import importlib from django.conf import settings class DefaultSettings(object): required_attrs = () @property def OIDC_LOGIN_URL(self): """ REQUIRED. Used to log the user in. By default Django's LOGIN_URL will be used. """ return settings.LOGIN_URL @property def SITE_URL(self): """ OPTIONAL. The OP server url. """ return None @property def OIDC_AFTER_USERLOGIN_HOOK(self): """ OPTIONAL. Provide a way to plug into the process after the user has logged in, typically to perform some business logic. """ return 'oidc_provider.lib.utils.common.default_after_userlogin_hook' @property def OIDC_AFTER_END_SESSION_HOOK(self): """ OPTIONAL. Provide a way to plug into the end session process just before calling Django's logout function, typically to perform some business logic. """ return 'oidc_provider.lib.utils.common.default_after_end_session_hook' @property def OIDC_CODE_EXPIRE(self): """ OPTIONAL. Code expiration time expressed in seconds. """ return 60*10 @property def OIDC_EXTRA_SCOPE_CLAIMS(self): """ OPTIONAL. A string with the location of your class. Used to add extra scopes specific for your app. """ return None @property def OIDC_IDTOKEN_EXPIRE(self): """ OPTIONAL. Id token expiration time expressed in seconds. """ return 60*10 @property def OIDC_IDTOKEN_SUB_GENERATOR(self): """ OPTIONAL. Subject Identifier. A locally unique and never reassigned identifier within the Issuer for the End-User, which is intended to be consumed by the Client. """ return 'oidc_provider.lib.utils.common.default_sub_generator' @property def OIDC_SESSION_MANAGEMENT_ENABLE(self): """ OPTIONAL. If enabled, the Server will support Session Management 1.0 specification. """ return False @property def OIDC_SKIP_CONSENT_ALWAYS(self): """ OPTIONAL. If enabled, the Server will NEVER ask the user for consent. """ return False @property def OIDC_SKIP_CONSENT_ENABLE(self): """ OPTIONAL. If enabled, the Server will save the user consent given to a specific client, so that user won't be prompted for the same authorization multiple times. """ return True @property def OIDC_SKIP_CONSENT_EXPIRE(self): """ OPTIONAL. User consent expiration after been granted. """ return 30*3 @property def OIDC_TOKEN_EXPIRE(self): """ OPTIONAL. Token object expiration after been created. Expressed in seconds. """ return 60*60 @property def OIDC_USERINFO(self): """ OPTIONAL. A string with the location of your function. Used to populate standard claims with your user information. """ return 'oidc_provider.lib.utils.common.default_userinfo' @property def OIDC_IDTOKEN_PROCESSING_HOOK(self): """ OPTIONAL. A string with the location of your hook. Used to add extra dictionary values specific for your app into id_token. """ return 'oidc_provider.lib.utils.common.default_idtoken_processing_hook' @property def OIDC_GRANT_TYPE_PASSWORD_ENABLE(self): """ OPTIONAL. A boolean to set whether to allow the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant. From the specification: Since this access token request utilizes the resource owner's password, the authorization server MUST protect the endpoint against brute force attacks (e.g., using rate-limitation or generating alerts). How you do this, is up to you. """ return False default_settings = DefaultSettings() def import_from_str(value): """ Attempt to import a class from a string representation. """ try: parts = value.split('.') module_path, class_name = '.'.join(parts[:-1]), parts[-1] module = importlib.import_module(module_path) return getattr(module, class_name) except ImportError as e: msg = 'Could not import %s for settings. %s: %s.' % (value, e.__class__.__name__, e) raise ImportError(msg) def get(name, import_str=False): """ Helper function to use inside the package. """ value = None try: value = getattr(default_settings, name) value = getattr(settings, name) except AttributeError: if value is None and name in default_settings.required_attrs: raise Exception('You must set ' + name + ' in your settings.') value = import_from_str(value) if import_str else value return value