.. _serverkeys: Server Keys ########### Server RSA keys are used to sign/encrypt ID Tokens. These keys are stored in the ``RSAKey`` model. So the package will automatically generate public keys and expose them in the ``jwks_uri`` endpoint. You can easily create them with the admin: .. image:: http://i64.tinypic.com/vj2ma.png :align: center Or by using ``python manage.py creatersakey`` command. Here is an example response from the ``jwks_uri`` endpoint:: GET /openid/jwks HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 { "keys":[ { "use":"sig", "e":"AQAB", "kty":"RSA", "alg":"RS256", "n":"3Gm0pS7ij_SnY96wkbaki74MUYJrobXecO6xJhvmAEEhMHGpO0m4H2nbOWTf6Jc1FiiSvgvhObVk9xPOM6qMTQ5D5pfWZjNk99qDJXvAE4ImM8S0kCaBJGT6e8JbuDllCUq8aL71t67DhzbnoBsKCnVOE1GJffpMcDdBUYkAsx8", "kid":"a38ea7fbf944cc060eaf5acc1956b0e3" } ] }