2015-07-30 16:22:07 +01:00

135 lines
4.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012-2015, The CryptoNote developers, The Bytecoin developers
// This file is part of Bytecoin.
// Bytecoin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Bytecoin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Bytecoin. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Chaingen001.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace CryptoNote;
// class one_block;
REGISTER_CALLBACK("verify_1", one_block::verify_1);
bool one_block::generate(std::vector<test_event_entry> &events)
uint64_t ts_start = 1338224400;
MAKE_GENESIS_BLOCK(events, blk_0, alice, ts_start);
MAKE_ACCOUNT(events, alice);
DO_CALLBACK(events, "verify_1");
return true;
bool one_block::verify_1(CryptoNote::core& c, size_t ev_index, const std::vector<test_event_entry> &events)
alice = boost::get<CryptoNote::AccountBase>(events[1]);
// check balances
//std::vector<const CryptoNote::Block*> chain;
//map_hash2tx_t mtx;
//CHECK_TEST_CONDITION(find_block_chain(events, chain, mtx, get_block_hash(boost::get<CryptoNote::Block>(events[1]))));
//CHECK_TEST_CONDITION(get_block_reward(0) == get_balance(alice, events, chain, mtx));
// check height
std::list<CryptoNote::Block> blocks;
std::list<Crypto::PublicKey> outs;
bool r = c.get_blocks(0, 100, blocks);
//c.get_outs(100, outs);
CHECK_TEST_CONDITION(blocks.size() == 1);
//CHECK_TEST_CONDITION(outs.size() == blocks.size());
CHECK_TEST_CONDITION(c.get_blockchain_total_transactions() == 1);
CHECK_TEST_CONDITION(blocks.back() == boost::get<CryptoNote::Block>(events[0]));
return true;
// class gen_simple_chain_001;
REGISTER_CALLBACK("verify_callback_1", gen_simple_chain_001::verify_callback_1);
REGISTER_CALLBACK("verify_callback_2", gen_simple_chain_001::verify_callback_2);
bool gen_simple_chain_001::generate(std::vector<test_event_entry> &events)
uint64_t ts_start = 1338224400;
MAKE_GENESIS_BLOCK(events, blk_0, miner, ts_start);
MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK(events, blk_1, blk_0, miner);
MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK(events, blk_1_side, blk_0, miner);
MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK(events, blk_2, blk_1, miner);
//MAKE_TX(events, tx_0, first_miner_account, alice, 151, blk_2);
std::vector<CryptoNote::Block> chain;
map_hash2tx_t mtx;
/*bool r = */find_block_chain(events, chain, mtx, get_block_hash(boost::get<CryptoNote::Block>(events[3])));
std::cout << "BALANCE = " << get_balance(miner, chain, mtx) << std::endl;
REWIND_BLOCKS(events, blk_2r, blk_2, miner);
MAKE_TX_LIST_START(events, txlist_0, miner, alice, MK_COINS(1), blk_2);
MAKE_TX_LIST(events, txlist_0, miner, alice, MK_COINS(2), blk_2);
MAKE_TX_LIST(events, txlist_0, miner, alice, MK_COINS(4), blk_2);
MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK_TX_LIST(events, blk_3, blk_2r, miner, txlist_0);
REWIND_BLOCKS(events, blk_3r, blk_3, miner);
MAKE_TX(events, tx_1, miner, alice, MK_COINS(50), blk_3);
MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK_TX1(events, blk_4, blk_3r, miner, tx_1);
REWIND_BLOCKS(events, blk_4r, blk_4, miner);
MAKE_TX(events, tx_2, miner, alice, MK_COINS(50), blk_4);
MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK_TX1(events, blk_5, blk_4r, miner, tx_2);
REWIND_BLOCKS(events, blk_5r, blk_5, miner);
MAKE_TX(events, tx_3, miner, alice, MK_COINS(50), blk_5);
MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK_TX1(events, blk_6, blk_5r, miner, tx_3);
DO_CALLBACK(events, "verify_callback_1");
//MAKE_BLOCK_TX1(events, blk_3, 3, get_block_hash(blk_0), get_test_target(), first_miner_account, ts_start + 10, tx_0);
//MAKE_BLOCK_TX1(events, blk_3, 3, get_block_hash(blk_0), get_test_target(), first_miner_account, ts_start + 10, tx_0);
//DO_CALLBACK(events, "verify_callback_2");
/* std::vector<const CryptoNote::Block*> chain;
map_hash2tx_t mtx;
if (!find_block_chain(events, chain, mtx, get_block_hash(blk_6)))
cout << "miner = " << get_balance(first_miner_account, events, chain, mtx) << endl;
cout << "alice = " << get_balance(alice, events, chain, mtx) << endl;*/
return true;
bool gen_simple_chain_001::verify_callback_1(CryptoNote::core& c, size_t ev_index, const std::vector<test_event_entry> &events)
return true;
bool gen_simple_chain_001::verify_callback_2(CryptoNote::core& c, size_t ev_index, const std::vector<test_event_entry> &events)
return true;