// Copyright (c) 2012-2014, The CryptoNote developers, The Bytecoin developers // // This file is part of Bytecoin. // // Bytecoin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Bytecoin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with Bytecoin. If not, see . #include "chaingen.h" #include "chaingen_tests_list.h" #include "block_reward.h" using namespace epee; using namespace cryptonote; namespace { bool construct_miner_tx_by_size(transaction& miner_tx, uint64_t height, uint64_t already_generated_coins, const account_public_address& miner_address, std::vector& block_sizes, size_t target_tx_size, size_t target_block_size, uint64_t fee = 0) { if (!construct_miner_tx(height, misc_utils::median(block_sizes), already_generated_coins, target_block_size, fee, miner_address, miner_tx)) return false; size_t current_size = get_object_blobsize(miner_tx); size_t try_count = 0; while (target_tx_size != current_size) { ++try_count; if (10 < try_count) return false; if (target_tx_size < current_size) { size_t diff = current_size - target_tx_size; if (diff <= miner_tx.extra.size()) miner_tx.extra.resize(miner_tx.extra.size() - diff); else return false; } else { size_t diff = target_tx_size - current_size; miner_tx.extra.resize(miner_tx.extra.size() + diff); } current_size = get_object_blobsize(miner_tx); } return true; } bool construct_max_size_block(test_generator& generator, block& blk, const block& blk_prev, const account_base& miner_account, size_t median_block_count = CRYPTONOTE_REWARD_BLOCKS_WINDOW) { std::vector block_sizes; generator.get_last_n_block_sizes(block_sizes, get_block_hash(blk_prev), median_block_count); size_t median = misc_utils::median(block_sizes); median = std::max(median, static_cast(CRYPTONOTE_BLOCK_GRANTED_FULL_REWARD_ZONE)); transaction miner_tx; bool r = construct_miner_tx_by_size(miner_tx, get_block_height(blk_prev) + 1, generator.get_already_generated_coins(blk_prev), miner_account.get_keys().m_account_address, block_sizes, 2 * median, 2 * median); if (!r) return false; return generator.construct_block_manually(blk, blk_prev, miner_account, test_generator::bf_miner_tx, 0, 0, 0, crypto::hash(), 0, miner_tx); } bool rewind_blocks(std::vector& events, test_generator& generator, block& blk, const block& blk_prev, const account_base& miner_account, size_t block_count) { blk = blk_prev; for (size_t i = 0; i < block_count; ++i) { block blk_i; if (!construct_max_size_block(generator, blk_i, blk, miner_account)) return false; events.push_back(blk_i); blk = blk_i; } return true; } uint64_t get_tx_out_amount(const transaction& tx) { uint64_t amount = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(auto& o, tx.vout) amount += o.amount; return amount; } } gen_block_reward::gen_block_reward() : m_invalid_block_index(0) { REGISTER_CALLBACK_METHOD(gen_block_reward, mark_invalid_block); REGISTER_CALLBACK_METHOD(gen_block_reward, mark_checked_block); REGISTER_CALLBACK_METHOD(gen_block_reward, check_block_rewards); } bool gen_block_reward::generate(std::vector& events) const { uint64_t ts_start = 1338224400; GENERATE_ACCOUNT(miner_account); MAKE_GENESIS_BLOCK(events, blk_0, miner_account, ts_start); DO_CALLBACK(events, "mark_checked_block"); MAKE_ACCOUNT(events, bob_account); // Test: miner transactions without outputs (block reward == 0) block blk_0r; if (!rewind_blocks(events, generator, blk_0r, blk_0, miner_account, CRYPTONOTE_REWARD_BLOCKS_WINDOW)) return false; // Test: block reward is calculated using median of the latest CRYPTONOTE_REWARD_BLOCKS_WINDOW blocks DO_CALLBACK(events, "mark_invalid_block"); block blk_1_bad_1; if (!construct_max_size_block(generator, blk_1_bad_1, blk_0r, miner_account, CRYPTONOTE_REWARD_BLOCKS_WINDOW + 1)) return false; events.push_back(blk_1_bad_1); DO_CALLBACK(events, "mark_invalid_block"); block blk_1_bad_2; if (!construct_max_size_block(generator, blk_1_bad_2, blk_0r, miner_account, CRYPTONOTE_REWARD_BLOCKS_WINDOW - 1)) return false; events.push_back(blk_1_bad_2); block blk_1; if (!construct_max_size_block(generator, blk_1, blk_0r, miner_account)) return false; events.push_back(blk_1); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK(events, blk_2, blk_1, miner_account); DO_CALLBACK(events, "mark_checked_block"); MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK(events, blk_3, blk_2, miner_account); DO_CALLBACK(events, "mark_checked_block"); MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK(events, blk_4, blk_3, miner_account); DO_CALLBACK(events, "mark_checked_block"); MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK(events, blk_5, blk_4, miner_account); DO_CALLBACK(events, "mark_checked_block"); block blk_5r; if (!rewind_blocks(events, generator, blk_5r, blk_5, miner_account, CRYPTONOTE_MINED_MONEY_UNLOCK_WINDOW)) return false; // Test: fee increases block reward transaction tx_0(construct_tx_with_fee(events, blk_5, miner_account, bob_account, MK_COINS(1), 3 * TESTS_DEFAULT_FEE)); MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK_TX1(events, blk_6, blk_5r, miner_account, tx_0); DO_CALLBACK(events, "mark_checked_block"); // Test: fee from all block transactions increase block reward std::list txs_0; txs_0.push_back(construct_tx_with_fee(events, blk_5, miner_account, bob_account, MK_COINS(1), 5 * TESTS_DEFAULT_FEE)); txs_0.push_back(construct_tx_with_fee(events, blk_5, miner_account, bob_account, MK_COINS(1), 7 * TESTS_DEFAULT_FEE)); MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK_TX_LIST(events, blk_7, blk_6, miner_account, txs_0); DO_CALLBACK(events, "mark_checked_block"); // Test: block reward == transactions fee { transaction tx_1 = construct_tx_with_fee(events, blk_5, miner_account, bob_account, MK_COINS(1), 11 * TESTS_DEFAULT_FEE); transaction tx_2 = construct_tx_with_fee(events, blk_5, miner_account, bob_account, MK_COINS(1), 13 * TESTS_DEFAULT_FEE); size_t txs_1_size = get_object_blobsize(tx_1) + get_object_blobsize(tx_2); uint64_t txs_fee = get_tx_fee(tx_1) + get_tx_fee(tx_2); std::vector block_sizes; generator.get_last_n_block_sizes(block_sizes, get_block_hash(blk_7), CRYPTONOTE_REWARD_BLOCKS_WINDOW); size_t median = misc_utils::median(block_sizes); transaction miner_tx; bool r = construct_miner_tx_by_size(miner_tx, get_block_height(blk_7) + 1, generator.get_already_generated_coins(blk_7), miner_account.get_keys().m_account_address, block_sizes, 2 * median - txs_1_size, 2 * median, txs_fee); if (!r) return false; std::vector txs_1_hashes; txs_1_hashes.push_back(get_transaction_hash(tx_1)); txs_1_hashes.push_back(get_transaction_hash(tx_2)); block blk_8; generator.construct_block_manually(blk_8, blk_7, miner_account, test_generator::bf_miner_tx | test_generator::bf_tx_hashes, 0, 0, 0, crypto::hash(), 0, miner_tx, txs_1_hashes, txs_1_size); events.push_back(blk_8); DO_CALLBACK(events, "mark_checked_block"); } DO_CALLBACK(events, "check_block_rewards"); return true; } bool gen_block_reward::check_block_verification_context(const cryptonote::block_verification_context& bvc, size_t event_idx, const cryptonote::block& /*blk*/) { if (m_invalid_block_index == event_idx) { m_invalid_block_index = 0; return bvc.m_verifivation_failed; } else { return !bvc.m_verifivation_failed; } } bool gen_block_reward::mark_invalid_block(cryptonote::core& /*c*/, size_t ev_index, const std::vector& /*events*/) { m_invalid_block_index = ev_index + 1; return true; } bool gen_block_reward::mark_checked_block(cryptonote::core& /*c*/, size_t ev_index, const std::vector& /*events*/) { m_checked_blocks_indices.push_back(ev_index - 1); return true; } bool gen_block_reward::check_block_rewards(cryptonote::core& /*c*/, size_t /*ev_index*/, const std::vector& events) { DEFINE_TESTS_ERROR_CONTEXT("gen_block_reward_without_txs::check_block_rewards"); std::array blk_rewards; blk_rewards[0] = MONEY_SUPPLY >> 18; uint64_t cumulative_reward = blk_rewards[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < blk_rewards.size(); ++i) { blk_rewards[i] = (MONEY_SUPPLY - cumulative_reward) >> 18; cumulative_reward += blk_rewards[i]; } for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { block blk_i = boost::get(events[m_checked_blocks_indices[i]]); CHECK_EQ(blk_rewards[i], get_tx_out_amount(blk_i.miner_tx)); } block blk_n1 = boost::get(events[m_checked_blocks_indices[5]]); CHECK_EQ(blk_rewards[5] + 3 * TESTS_DEFAULT_FEE, get_tx_out_amount(blk_n1.miner_tx)); block blk_n2 = boost::get(events[m_checked_blocks_indices[6]]); CHECK_EQ(blk_rewards[6] + (5 + 7) * TESTS_DEFAULT_FEE, get_tx_out_amount(blk_n2.miner_tx)); block blk_n3 = boost::get(events[m_checked_blocks_indices[7]]); CHECK_EQ((11 + 13) * TESTS_DEFAULT_FEE, get_tx_out_amount(blk_n3.miner_tx)); return true; }