# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2013 by Pablo Martín # # This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this software. If not, see . import sys from django import VERSION from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.forms.models import modelform_factory from django.test import TestCase from multiselectfield.utils import get_max_length from .models import Book, PROVINCES, STATES, PROVINCES_AND_STATES if sys.version_info < (3,): u = unicode # noqa: F821 else: u = str def get_field(model, name): return model._meta.get_field(name) class MultiSelectTestCase(TestCase): fixtures = ['app_data.json'] maxDiff = 4000 def assertListEqual(self, left, right, msg=None): if sys.version_info >= (3, 2): # Added in Python 3.2 self.assertCountEqual(left, right, msg=msg) else: # Manually check list equality self.assertEqual(len(left), len(right), msg=msg) for i, tag_list in enumerate(left): for j, tag in enumerate(tag_list): self.assertEqual(tag, right[i][j], msg=msg) def assertStringEqual(self, left, right, msg=None): _msg = "Chars in position %%d differ: %%s != %%s. %s" % msg # Compare characters individually for i, chars in enumerate(zip(left, right)): self.assertEqual(chars[0], chars[1], msg=_msg % (i, chars[0], chars[1])) def test_filter(self): self.assertEqual(Book.objects.filter(tags__contains='sex').count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Book.objects.filter(tags__contains='boring').count(), 0) def test_values_list(self): tag_list_list = Book.objects.all().values_list('tags', flat=True) categories_list_list = Book.objects.all().values_list('categories', flat=True) # Workaround for Django bug #9619 # https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/9619 # For Django 1.6 and 1.7, calling values() or values_list() doesn't # call Field.from_db_field, it simply returns a Python representation # of the data in the database (which in our case is a string of # comma-separated values). The bug was fixed in Django 1.8+. self.assertListEqual(tag_list_list, [['sex', 'work', 'happy']]) self.assertListEqual(categories_list_list, [['1', '3', '5']]) def test_form(self): form_class = modelform_factory(Book, fields=('title', 'tags', 'categories')) self.assertEqual(len(form_class.base_fields), 3) form = form_class({'title': 'new book', 'categories': '1,2'}) if form.is_valid(): form.save() def test_object(self): book = Book.objects.get(id=1) self.assertEqual(book.get_tags_display(), 'Sex, Work, Happy') self.assertEqual(book.get_tags_list(), ['Sex', 'Work', 'Happy']) self.assertEqual(book.get_categories_display(), 'Handbooks and manuals by discipline, Books of literary criticism, Books about literature') self.assertEqual(book.get_categories_list(), ['Handbooks and manuals by discipline', 'Books of literary criticism', 'Books about literature']) self.assertEqual(book.get_tags_list(), book.get_tags_display().split(', ')) self.assertEqual(book.get_categories_list(), book.get_categories_display().split(', ')) def test_validate(self): book = Book.objects.get(id=1) get_field(Book, 'tags').clean(['sex', 'work'], book) try: get_field(Book, 'tags').clean(['sex1', 'work'], book) raise AssertionError() except ValidationError: pass get_field(Book, 'categories').clean(['1', '2', '3'], book) try: get_field(Book, 'categories').clean(['1', '2', '3', '4'], book) raise AssertionError() except ValidationError: pass try: get_field(Book, 'categories').clean(['11', '12', '13'], book) raise AssertionError() except ValidationError: pass def test_serializer(self): book = Book.objects.get(id=1) self.assertEqual(get_field(Book, 'tags').value_to_string(book), 'sex,work,happy') self.assertEqual(get_field(Book, 'categories').value_to_string(book), '1,3,5') def test_flatchoices(self): self.assertEqual(get_field(Book, 'published_in').flatchoices, list(PROVINCES + STATES)) def test_named_groups(self): self.assertEqual(get_field(Book, 'published_in').choices, PROVINCES_AND_STATES) def test_named_groups_form(self): form_class = modelform_factory(Book, fields=('published_in',)) self.assertEqual(len(form_class.base_fields), 1) form = form_class(initial={'published_in': ['BC', 'AK']}) expected_html = u("""

""") actual_html = form.as_p() if VERSION >= (2, 0): expected_html = expected_html.replace('input checked="checked"', 'input checked') self.assertHTMLEqual(expected_html, actual_html) class MultiSelectUtilsTestCase(TestCase): def test_get_max_length_max_length_is_not_none(self): self.assertEqual(get_max_length([], 5), 5) def test_get_max_length_max_length_is_none_and_choices_is_empty(self): self.assertEqual(get_max_length([], None), 200) def test_get_max_length_max_length_is_none_and_choices_is_not_empty(self): choices = [ ('key1', 'value1'), ('key2', 'value2'), ('key3', 'value3'), ] self.assertEqual(get_max_length(choices, None), 14)