// Copyright (c) 2012-2015, The CryptoNote developers, The Bytecoin developers // // This file is part of Bytecoin. // // Bytecoin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Bytecoin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with Bytecoin. If not, see . #include "InProcTestNode.h" #include #include #include #include "cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.h" #include "cryptonote_core/CoreConfig.h" #include "cryptonote_core/miner.h" #include "cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.h" #include "p2p/net_node.h" #include "InProcessNode/InProcessNode.h" using namespace CryptoNote; #undef ERROR namespace Tests { namespace { bool parse_peer_from_string(net_address &pe, const std::string &node_addr) { return ::Common::parseIpAddressAndPort(pe.ip, pe.port, node_addr); } } InProcTestNode::InProcTestNode(const TestNodeConfiguration& cfg, const CryptoNote::Currency& currency) : m_cfg(cfg), m_currency(currency) { std::promise initPromise; std::future initFuture = initPromise.get_future(); m_thread = std::thread(std::bind(&InProcTestNode::workerThread, this, std::ref(initPromise))); auto initError = initFuture.get(); if (!initError.empty()) { m_thread.join(); throw std::runtime_error(initError); } } InProcTestNode::~InProcTestNode() { if (m_thread.joinable()) { m_thread.join(); } } void InProcTestNode::workerThread(std::promise& initPromise) { System::Dispatcher dispatcher; Logging::ConsoleLogger log; Logging::LoggerRef logger(log, "InProcTestNode"); try { core.reset(new CryptoNote::core(m_currency, NULL, log)); protocol.reset(new CryptoNote::cryptonote_protocol_handler(m_currency, dispatcher, *core, NULL, log)); p2pNode.reset(new CryptoNote::node_server(dispatcher, *protocol, log)); protocol->set_p2p_endpoint(p2pNode.get()); core->set_cryptonote_protocol(protocol.get()); CryptoNote::NetNodeConfig p2pConfig; p2pConfig.bindIp = ""; p2pConfig.bindPort = std::to_string(m_cfg.p2pPort); p2pConfig.externalPort = 0; p2pConfig.allowLocalIp = false; p2pConfig.hideMyPort = false; p2pConfig.configFolder = m_cfg.dataDir; for (const auto& en : m_cfg.exclusiveNodes) { net_address na; parse_peer_from_string(na, en); p2pConfig.exclusiveNodes.push_back(na); } if (!p2pNode->init(p2pConfig, true)) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to init p2pNode"); } CryptoNote::MinerConfig emptyMiner; CryptoNote::CoreConfig coreConfig; coreConfig.configFolder = m_cfg.dataDir; if (!core->init(coreConfig, emptyMiner, true)) { throw std::runtime_error("Core failed to initialize"); } initPromise.set_value(std::string()); } catch (std::exception& e) { logger(Logging::ERROR) << "Failed to initialize: " << e.what(); initPromise.set_value(e.what()); return; } try { p2pNode->run(); } catch (std::exception& e) { logger(Logging::ERROR) << "exception in p2p::run: " << e.what(); } core->deinit(); p2pNode->deinit(); core->set_cryptonote_protocol(NULL); protocol->set_p2p_endpoint(NULL); p2pNode.reset(); protocol.reset(); core.reset(); } bool InProcTestNode::startMining(size_t threadsCount, const std::string &address) { assert(core.get()); AccountPublicAddress addr; m_currency.parseAccountAddressString(address, addr); return core->get_miner().start(addr, threadsCount, boost::thread_attributes()); } bool InProcTestNode::stopMining() { assert(core.get()); return core->get_miner().stop(); } bool InProcTestNode::stopDaemon() { if (!p2pNode.get()) { return false; } p2pNode->send_stop_signal(); m_thread.join(); return true; } bool InProcTestNode::getBlockTemplate(const std::string &minerAddress, CryptoNote::Block &blockTemplate, uint64_t &difficulty) { AccountPublicAddress addr; m_currency.parseAccountAddressString(minerAddress, addr); uint32_t height = 0; return core->get_block_template(blockTemplate, addr, difficulty, height, blobdata()); } bool InProcTestNode::submitBlock(const std::string &block) { block_verification_context bvc = boost::value_initialized(); core->handle_incoming_block_blob(block, bvc, true, true); return bvc.m_added_to_main_chain; } bool InProcTestNode::getTailBlockId(crypto::hash &tailBlockId) { tailBlockId = core->get_tail_id(); return true; } bool InProcTestNode::makeINode(std::unique_ptr &node) { std::unique_ptr inprocNode(new CryptoNote::InProcessNode(*core, *protocol)); std::promise p; auto future = p.get_future(); inprocNode->init([&p](std::error_code ec) { std::promise localPromise(std::move(p)); localPromise.set_value(ec); }); auto ec = future.get(); if (!ec) { node = std::move(inprocNode); return true; } return false; } uint64_t InProcTestNode::getLocalHeight() { return core->get_current_blockchain_height(); } }