.. _contribute: Contribute ########## We love contributions, so please feel free to fix bugs, improve things, provide documentation. These are the steps: * Create an issue and explain your feature/bugfix. * Wait collaborators comments. * Fork the project and create new branch from `develop`. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests and documentation if needed. * Create pull request for the issue to the `develop` branch. * Wait collaborators reviews. Running Tests ============= Use `tox `_ for running tests in each of the environments, also to run coverage and flake8 among:: # Run all tests. $ tox # Run with Python 3.5 and Django 2.0. $ tox -e py35-django20 # Run single test file on specific environment. $ tox -e py35-django20 tests/cases/test_authorize_endpoint.py We also use `travis `_ to automatically test every commit to the project. Improve Documentation ===================== We use `Sphinx `_ for generate this documentation. I you want to add or modify something just: * Install Sphinx (``pip install sphinx``) and the auto-build tool (``pip install sphinx-autobuild``). * Move inside the docs folder. ``cd docs/`` * Generate and watch docs by running ``sphinx-autobuild . _build/``. * Open ```` in a browser.