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.. image:: #################################################### **This project is in ALFA version and is rapidly changing. DO NOT USE IT FOR PRODUCTION SITES.** Important things that you should know: - Although OpenID was built on top of OAuth2, this isn't an OAuth2 server. Maybe in a future it will be. - Despite that implementation MUST support TLS. You can make request without using SSL. There is no control on that. - This cover ``authorization_code`` flow and ``implicit`` flow, NO support for ``hybrid`` flow at this moment. - Only support for requesting Claims using Scope Values. ************ Installation ************ Install the package using pip. .. code:: bash pip install git+ Add it to your apps. .. code:: python INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'openid_provider', # ... ) Add the provider urls. .. code:: python urlpatterns = patterns('', # ... url(r'^openid/', include('openid_provider.urls', namespace='openid_provider')), # ... ) ******** Settings ******** Add required variables to your project settings. .. code:: python # REQUIRED. # Your server provider url. SITE_URL = 'http://localhost:8000' # Used to log the user in. # See: LOGIN_URL = '/accounts/login/' # OPTIONAL. DOP_CODE_EXPIRE = 60*10 # 10 min. DOP_EXTRA_SCOPE_CLAIMS = MyAppScopeClaims, DOP_IDTOKEN_EXPIRE = 60*10, # 10 min. DOP_TOKEN_EXPIRE = 60*60 # 1 hour. ******************** Create User & Client ******************** First of all, we need to create a user: ``python createsuperuser``. Then let's create a Client. Start django shell: ``python shell``. .. code:: python >>> from openid_provider.models import Client >>> c = Client(name='Some Client', client_id='123', client_secret='456', response_type='code', redirect_uris=['']) >>> **************** Server Endpoints **************** **/authorize endpoint** Example of an OpenID Authentication Request using the ``Authorization Code`` flow. .. code:: curl GET /openid/authorize?client_id=123& HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded After the user accepts and authorizes the client application, the server redirects to: .. code:: curl The ``code`` param will be use it to obtain access token. **/token endpoint** .. code:: curl POST /openid/token/ HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded client_id=123&client_secret=456&[CODE]&state=abcdefgh **/userinfo endpoint** .. code:: curl POST /openid/userinfo/ HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN] *************** Claims & Scopes *************** OpenID Connect Clients will use scope values to specify what access privileges are being requested for Access Tokens. Here you have the standard scopes defined by the protocol. If you need to add extra scopes specific for your app you can add them using the ``DOP_EXTRA_SCOPE_CLAIMS`` settings variable. This class MUST inherit ``AbstractScopeClaims``. Check out an example: .. code:: python from import AbstractScopeClaims class MyAppScopeClaims(AbstractScopeClaims): def __init__(self, user, scopes): # Don't forget this. super(StandardScopeClaims, self).__init__(user, scopes) # Here you can load models that will be used # in more than one scope for example. try: self.some_model = SomeModel.objects.get(user=self.user) except UserInfo.DoesNotExist: # Create an empty model object. self.some_model = SomeModel() def scope_books(self, user): # Here you can search books for this user. # Remember that you have "self.some_model" also. dic = { 'books_readed': books_readed_count, } return dic See how we create our own scopes using the convention ``def scope_<SCOPE_NAME>(self, user):``. If a field is empty or ``None`` will be cleaned from the response. **Don't forget to add your class into your app settings.** ********* Templates ********* Add your own templates files inside a folder named ``templates/openid_provider/``. You can copy the sample html here and edit them with your own styles. **authorize.html** .. code:: html <h1>Request for Permission</h1> <p>Client <strong>{{ }}</strong> would like to access this information of you ...</p> <form method="post" action="{% url 'openid_provider:authorize' %}"> {% csrf_token %} {{ hidden_inputs }} <ul> {% for scope in params.scope %} <li>{{ scope | capfirst }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> <input name="allow" type="submit" value="Authorize" /> </form> {% endblock %} **error.html** .. code:: html <h3>{{ error }}</h3> <p>{{ description }}</p> ************ Contributing ************ We love contributions, so please feel free to fix bugs, improve things, provide documentation. Just submit a Pull Request.