import json try: from urllib.parse import urlencode except ImportError: from urllib import urlencode import uuid from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.test import RequestFactory from django.test import TestCase from jwkest import base64_to_long import jwt from oidc_provider.lib.utils.token import * from import * from oidc_provider.views import * class TokenTestCase(TestCase): """ To obtain an Access Token and an ID Token, the RP Client sends a Token Request to the Token Endpoint to obtain a Token Response when using the Authorization Code Flow. """ def setUp(self): self.factory = RequestFactory() self.user = create_fake_user() self.client = create_fake_client(response_type='code') def _post_data(self, code): """ All the data that will be POSTed to the Token Endpoint. """ post_data = { 'client_id': self.client.client_id, 'client_secret': self.client.client_secret, 'redirect_uri': self.client.default_redirect_uri, 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'code': code, 'state': uuid.uuid4().hex, } return post_data def _post_request(self, post_data): """ Makes a request to the token endpoint by sending the `post_data` parameters using the 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' format. """ url = reverse('oidc_provider:token') request =, data=urlencode(post_data), content_type='application/x-www-form-urlencoded') response = TokenView.as_view()(request) return response def _create_code(self): """ Generate a valid grant code. """ code = create_code( user=self.user, client=self.client, scope=['openid', 'email'], nonce=FAKE_NONCE) return code def test_request_methods(self): """ Client sends an HTTP POST request to the Token Endpoint. Other request methods MUST NOT be allowed. """ url = reverse('oidc_provider:token') requests = [ self.factory.get(url), self.factory.put(url), self.factory.delete(url), ] for request in requests: response = TokenView.as_view()(request) self.assertEqual(response.status_code == 405, True, msg=request.method+' request does not return a 405 status.') request = response = TokenView.as_view()(request) self.assertEqual(response.status_code == 400, True, msg=request.method+' request does not return a 400 status.') def test_client_authentication(self): """ The authorization server support including the client credentials in the request-body using the `client_id` and `client_secret`parameters. See: """ code = self._create_code() # Test a valid request to the token endpoint. post_data = self._post_data(code=code.code) response = self._post_request(post_data) response_dic = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) self.assertEqual('access_token' in response_dic, True, msg='"access_token" key is missing in response.') self.assertEqual('error' in response_dic, False, msg='"error" key should not exists in response.') # Now, test with an invalid client_id. invalid_data = post_data.copy() invalid_data['client_id'] = self.client.client_id * 2 # Fake id. # Create another grant code. code = self._create_code() invalid_data['code'] = code.code response = self._post_request(invalid_data) response_dic = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) self.assertEqual('error' in response_dic, True, msg='"error" key should exists in response.') self.assertEqual(response_dic.get('error') == 'invalid_client', True, msg='"error" key value should be "invalid_client".') def test_access_token_contains_nonce(self): """ If present in the Authentication Request, Authorization Servers MUST include a nonce Claim in the ID Token with the Claim Value being the nonce value sent in the Authentication Request. If the client does not supply a nonce parameter, it SHOULD not be included in the `id_token`. See """ code = self._create_code() post_data = self._post_data(code=code.code) response = self._post_request(post_data) response_dic = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) id_token = jwt.decode(response_dic['id_token'], options={'verify_signature': False, 'verify_aud': False}) self.assertEqual(id_token['nonce'], FAKE_NONCE) # Client does not supply a nonce parameter. code.nonce = '' response = self._post_request(post_data) response_dic = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) id_token = jwt.decode(response_dic['id_token'], options={'verify_signature': False, 'verify_aud': False}) self.assertEqual(id_token.get('nonce'), None) def test_idtoken_sign_validation(self): """ We MUST validate the signature of the ID Token according to JWS using the algorithm specified in the alg Header Parameter of the JOSE Header. """ # Get public key from discovery. request = self.factory.get(reverse('oidc_provider:jwks')) response = JwksView.as_view()(request) response_dic = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) # Construct PEM key from exponent and modulus. key_e = long(base64_to_long(response_dic['keys'][0]['e'])) key_n = base64_to_long(response_dic['keys'][0]['n']) KEY = RSA.construct((key_n, key_e)).exportKey('PEM') self.assertEqual(response_dic['keys'][0]['alg'] == 'RS256', True, msg='Key from jwks_uri MUST have alg "RS256".') code = self._create_code() post_data = self._post_data(code=code.code) response = self._post_request(post_data) response_dic = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) id_token = jwt.decode(response_dic['id_token'], KEY, algorithm='RS256', audience=str(self.client.client_id))