// Copyright (c) 2011-2015 The Cryptonote developers // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #pragma once #include #include #include "CryptoNoteCore/CoreConfig.h" #include "Common/CommandLine.h" #include "Common/ConsoleTools.h" #include "CryptoNoteCore/Account.h" #include "CryptoNoteCore/Core.h" #include "CryptoNoteCore/TransactionExtra.h" #include "../TestGenerator/TestGenerator.h" #include "CryptoNoteCore/CryptoNoteTools.h" #include "BoostSerializationHelper.h" #include "AccountBoostSerialization.h" #include #include namespace concolor { using namespace Common::Console; inline std::basic_ostream >& bright_white(std::basic_ostream >& ostr) { setTextColor(Color::BrightWhite); return ostr; } inline std::basic_ostream >& red(std::basic_ostream >& ostr) { setTextColor(Color::BrightRed); return ostr; } inline std::basic_ostream >& green(std::basic_ostream >& ostr) { setTextColor(Color::BrightGreen); return ostr; } inline std::basic_ostream >& magenta(std::basic_ostream >& ostr) { setTextColor(Color::BrightMagenta); return ostr; } inline std::basic_ostream >& yellow(std::basic_ostream >& ostr) { setTextColor(Color::BrightYellow); return ostr; } inline std::basic_ostream >& normal(std::basic_ostream >& ostr) { setTextColor(Color::Default); return ostr; } } #define LOG_ERROR(msg) std::cout << concolor::red << msg << concolor::normal << std::endl #define CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(expr, fail_ret_val, message) do{if(!(expr)) {std::cout << concolor::red << message << concolor::normal << std::endl; return fail_ret_val;};}while(0) #define CHECK_AND_NO_ASSERT_MES(expr, fail_ret_val, message) do{if(!(expr)) {std::cout << concolor::red << message << concolor::normal << std::endl; return fail_ret_val;};}while(0) struct callback_entry { std::string callback_name; //BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() // FIELD(callback_name) //END_SERIALIZE() private: friend class boost::serialization::access; template void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int /*version*/) { ar & callback_name; } }; template struct serialized_object { serialized_object() { } serialized_object(const CryptoNote::BinaryArray& a_data) : data(a_data) { } CryptoNote::BinaryArray data; //BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() // FIELD(data) // END_SERIALIZE() private: friend class boost::serialization::access; template void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int /*version*/) { ar & data; } }; typedef serialized_object serialized_block; typedef serialized_object serialized_transaction; struct event_visitor_settings { int valid_mask; bool txs_keeped_by_block; enum settings { set_txs_keeped_by_block = 1 << 0 }; event_visitor_settings(int a_valid_mask = 0, bool a_txs_keeped_by_block = false) : valid_mask(a_valid_mask) , txs_keeped_by_block(a_txs_keeped_by_block) { } private: friend class boost::serialization::access; template void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int /*version*/) { ar & valid_mask; ar & txs_keeped_by_block; } }; //VARIANT_TAG(binary_archive, callback_entry, 0xcb); //VARIANT_TAG(binary_archive, CryptoNote::account_base, 0xcc); //VARIANT_TAG(binary_archive, serialized_block, 0xcd); //VARIANT_TAG(binary_archive, serialized_transaction, 0xce); //VARIANT_TAG(binary_archive, event_visitor_settings, 0xcf); typedef boost::variant test_event_entry; typedef std::unordered_map map_hash2tx_t; class test_chain_unit_base: boost::noncopyable { public: test_chain_unit_base() : m_currency(CryptoNote::CurrencyBuilder(m_logger).currency()) { } typedef std::function &events)> verify_callback; typedef std::map callbacks_map; const CryptoNote::Currency& currency() const; void register_callback(const std::string& cb_name, verify_callback cb); bool verify(const std::string& cb_name, CryptoNote::core& c, size_t ev_index, const std::vector &events); protected: mutable Logging::ConsoleLogger m_logger; CryptoNote::Currency m_currency; private: callbacks_map m_callbacks; }; bool construct_tx_to_key(Logging::ILogger& logger, const std::vector& events, CryptoNote::Transaction& tx, const CryptoNote::Block& blk_head, const CryptoNote::AccountBase& from, const CryptoNote::AccountBase& to, uint64_t amount, uint64_t fee, size_t nmix); CryptoNote::Transaction construct_tx_with_fee(Logging::ILogger& logger, std::vector& events, const CryptoNote::Block& blk_head, const CryptoNote::AccountBase& acc_from, const CryptoNote::AccountBase& acc_to, uint64_t amount, uint64_t fee); void get_confirmed_txs(const std::vector& blockchain, const map_hash2tx_t& mtx, map_hash2tx_t& confirmed_txs); bool find_block_chain(const std::vector& events, std::vector& blockchain, map_hash2tx_t& mtx, const Crypto::Hash& head); void fill_tx_sources_and_destinations(const std::vector& events, const CryptoNote::Block& blk_head, const CryptoNote::AccountBase& from, const CryptoNote::AccountBase& to, uint64_t amount, uint64_t fee, size_t nmix, std::vector& sources, std::vector& destinations); uint64_t get_balance(const CryptoNote::AccountBase& addr, const std::vector& blockchain, const map_hash2tx_t& mtx); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- template auto do_check_tx_verification_context(const CryptoNote::tx_verification_context& tvc, bool tx_added, size_t event_index, const CryptoNote::Transaction& tx, t_test_class& validator, int) -> decltype(validator.check_tx_verification_context(tvc, tx_added, event_index, tx)) { return validator.check_tx_verification_context(tvc, tx_added, event_index, tx); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- template bool do_check_tx_verification_context(const CryptoNote::tx_verification_context& tvc, bool tx_added, size_t /*event_index*/, const CryptoNote::Transaction& /*tx*/, t_test_class&, long) { // Default block verification context check if (tvc.m_verifivation_failed) throw std::runtime_error("Transaction verification failed"); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- template bool check_tx_verification_context(const CryptoNote::tx_verification_context& tvc, bool tx_added, size_t event_index, const CryptoNote::Transaction& tx, t_test_class& validator) { // SFINAE in action return do_check_tx_verification_context(tvc, tx_added, event_index, tx, validator, 0); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- template auto do_check_block_verification_context(const CryptoNote::block_verification_context& bvc, size_t event_index, const CryptoNote::Block& blk, t_test_class& validator, int) -> decltype(validator.check_block_verification_context(bvc, event_index, blk)) { return validator.check_block_verification_context(bvc, event_index, blk); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- template bool do_check_block_verification_context(const CryptoNote::block_verification_context& bvc, size_t /*event_index*/, const CryptoNote::Block& /*blk*/, t_test_class&, long) { // Default block verification context check if (bvc.m_verifivation_failed) throw std::runtime_error("Block verification failed"); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- template bool check_block_verification_context(const CryptoNote::block_verification_context& bvc, size_t event_index, const CryptoNote::Block& blk, t_test_class& validator) { // SFINAE in action return do_check_block_verification_context(bvc, event_index, blk, validator, 0); } /************************************************************************/ /* */ /************************************************************************/ template struct push_core_event_visitor: public boost::static_visitor { private: CryptoNote::core& m_c; const std::vector& m_events; t_test_class& m_validator; size_t m_ev_index; bool m_txs_keeped_by_block; public: push_core_event_visitor(CryptoNote::core& c, const std::vector& events, t_test_class& validator) : m_c(c) , m_events(events) , m_validator(validator) , m_ev_index(0) , m_txs_keeped_by_block(false) { } void event_index(size_t ev_index) { m_ev_index = ev_index; } bool operator()(const event_visitor_settings& settings) { log_event("event_visitor_settings"); if (settings.valid_mask & event_visitor_settings::set_txs_keeped_by_block) { m_txs_keeped_by_block = settings.txs_keeped_by_block; } return true; } bool operator()(const CryptoNote::Transaction& tx) const { log_event("CryptoNote::Transaction"); CryptoNote::tx_verification_context tvc = boost::value_initialized(); size_t pool_size = m_c.get_pool_transactions_count(); m_c.handle_incoming_tx(toBinaryArray(tx), tvc, m_txs_keeped_by_block); bool tx_added = pool_size + 1 == m_c.get_pool_transactions_count(); bool r = check_tx_verification_context(tvc, tx_added, m_ev_index, tx, m_validator); CHECK_AND_NO_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "tx verification context check failed"); return true; } bool operator()(const CryptoNote::Block& b) const { log_event("CryptoNote::Block"); CryptoNote::block_verification_context bvc = boost::value_initialized(); m_c.handle_incoming_block_blob(toBinaryArray(b), bvc, false, false); bool r = check_block_verification_context(bvc, m_ev_index, b, m_validator); CHECK_AND_NO_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "block verification context check failed"); return r; } bool operator()(const callback_entry& cb) const { log_event(std::string("callback_entry ") + cb.callback_name); return m_validator.verify(cb.callback_name, m_c, m_ev_index, m_events); } bool operator()(const CryptoNote::AccountBase& ab) const { log_event("CryptoNote::account_base"); return true; } bool operator()(const serialized_block& sr_block) const { log_event("serialized_block"); CryptoNote::block_verification_context bvc = boost::value_initialized(); m_c.handle_incoming_block_blob(sr_block.data, bvc, false, false); CryptoNote::Block blk; if (!CryptoNote::fromBinaryArray(blk, sr_block.data)) { blk = CryptoNote::Block(); } bool r = check_block_verification_context(bvc, m_ev_index, blk, m_validator); CHECK_AND_NO_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "block verification context check failed"); return true; } bool operator()(const serialized_transaction& sr_tx) const { log_event("serialized_transaction"); CryptoNote::tx_verification_context tvc = boost::value_initialized();; size_t pool_size = m_c.get_pool_transactions_count(); m_c.handle_incoming_tx(sr_tx.data, tvc, m_txs_keeped_by_block); bool tx_added = pool_size + 1 == m_c.get_pool_transactions_count(); CryptoNote::Transaction tx; if (!CryptoNote::fromBinaryArray(tx, sr_tx.data)) { tx = CryptoNote::Transaction(); } bool r = check_tx_verification_context(tvc, tx_added, m_ev_index, tx, m_validator); CHECK_AND_NO_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "transaction verification context check failed"); return true; } private: void log_event(const std::string& event_type) const { std::cout << concolor::yellow << "=== EVENT # " << m_ev_index << ": " << event_type << concolor::normal << std::endl; } }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline bool replay_events_through_core(CryptoNote::core& cr, const std::vector& events, t_test_class& validator) { try { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(typeid(CryptoNote::Block) == events[0].type(), false, "First event must be genesis block creation"); cr.set_genesis_block(boost::get(events[0])); bool r = true; push_core_event_visitor visitor(cr, events, validator); for (size_t i = 1; i < events.size() && r; ++i) { visitor.event_index(i); r = boost::apply_visitor(visitor, events[i]); } return r; } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cout << "replay_events_through_core: " << e.what(); return false; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline bool do_replay_events(std::vector& events, t_test_class& validator) { boost::program_options::options_description desc("Allowed options"); CryptoNote::CoreConfig::initOptions(desc); command_line::add_arg(desc, command_line::arg_data_dir); boost::program_options::variables_map vm; bool r = command_line::handle_error_helper(desc, [&]() { boost::program_options::store(boost::program_options::basic_parsed_options(&desc), vm); boost::program_options::notify(vm); return true; }); if (!r) return false; Logging::ConsoleLogger logger; CryptoNote::CoreConfig coreConfig; coreConfig.init(vm); CryptoNote::MinerConfig emptyMinerConfig; CryptoNote::cryptonote_protocol_stub pr; //TODO: stub only for this kind of test, make real validation of relayed objects CryptoNote::core c(validator.currency(), &pr, logger); if (!c.init(coreConfig, emptyMinerConfig, false)) { std::cout << concolor::magenta << "Failed to init core" << concolor::normal << std::endl; return false; } return replay_events_through_core(c, events, validator); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline bool do_replay_file(const std::string& filename) { std::vector events; if (!Tools::unserialize_obj_from_file(events, filename)) { std::cout << concolor::magenta << "Failed to deserialize data from file: " << filename << concolor::normal << std::endl; return false; } t_test_class validator; return do_replay_events(events, validator); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define GENERATE_ACCOUNT(account) \ CryptoNote::AccountBase account; \ account.generate(); #define MAKE_ACCOUNT(VEC_EVENTS, account) \ CryptoNote::AccountBase account; \ account.generate(); \ VEC_EVENTS.push_back(account); #define DO_CALLBACK(VEC_EVENTS, CB_NAME) \ { \ callback_entry CALLBACK_ENTRY; \ CALLBACK_ENTRY.callback_name = CB_NAME; \ VEC_EVENTS.push_back(CALLBACK_ENTRY); \ } #define REGISTER_CALLBACK(CB_NAME, CLBACK) \ register_callback(CB_NAME, std::bind(&CLBACK, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)); #define REGISTER_CALLBACK_METHOD(CLASS, METHOD) \ register_callback(#METHOD, std::bind(&CLASS::METHOD, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)); #define MAKE_GENESIS_BLOCK(VEC_EVENTS, BLK_NAME, MINER_ACC, TS) \ test_generator generator(this->m_currency); \ CryptoNote::Block BLK_NAME; \ generator.constructBlock(BLK_NAME, MINER_ACC, TS); \ VEC_EVENTS.push_back(BLK_NAME); #define MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK(VEC_EVENTS, BLK_NAME, PREV_BLOCK, MINER_ACC) \ CryptoNote::Block BLK_NAME; \ generator.constructBlock(BLK_NAME, PREV_BLOCK, MINER_ACC); \ VEC_EVENTS.push_back(BLK_NAME); #define MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK_TX1(VEC_EVENTS, BLK_NAME, PREV_BLOCK, MINER_ACC, TX1) \ CryptoNote::Block BLK_NAME; \ { \ std::list tx_list; \ tx_list.push_back(TX1); \ generator.constructBlock(BLK_NAME, PREV_BLOCK, MINER_ACC, tx_list); \ } \ VEC_EVENTS.push_back(BLK_NAME); #define MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK_TX_LIST(VEC_EVENTS, BLK_NAME, PREV_BLOCK, MINER_ACC, TXLIST) \ CryptoNote::Block BLK_NAME; \ generator.constructBlock(BLK_NAME, PREV_BLOCK, MINER_ACC, TXLIST); \ VEC_EVENTS.push_back(BLK_NAME); #define REWIND_BLOCKS_N(VEC_EVENTS, BLK_NAME, PREV_BLOCK, MINER_ACC, COUNT) \ CryptoNote::Block BLK_NAME; \ { \ CryptoNote::Block blk_last = PREV_BLOCK; \ for (size_t i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) \ { \ MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK(VEC_EVENTS, blk, blk_last, MINER_ACC); \ blk_last = blk; \ } \ BLK_NAME = blk_last; \ } #define REWIND_BLOCKS(VEC_EVENTS, BLK_NAME, PREV_BLOCK, MINER_ACC) \ REWIND_BLOCKS_N(VEC_EVENTS, BLK_NAME, PREV_BLOCK, MINER_ACC, this->m_currency.minedMoneyUnlockWindow()) #define MAKE_TX_MIX(VEC_EVENTS, TX_NAME, FROM, TO, AMOUNT, NMIX, HEAD) \ CryptoNote::Transaction TX_NAME; \ construct_tx_to_key(this->m_logger, VEC_EVENTS, TX_NAME, HEAD, FROM, TO, AMOUNT, this->m_currency.minimumFee(), NMIX); \ VEC_EVENTS.push_back(TX_NAME); #define MAKE_TX(VEC_EVENTS, TX_NAME, FROM, TO, AMOUNT, HEAD) MAKE_TX_MIX(VEC_EVENTS, TX_NAME, FROM, TO, AMOUNT, 0, HEAD) #define MAKE_TX_MIX_LIST(VEC_EVENTS, SET_NAME, FROM, TO, AMOUNT, NMIX, HEAD) \ { \ CryptoNote::Transaction t; \ construct_tx_to_key(this->m_logger, VEC_EVENTS, t, HEAD, FROM, TO, AMOUNT, this->m_currency.minimumFee(), NMIX); \ SET_NAME.push_back(t); \ VEC_EVENTS.push_back(t); \ } #define MAKE_TX_LIST(VEC_EVENTS, SET_NAME, FROM, TO, AMOUNT, HEAD) MAKE_TX_MIX_LIST(VEC_EVENTS, SET_NAME, FROM, TO, AMOUNT, 0, HEAD) #define MAKE_TX_LIST_START(VEC_EVENTS, SET_NAME, FROM, TO, AMOUNT, HEAD) \ std::list SET_NAME; \ MAKE_TX_LIST(VEC_EVENTS, SET_NAME, FROM, TO, AMOUNT, HEAD); #define MAKE_MINER_TX_AND_KEY_MANUALLY(TX, BLK, KEY) \ Transaction TX; \ if (!constructMinerTxManually(this->m_currency, get_block_height(BLK) + 1, generator.getAlreadyGeneratedCoins(BLK), \ miner_account.getAccountKeys().address, TX, 0, KEY)) \ return false; #define MAKE_MINER_TX_MANUALLY(TX, BLK) MAKE_MINER_TX_AND_KEY_MANUALLY(TX, BLK, 0) #define SET_EVENT_VISITOR_SETT(VEC_EVENTS, SETT, VAL) VEC_EVENTS.push_back(event_visitor_settings(SETT, VAL)); #define GENERATE(filename, genclass) \ { \ std::vector events; \ genclass g; \ g.generate(events); \ if (!Tools::serialize_obj_to_file(events, filename)) \ { \ std::cout << concolor::magenta << "Failed to serialize data to file: " << filename << concolor::normal << std::endl; \ throw std::runtime_error("Failed to serialize data to file"); \ } \ } #define PLAY(filename, genclass) \ if(!do_replay_file(filename)) \ { \ std::cout << concolor::magenta << "Failed to pass test : " << #genclass << concolor::normal << std::endl; \ return 1; \ } #define GENERATE_AND_PLAY(genclass) \ { \ std::vector events; \ ++tests_count; \ bool generated = false; \ try \ { \ genclass g; \ generated = g.generate(events);; \ } \ catch (const std::exception& ex) \ { \ std::cout << #genclass << " generation failed: what=" << ex.what(); \ } \ catch (...) \ { \ std::cout << #genclass << " generation failed: generic exception"; \ } \ genclass validator; \ if (generated && do_replay_events< genclass >(events, validator)) \ { \ std::cout << concolor::green << "#TEST# Succeeded " << #genclass << concolor::normal << '\n'; \ } \ else \ { \ std::cout << concolor::magenta << "#TEST# Failed " << #genclass << concolor::normal << '\n'; \ failed_tests.push_back(#genclass); \ } \ std::cout << std::endl; \ } template bool GenerateAndPlay(const char* testname, GenClassT&& g) { std::vector events; bool generated = false; try { generated = g.generate(events); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { std::cout << testname << " generation failed: what=" << ex.what(); } catch (...) { std::cout << testname << " generation failed: generic exception"; } bool succeeded = generated && do_replay_events(events, g); if (succeeded) { std::cout << concolor::green << "#TEST# Succeeded " << testname << concolor::normal << '\n'; } else { std::cout << concolor::magenta << "#TEST# Failed " << testname << concolor::normal << '\n'; } std::cout << std::endl; return succeeded; } #define GENERATE_AND_PLAY_EX(genclass) { ++tests_count; if (!GenerateAndPlay(#genclass, genclass)) failed_tests.push_back(#genclass); } #define CALL_TEST(test_name, function) \ { \ if(!function()) \ { \ std::cout << concolor::magenta << "#TEST# Failed " << test_name << concolor::normal << std::endl; \ return 1; \ } \ else \ { \ std::cout << concolor::green << "#TEST# Succeeded " << test_name << concolor::normal << std::endl; \ } \ } template struct Pow10 { static const uint64_t value = 10 * Pow10::value; }; template<> struct Pow10<0> { static const uint64_t value = 1; }; const uint64_t COIN = Pow10::value; #define QUOTEME(x) #x #define DEFINE_TESTS_ERROR_CONTEXT(text) const char* perr_context = text; #define CHECK_TEST_CONDITION(cond) CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(cond, false, "[" << perr_context << "] failed: \"" << QUOTEME(cond) << "\"") #define CHECK_EQ(v1, v2) CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(v1 == v2, false, "[" << perr_context << "] failed: \"" << QUOTEME(v1) << " == " << QUOTEME(v2) << "\", " << v1 << " != " << v2) #define CHECK_NOT_EQ(v1, v2) CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(!(v1 == v2), false, "[" << perr_context << "] failed: \"" << QUOTEME(v1) << " != " << QUOTEME(v2) << "\", " << v1 << " == " << v2) #define MK_COINS(amount) (UINT64_C(amount) * COIN)