.. _changelog: Changelog ######### All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Unreleased ========== * Added: toke instrospection endpoint support. * Changed: Dropping support for Django versions before 1.8. 0.6.0 ===== *2018-04-13* * Added: OAuth2 grant_type client_credentials support. * Added: pep8 compliance and checker. * Added: Setting OIDC_IDTOKEN_INCLUDE_CLAIMS supporting claims inside id_token. * Changed: Test suit now uses pytest. * Fixed: Infinite callback loop in the check-session iframe. 0.5.3 ===== *2018-03-09* * Fixed: Update project to support Django 2.0 0.5.2 ===== *2017-08-22* * Fixed: infinite login loop if "prompt=login" (#198) * Fixed: Django 2.0 deprecation warnings (#185) 0.5.1 ===== *2017-07-11* * Changed: Documentation template changed to Read The Docs. * Fixed: install_requires has not longer pinned versions. * Fixed: Removed infinity loop during authorization stage when prompt=login has been send. * Fixed: Changed prompt handling as set of options instead of regular string. * Fixed: Redirect URI must match exactly with given in query parameter. * Fixed: Stored user consent are useful for public clients too. * Fixed: documentation for custom scopes handling. * Fixed: Scopes during refresh and code exchange are being taken from authorization request and not from query parameters. 0.5.0 ===== *2017-05-18* * Added: signals when user accept/decline the authorization page. * Added: OIDC_AFTER_END_SESSION_HOOK setting for additional business logic. * Added: feature granttype password. * Added: require_consent and reuse_consent are added to Client model. * Changed: OIDC_SKIP_CONSENT_ALWAYS and OIDC_SKIP_CONSENT_ENABLE are removed from settings. * Fixed: timestamps with unixtime (instead of django timezone). * Fixed: field refresh_token cannot be primary key if null. * Fixed: create_uri_exceptions are now being logged at Exception level not DEBUG. 0.4.4 ===== *2016-11-29* * Fixed: Bug in Session Management middleware when using Python 3. * Fixed: Translations handling. 0.4.3 ===== *2016-11-02* * Added: Session Management 1.0 support. * Added: post_logout_redirect_uris into admin. * Changed: Package url names. * Changed: Rename /logout/ url to /end-session/. * Fixed: bug when trying authorize with response_type id_token without openid scope. 0.4.2 ===== *2016-10-13* * Added: support for client redirect URIs with query strings. * Fixed: bug when generating secret_key value using admin. * Changed: client is available to OIDC_EXTRA_SCOPE_CLAIMS implementations via self.client. * Changed: the constructor signature for ScopeClaims has changed, it now is called with the Token as its single argument. 0.4.1 ===== *2016-10-03* * Changed: update pyjwkest to version 1.3.0. * Changed: use Cryptodome instead of Crypto lib. 0.4.0 ===== *2016-09-12* * Added: support for Hybrid Flow. * Added: new attributes for Clients: Website url, logo, contact email, terms url. * Added: polish translations. * Added: examples section in documentation. * Fixed: CORS in discovery and userinfo endpoint. * Fixed: client type public bug when created using the admin. * Fixed: missing OIDC_TOKEN_EXPIRE setting on implicit flow. 0.3.7 ===== *2016-08-31* * Added: support for Django 1.10. * Added: initial translation files (ES, FR). * Added: support for at_hash parameter. * Fixed: empty address dict in userinfo response. 0.3.6 ===== *2016-07-07* * Changed: OIDC_USERINFO setting. 0.3.5 ===== *2016-06-21* * Added: field date_given in UserConsent model. * Added: verbose names to all model fields. * Added: customize scopes names and descriptions on authorize template. * Changed: OIDC_EXTRA_SCOPE_CLAIMS setting. 0.3.4 ===== *2016-06-10* * Changed: Make SITE_URL setting optional. * Fixed: Missing migration. 0.3.3 ===== *2016-05-03* * Fixed: Important bug with PKCE and form submit in Auth Request. 0.3.2 ===== *2016-04-26* * Added: choose type of client on creation. * Added: implement Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients. * Added: support for prompt parameter. * Added: support for different client JWT tokens algorithm. * Fixed: not auto-approve requests for non-confidential clients (publics). 0.3.1 ===== *2016-03-09* * Fixed: response_type was not being validated (OpenID request). 0.3.0 ===== *2016-02-23* * Added: support OAuth2 requests. * Added: decorator for protecting views with OAuth2. * Added: setting OIDC_IDTOKEN_PROCESSING_HOOK. 0.2.5 ===== *2016-02-03* * Added: Setting OIDC_SKIP_CONSENT_ALWAYS. * Changed: Removing OIDC_RSA_KEY_FOLDER setting. Moving RSA Keys to the database. * Changed: Update pyjwkest to version 1.1.0. * Fixed: Nonce parameter missing on the decide form. * Fixed: Set Allow-Origin header to jwks endpoint. 0.2.4 ===== *2016-01-20* * Added: Auto-generation of client ID and SECRET using the admin. * Added: Validate nonce parameter when using Implicit Flow. * Fixed: generating RSA key by ignoring value of OIDC_RSA_KEY_FOLDER. * Fixed: make OIDC_AFTER_USERLOGIN_HOOK and OIDC_IDTOKEN_SUB_GENERATOR to be lazy imported by the location of the function. * Fixed: problem with a function that generate urls for the /.well-known/openid-configuration/ endpoint. 0.2.3 ===== *2016-01-06* * Added: Make user and client unique on UserConsent model. * Added: Support for URL's without end slash. * Changed: Upgrade pyjwkest to version 1.0.8. * Fixed: String format error in models. * Fixed: Redirect to non http urls fail (for Mobile Apps). 0.2.1 ===== *2015-10-21* * Added: refresh token flow. * Changed: upgrade pyjwkest to version >= 1.0.6. * Fixed: Unicode error in Client model. * Fixed: Bug in creatersakey command (when using Python 3). * Fixed: Bug when updating pyjwkest version. 0.2.0 ===== *2015-09-25* * Changed: UserInfo model was removed. Now you can add your own model using OIDC_USERINFO setting. * Fixed: ID token does NOT contain kid. 0.1.2 ===== *2015-08-04* * Added: add token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported to discovery. * Fixed: missing commands folder in setup file. 0.1.1 ===== *2015-07-31* * Added: sending access_token as query string parameter in UserInfo Endpoint. * Added: support HTTP Basic client authentication. * Changed: use models setting instead of User. * Fixed: in python 2: "aud" and "nonce" parameters didn't appear in id_token. 0.1.0 ===== *2015-07-17* * Added: now id tokens are signed/encrypted with RS256. * Added: command for easily generate random RSA key. * Added: jwks uri to discovery endpoint. * Added: id_token_signing_alg_values_supported to discovery endpoint. * Fixed: nonce support for both Code and Implicit flow. 0.0.7 ===== *2015-07-06* **** * Added: support for Python 3. * Added: way of remember user consent and skipt it (OIDC_SKIP_CONSENT_ENABLE). * Added: setting OIDC_SKIP_CONSENT_EXPIRE. * Changed: now OIDC_EXTRA_SCOPE_CLAIMS must be a string, to be lazy imported. 0.0.6 ===== *2015-06-16* * Added: better naming for models in the admin. * Changed: now tests run without the need of a project configured. * Fixed: error when returning address_formatted claim. 0.0.5 ===== *2015-05-09* * Added: support for Django 1.8. * Fixed: validation of scope in UserInfo endpoint. 0.0.4 ===== *2015-04-22* * Added: initial migrations. * Fixed: important bug with id_token when using implicit flow. * Fixed: validate Code expiration in Auth Code Flow. * Fixed: validate Access Token expiration in UserInfo endpoint. 0.0.3 ===== *2015-04-15* * Added: normalize gender field in UserInfo. * Changed: make address_formatted a property inside UserInfo. * Fixed: important bug in claims response. 0.0.2 ===== *2015-03-26* * Added: setting OIDC_AFTER_USERLOGIN_HOOK. * Fixed: tests failing because an incorrect tag in one template. 0.0.1 ===== *2015-03-13* * Added: provider Configuration Information endpoint. * Added: setting OIDC_IDTOKEN_SUB_GENERATOR. * Changed: now use setup in OIDC_EXTRA_SCOPE_CLAIMS setting. 0.0.0 ===== *2015-02-26*