// Copyright (c) 2014-2015, The Monero Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Parts of this file are originally copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "syncobj.h" #include "string_tools.h" #include "tx_pool.h" #include "cryptonote_basic.h" #include "common/util.h" #include "cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_defs.h" #include "rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h" #include "difficulty.h" #include "cryptonote_core/cryptonote_format_utils.h" #include "verification_context.h" #include "crypto/hash.h" #include "checkpoints.h" namespace cryptonote { /************************************************************************/ /* */ /************************************************************************/ class blockchain_storage { public: struct transaction_chain_entry { transaction tx; uint64_t m_keeper_block_height; size_t m_blob_size; std::vector m_global_output_indexes; }; struct block_extended_info { block bl; uint64_t height; size_t block_cumulative_size; difficulty_type cumulative_difficulty; uint64_t already_generated_coins; }; blockchain_storage(tx_memory_pool& tx_pool):m_tx_pool(tx_pool), m_current_block_cumul_sz_limit(0), m_is_in_checkpoint_zone(false), m_is_blockchain_storing(false), m_enforce_dns_checkpoints(false) {}; bool init() { return init(tools::get_default_data_dir(), true); } bool init(const std::string& config_folder, bool testnet = false); bool deinit(); void set_checkpoints(checkpoints&& chk_pts) { m_checkpoints = chk_pts; } //bool push_new_block(); bool get_blocks(uint64_t start_offset, size_t count, std::list& blocks, std::list& txs); bool get_blocks(uint64_t start_offset, size_t count, std::list& blocks); bool get_alternative_blocks(std::list& blocks); size_t get_alternative_blocks_count(); crypto::hash get_block_id_by_height(uint64_t height); bool get_block_by_hash(const crypto::hash &h, block &blk); void get_all_known_block_ids(std::list &main, std::list &alt, std::list &invalid); template void serialize(archive_t & ar, const unsigned int version); bool have_tx(const crypto::hash &id); bool have_tx_keyimges_as_spent(const transaction &tx); bool have_tx_keyimg_as_spent(const crypto::key_image &key_im); transaction *get_tx(const crypto::hash &id); template bool scan_outputkeys_for_indexes(const txin_to_key& tx_in_to_key, visitor_t& vis, uint64_t* pmax_related_block_height = NULL); uint64_t get_current_blockchain_height(); crypto::hash get_tail_id(); crypto::hash get_tail_id(uint64_t& height); difficulty_type get_difficulty_for_next_block(); bool add_new_block(const block& bl_, block_verification_context& bvc); bool reset_and_set_genesis_block(const block& b); bool create_block_template(block& b, const account_public_address& miner_address, difficulty_type& di, uint64_t& height, const blobdata& ex_nonce); bool have_block(const crypto::hash& id); size_t get_total_transactions(); bool get_outs(uint64_t amount, std::list& pkeys); bool get_short_chain_history(std::list& ids); bool find_blockchain_supplement(const std::list& qblock_ids, NOTIFY_RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY::request& resp); bool find_blockchain_supplement(const std::list& qblock_ids, uint64_t& starter_offset); bool find_blockchain_supplement(const uint64_t req_start_block, const std::list& qblock_ids, std::list > >& blocks, uint64_t& total_height, uint64_t& start_height, size_t max_count); bool handle_get_objects(NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_OBJECTS::request& arg, NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_OBJECTS::request& rsp); bool handle_get_objects(const COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::request& req, COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::response& res); bool get_random_outs_for_amounts(const COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::request& req, COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::response& res); bool get_backward_blocks_sizes(size_t from_height, std::vector& sz, size_t count); bool get_tx_outputs_gindexs(const crypto::hash& tx_id, std::vector& indexs); bool store_blockchain(); bool check_tx_input(const txin_to_key& txin, const crypto::hash& tx_prefix_hash, const std::vector& sig, uint64_t* pmax_related_block_height = NULL); bool check_tx_inputs(const transaction& tx, const crypto::hash& tx_prefix_hash, uint64_t* pmax_used_block_height = NULL); bool check_tx_inputs(const transaction& tx, uint64_t* pmax_used_block_height = NULL); bool check_tx_inputs(const transaction& tx, uint64_t& pmax_used_block_height, crypto::hash& max_used_block_id); uint64_t get_current_comulative_blocksize_limit(); bool is_storing_blockchain(){return m_is_blockchain_storing;} uint64_t block_difficulty(size_t i); template bool get_blocks(const t_ids_container& block_ids, t_blocks_container& blocks, t_missed_container& missed_bs) { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_blockchain_lock); BOOST_FOREACH(const auto& bl_id, block_ids) { auto it = m_blocks_index.find(bl_id); if(it == m_blocks_index.end()) missed_bs.push_back(bl_id); else { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(it->second < m_blocks.size(), false, "Internal error: bl_id=" << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(bl_id) << " have index record with offset="<second<< ", bigger then m_blocks.size()=" << m_blocks.size()); blocks.push_back(m_blocks[it->second].bl); } } return true; } template bool get_transactions(const t_ids_container& txs_ids, t_tx_container& txs, t_missed_container& missed_txs) { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_blockchain_lock); BOOST_FOREACH(const auto& tx_id, txs_ids) { auto it = m_transactions.find(tx_id); if(it == m_transactions.end()) { transaction tx; if(!m_tx_pool.get_transaction(tx_id, tx)) missed_txs.push_back(tx_id); else txs.push_back(tx); } else txs.push_back(it->second.tx); } return true; } //debug functions void print_blockchain(uint64_t start_index, uint64_t end_index); void print_blockchain_index(); void print_blockchain_outs(const std::string& file); void check_against_checkpoints(checkpoints& points, bool enforce); bool update_checkpoints(const std::string& file_path, bool check_dns); void set_enforce_dns_checkpoints(bool enforce_checkpoints); private: typedef std::unordered_map blocks_by_id_index; typedef std::unordered_map transactions_container; typedef std::unordered_set key_images_container; typedef std::vector blocks_container; typedef std::unordered_map blocks_ext_by_hash; typedef std::unordered_map blocks_by_hash; typedef std::map>> outputs_container; //crypto::hash - tx hash, size_t - index of out in transaction tx_memory_pool& m_tx_pool; epee::critical_section m_blockchain_lock; // TODO: add here reader/writer lock // main chain blocks_container m_blocks; // height -> block_extended_info blocks_by_id_index m_blocks_index; // crypto::hash -> height transactions_container m_transactions; key_images_container m_spent_keys; size_t m_current_block_cumul_sz_limit; // all alternative chains blocks_ext_by_hash m_alternative_chains; // crypto::hash -> block_extended_info // some invalid blocks blocks_ext_by_hash m_invalid_blocks; // crypto::hash -> block_extended_info outputs_container m_outputs; std::string m_config_folder; checkpoints m_checkpoints; std::atomic m_is_in_checkpoint_zone; std::atomic m_is_blockchain_storing; bool m_enforce_dns_checkpoints; bool switch_to_alternative_blockchain(std::list& alt_chain, bool discard_disconnected_chain); bool pop_block_from_blockchain(); bool purge_block_data_from_blockchain(const block& b, size_t processed_tx_count); bool purge_transaction_from_blockchain(const crypto::hash& tx_id); bool purge_transaction_keyimages_from_blockchain(const transaction& tx, bool strict_check); bool handle_block_to_main_chain(const block& bl, block_verification_context& bvc); bool handle_block_to_main_chain(const block& bl, const crypto::hash& id, block_verification_context& bvc); bool handle_alternative_block(const block& b, const crypto::hash& id, block_verification_context& bvc); difficulty_type get_next_difficulty_for_alternative_chain(const std::list& alt_chain, block_extended_info& bei); bool prevalidate_miner_transaction(const block& b, uint64_t height); bool validate_miner_transaction(const block& b, size_t cumulative_block_size, uint64_t fee, uint64_t& base_reward, uint64_t already_generated_coins); bool validate_transaction(const block& b, uint64_t height, const transaction& tx); bool rollback_blockchain_switching(std::list& original_chain, size_t rollback_height); bool add_transaction_from_block(const transaction& tx, const crypto::hash& tx_id, const crypto::hash& bl_id, uint64_t bl_height, size_t blob_size); bool push_transaction_to_global_outs_index(const transaction& tx, const crypto::hash& tx_id, std::vector& global_indexes); bool pop_transaction_from_global_index(const transaction& tx, const crypto::hash& tx_id); bool get_last_n_blocks_sizes(std::vector& sz, size_t count); bool add_out_to_get_random_outs(std::vector >& amount_outs, COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::outs_for_amount& result_outs, uint64_t amount, size_t i); bool is_tx_spendtime_unlocked(uint64_t unlock_time); bool add_block_as_invalid(const block& bl, const crypto::hash& h); bool add_block_as_invalid(const block_extended_info& bei, const crypto::hash& h); size_t find_end_of_allowed_index(const std::vector >& amount_outs); bool check_block_timestamp_main(const block& b); bool check_block_timestamp(std::vector timestamps, const block& b); uint64_t get_adjusted_time(); bool complete_timestamps_vector(uint64_t start_height, std::vector& timestamps); bool update_next_comulative_size_limit(); bool store_genesis_block(bool testnet); }; /************************************************************************/ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define CURRENT_BLOCKCHAIN_STORAGE_ARCHIVE_VER 12 template void blockchain_storage::serialize(archive_t & ar, const unsigned int version) { if(version < 11) return; CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_blockchain_lock); ar & m_blocks; ar & m_blocks_index; ar & m_transactions; ar & m_spent_keys; ar & m_alternative_chains; ar & m_outputs; ar & m_invalid_blocks; ar & m_current_block_cumul_sz_limit; /*serialization bug workaround*/ if(version > 11) { uint64_t total_check_count = m_blocks.size() + m_blocks_index.size() + m_transactions.size() + m_spent_keys.size() + m_alternative_chains.size() + m_outputs.size() + m_invalid_blocks.size() + m_current_block_cumul_sz_limit; if(archive_t::is_saving::value) { ar & total_check_count; }else { uint64_t total_check_count_loaded = 0; ar & total_check_count_loaded; if(total_check_count != total_check_count_loaded) { LOG_ERROR("Blockchain storage data corruption detected. total_count loaded from file = " << total_check_count_loaded << ", expected = " << total_check_count); LOG_PRINT_L0("Blockchain storage:" << ENDL << "m_blocks: " << m_blocks.size() << ENDL << "m_blocks_index: " << m_blocks_index.size() << ENDL << "m_transactions: " << m_transactions.size() << ENDL << "m_spent_keys: " << m_spent_keys.size() << ENDL << "m_alternative_chains: " << m_alternative_chains.size() << ENDL << "m_outputs: " << m_outputs.size() << ENDL << "m_invalid_blocks: " << m_invalid_blocks.size() << ENDL << "m_current_block_cumul_sz_limit: " << m_current_block_cumul_sz_limit); throw std::runtime_error("Blockchain data corruption"); } } } LOG_PRINT_L2("Blockchain storage:" << ENDL << "m_blocks: " << m_blocks.size() << ENDL << "m_blocks_index: " << m_blocks_index.size() << ENDL << "m_transactions: " << m_transactions.size() << ENDL << "m_spent_keys: " << m_spent_keys.size() << ENDL << "m_alternative_chains: " << m_alternative_chains.size() << ENDL << "m_outputs: " << m_outputs.size() << ENDL << "m_invalid_blocks: " << m_invalid_blocks.size() << ENDL << "m_current_block_cumul_sz_limit: " << m_current_block_cumul_sz_limit); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ template bool blockchain_storage::scan_outputkeys_for_indexes(const txin_to_key& tx_in_to_key, visitor_t& vis, uint64_t* pmax_related_block_height) { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_blockchain_lock); auto it = m_outputs.find(tx_in_to_key.amount); if(it == m_outputs.end() || !tx_in_to_key.key_offsets.size()) return false; std::vector absolute_offsets = relative_output_offsets_to_absolute(tx_in_to_key.key_offsets); std::vector >& amount_outs_vec = it->second; size_t count = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(uint64_t i, absolute_offsets) { if(i >= amount_outs_vec.size() ) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Wrong index in transaction inputs: " << i << ", expected maximum " << amount_outs_vec.size() - 1); return false; } transactions_container::iterator tx_it = m_transactions.find(amount_outs_vec[i].first); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(tx_it != m_transactions.end(), false, "Wrong transaction id in output indexes: " << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(amount_outs_vec[i].first)); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(amount_outs_vec[i].second < tx_it->second.tx.vout.size(), false, "Wrong index in transaction outputs: " << amount_outs_vec[i].second << ", expected less then " << tx_it->second.tx.vout.size()); if(!vis.handle_output(tx_it->second.tx, tx_it->second.tx.vout[amount_outs_vec[i].second])) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to handle_output for output no = " << count << ", with absolute offset " << i); return false; } if(count++ == absolute_offsets.size()-1 && pmax_related_block_height) { if(*pmax_related_block_height < tx_it->second.m_keeper_block_height) *pmax_related_block_height = tx_it->second.m_keeper_block_height; } } return true; } } BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(cryptonote::blockchain_storage, CURRENT_BLOCKCHAIN_STORAGE_ARCHIVE_VER)