.. _templates: Templates ######### Add your own templates files inside a folder named ``templates/oidc_provider/``. You can copy the sample html files here and customize them with your own style. **authorize.html**::

Request for Permission

Client {{ client.name }} would like to access this information of you ...

{% csrf_token %} {{ hidden_inputs }}

{{ error }}

{{ description }}

You can also customize paths to your custom templates by putting them in ``OIDC_TEMPLATES`` in the settings. The following contexts will be passed to the ``authorize`` and ``error`` templates respectively:: # For authorize template { 'client': 'an instance of Client for the auth request', 'hidden_inputs': 'a rendered html with all the hidden inputs needed for AuthorizeEndpoint', 'params': 'a dict containing the params in the auth request', 'scopes': 'a list of scopes' } # For error template { 'error': 'string stating the error', 'description': 'string stating description of the error' }