one RSA Key.')
elif client.jwt_alg == 'HS256':
keys = [SYMKey(key=client.client_secret, alg=client.jwt_alg)]
raise Exception('Unsupported key algorithm.')
return keys