// Copyright (c) 2012-2015, The CryptoNote developers, The Bytecoin developers // // This file is part of Bytecoin. // // Bytecoin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Bytecoin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with Bytecoin. If not, see . #include "DaemonCommandsHandler.h" #include "p2p/net_node.h" #include "cryptonote_core/miner.h" #include "cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.h" #include "cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.h" #include "version.h" namespace { template static bool print_as_json(const T& obj) { std::cout << CryptoNote::obj_to_json_str(obj) << ENDL; return true; } } DaemonCommandsHandler::DaemonCommandsHandler(CryptoNote::core& core, CryptoNote::node_server& srv, Logging::LoggerManager& log) : m_core(core), m_srv(srv), logger(log, "daemon"), m_logManager(log) { m_consoleHandler.setHandler("exit", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::exit, this, _1), "Shutdown the daemon"); m_consoleHandler.setHandler("help", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::help, this, _1), "Show this help"); m_consoleHandler.setHandler("print_pl", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::print_pl, this, _1), "Print peer list"); m_consoleHandler.setHandler("print_cn", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::print_cn, this, _1), "Print connections"); m_consoleHandler.setHandler("print_bc", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::print_bc, this, _1), "Print blockchain info in a given blocks range, print_bc []"); //m_consoleHandler.setHandler("print_bci", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::print_bci, this, _1)); //m_consoleHandler.setHandler("print_bc_outs", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::print_bc_outs, this, _1)); m_consoleHandler.setHandler("print_block", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::print_block, this, _1), "Print block, print_block | "); m_consoleHandler.setHandler("print_tx", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::print_tx, this, _1), "Print transaction, print_tx "); m_consoleHandler.setHandler("start_mining", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::start_mining, this, _1), "Start mining for specified address, start_mining [threads=1]"); m_consoleHandler.setHandler("stop_mining", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::stop_mining, this, _1), "Stop mining"); m_consoleHandler.setHandler("print_pool", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::print_pool, this, _1), "Print transaction pool (long format)"); m_consoleHandler.setHandler("print_pool_sh", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::print_pool_sh, this, _1), "Print transaction pool (short format)"); m_consoleHandler.setHandler("show_hr", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::show_hr, this, _1), "Start showing hash rate"); m_consoleHandler.setHandler("hide_hr", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::hide_hr, this, _1), "Stop showing hash rate"); m_consoleHandler.setHandler("set_log", boost::bind(&DaemonCommandsHandler::set_log, this, _1), "set_log - Change current log detalization level, is a number 0-4"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string DaemonCommandsHandler::get_commands_str() { std::stringstream ss; ss << CryptoNote::CRYPTONOTE_NAME << " v" << PROJECT_VERSION_LONG << ENDL; ss << "Commands: " << ENDL; std::string usage = m_consoleHandler.getUsage(); boost::replace_all(usage, "\n", "\n "); usage.insert(0, " "); ss << usage << ENDL; return ss.str(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::exit(const std::vector& args) { m_consoleHandler.requestStop(); m_srv.send_stop_signal(); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::help(const std::vector& args) { std::cout << get_commands_str() << ENDL; return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::print_pl(const std::vector& args) { m_srv.log_peerlist(); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::show_hr(const std::vector& args) { if (!m_core.get_miner().is_mining()) { std::cout << "Mining is not started. You need start mining before you can see hash rate." << ENDL; } else { m_core.get_miner().do_print_hashrate(true); } return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::hide_hr(const std::vector& args) { m_core.get_miner().do_print_hashrate(false); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::print_bc_outs(const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 1) { std::cout << "need file path as parameter" << ENDL; return true; } m_core.print_blockchain_outs(args[0]); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::print_cn(const std::vector& args) { m_srv.get_payload_object().log_connections(); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::print_bc(const std::vector &args) { if (!args.size()) { std::cout << "need block index parameter" << ENDL; return false; } uint64_t start_index = 0; uint64_t end_index = 0; uint64_t end_block_parametr = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height(); if (!Common::fromString(args[0], start_index)) { std::cout << "wrong starter block index parameter" << ENDL; return false; } if (args.size() > 1 && !Common::fromString(args[1], end_index)) { std::cout << "wrong end block index parameter" << ENDL; return false; } if (end_index == 0) { end_index = end_block_parametr; } if (end_index > end_block_parametr) { std::cout << "end block index parameter shouldn't be greater than " << end_block_parametr << ENDL; return false; } if (end_index <= start_index) { std::cout << "end block index should be greater than starter block index" << ENDL; return false; } m_core.print_blockchain(start_index, end_index); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::print_bci(const std::vector& args) { m_core.print_blockchain_index(); return true; } bool DaemonCommandsHandler::set_log(const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 1) { std::cout << "use: set_log " << ENDL; return true; } uint16_t l = 0; if (!Common::fromString(args[0], l)) { std::cout << "wrong number format, use: set_log " << ENDL; return true; } ++l; if (l > Logging::TRACE) { std::cout << "wrong number range, use: set_log " << ENDL; return true; } m_logManager.setMaxLevel(static_cast(l)); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::print_block_by_height(uint64_t height) { std::list blocks; m_core.get_blocks(height, 1, blocks); if (1 == blocks.size()) { std::cout << "block_id: " << get_block_hash(blocks.front()) << ENDL; print_as_json(blocks.front()); } else { uint64_t current_height; crypto::hash top_id; m_core.get_blockchain_top(current_height, top_id); std::cout << "block wasn't found. Current block chain height: " << current_height << ", requested: " << height << std::endl; return false; } return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::print_block_by_hash(const std::string& arg) { crypto::hash block_hash; if (!parse_hash256(arg, block_hash)) { return false; } std::list block_ids; block_ids.push_back(block_hash); std::list blocks; std::list missed_ids; m_core.get_blocks(block_ids, blocks, missed_ids); if (1 == blocks.size()) { print_as_json(blocks.front()); } else { std::cout << "block wasn't found: " << arg << std::endl; return false; } return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::print_block(const std::vector &args) { if (args.empty()) { std::cout << "expected: print_block ( | )" << std::endl; return true; } const std::string &arg = args.front(); try { uint64_t height = boost::lexical_cast(arg); print_block_by_height(height); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) { print_block_by_hash(arg); } return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::print_tx(const std::vector& args) { if (args.empty()) { std::cout << "expected: print_tx " << std::endl; return true; } const std::string &str_hash = args.front(); crypto::hash tx_hash; if (!parse_hash256(str_hash, tx_hash)) { return true; } std::vector tx_ids; tx_ids.push_back(tx_hash); std::list txs; std::list missed_ids; m_core.getTransactions(tx_ids, txs, missed_ids); if (1 == txs.size()) { print_as_json(txs.front()); } else { std::cout << "transaction wasn't found: <" << str_hash << '>' << std::endl; } return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::print_pool(const std::vector& args) { logger(Logging::INFO) << "Pool state: " << ENDL << m_core.print_pool(false); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::print_pool_sh(const std::vector& args) { logger(Logging::INFO) << "Pool state: " << ENDL << m_core.print_pool(true); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::start_mining(const std::vector &args) { if (!args.size()) { std::cout << "Please, specify wallet address to mine for: start_mining [threads=1]" << std::endl; return true; } CryptoNote::AccountPublicAddress adr; if (!m_core.currency().parseAccountAddressString(args.front(), adr)) { std::cout << "target account address has wrong format" << std::endl; return true; } size_t threads_count = 1; if (args.size() > 1) { bool ok = Common::fromString(args[1], threads_count); threads_count = (ok && 0 < threads_count) ? threads_count : 1; } boost::thread::attributes attrs; attrs.set_stack_size(CryptoNote::THREAD_STACK_SIZE); m_core.get_miner().start(adr, threads_count, attrs); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DaemonCommandsHandler::stop_mining(const std::vector& args) { m_core.get_miner().stop(); return true; }