#include "ldb.hpp" using glim::Ldb; using glim::gstring; #include using std::cout; using std::flush; using std::endl; #include #include void test1 (Ldb& ldb) { ldb.put (std::string ("foo_"), std::string ("bar")); ldb.put ((uint32_t) 123, 1); ldb.put ((uint32_t) 123, 2); ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("foo"), 3); ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("foo"), 4); ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("gsk"), C2GSTRING ("gsv")); std::string ts; int ti; gstring tgs; auto fail = [](std::string msg) {throw std::runtime_error ("assertion failed: " + msg);}; if (!ldb.get (std::string ("foo_"), ts) || ts != "bar") fail ("!foo_=bar"); if (!ldb.get ((uint32_t) 123, ti) || ti != 2) fail ("!123=2"); if (!ldb.get (C2GSTRING ("foo"), ti) || ti != 4) fail ("!foo=4"); if (!ldb.get (C2GSTRING ("gsk"), tgs) || tgs != "gsv") fail ("!gsk=gsv"); // Test range-based for. int count = 0; bool haveGskGsv = false; for (auto&& entry: ldb) { if (!entry._lit->Valid()) fail ("!entry"); if (entry.keyView() == "gsk") { if (entry.getKey() != "gsk") fail ("getKey(gsk)!=gsk"); if (entry.getValue() != "gsv") fail ("getValue(gsk)!=gsv"); haveGskGsv = true; } ++count;} if (count != 4) fail ("count!=4"); // foo_=bar, 123=2, foo=4, gsk=gsv if (!haveGskGsv) fail ("!haveGskGsv"); ldb.del ((uint32_t) 123); if (ldb.get ((uint32_t) 123, ti)) fail ("123"); ldb.del (C2GSTRING ("foo")); if (ldb.get (C2GSTRING ("foo"), ti)) fail ("foo"); ldb.del (std::string ("foo_")); { // We've erased "123" and "foo", the only key left is "gsk" (gsk=gsv), let's test the iterator boundaries on this small dataset. auto&& it = ldb.begin(); if (it->getKey() != "gsk") fail ("first key !gsk " + it->keyView().str()); if (!(++it).end()) fail ("++it != end"); if ((--it)->getKey() != "gsk") fail ("can't go back to gsk"); if (!(--it).end()) fail ("--it != end"); if ((++it)->getKey() != "gsk") fail ("can't go forward to gsk"); } // todo: index trigger example // struct SimpleIndexTrigger: public Trigger { // Uses key space partitioning (cf. http://stackoverflow.com/a/12503799/257568) // const char* _name; Ldb _indexDb; // SimpleIndexTrigger (Ldb& ldb, const char* name = "index"): _name (name), _indexDb (ldb._env, name) {} // gstring triggerName() {return gstring (0, (void*) _name, false, strlen (_name), true);} // void add (Ldb& ldb, void* key, gstring& kbytes, void* value, gstring& vbytes, Transaction& txn) { // MDB_val mkey = {vbytes.size(), (void*) vbytes.data()}; // MDB_val mvalue = {kbytes.size(), (void*) kbytes.data()}; // int rc = ::ldb_put (txn.get(), _indexDb._dbi, &mkey, &mvalue, 0); // if (rc) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("index, ldb_put: ") + ::strerror (rc)); // } // void erase (Ldb& ldb, void* ekey, gstring& kbytes, Transaction& txn) { // // Get all the values and remove them from the index. // MDB_cursor* cur = 0; int rc = ::ldb_cursor_open (txn.get(), ldb._dbi, &cur); // if (rc) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("index, erase, ldb_cursor_open: ") + ::strerror (rc)); // std::unique_ptr curHolder (cur, ::ldb_cursor_close); // MDB_val mkey = {kbytes.size(), (void*) kbytes.data()}, val = {0, 0}; // rc = ::ldb_cursor_get (cur, &mkey, &val, ::MDB_SET_KEY); if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) return; // if (rc) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("index, erase, ldb_cursor_get: ") + ::strerror (rc)); // rc = ::ldb_del (txn.get(), _indexDb._dbi, &val, &mkey); // if (rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("index, erase, ldb_del: ") + ::strerror (rc)); // for (;;) { // rc = ::ldb_cursor_get (cur, &mkey, &val, ::MDB_NEXT_DUP); if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) return; // if (rc) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("index, erase, ldb_cursor_get: ") + ::strerror (rc)); // rc = ::ldb_del (txn.get(), _indexDb._dbi, &val, &mkey); // if (rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("index, erase, ldb_del: ") + ::strerror (rc)); // } // } // void eraseKV (Ldb& ldb, void* key, gstring& kbytes, void* value, gstring& vbytes, Transaction& txn) { // MDB_val mkey = {vbytes.size(), (void*) vbytes.data()}; // MDB_val mvalue = {kbytes.size(), (void*) kbytes.data()}; // int rc = ::ldb_del (txn.get(), _indexDb._dbi, &mkey, &mvalue); // if (rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("index, ldb_del: ") + ::strerror (rc)); // } // }; // auto indexTrigger = std::make_shared (ldb); ldb.setTrigger (indexTrigger); auto& indexDb = indexTrigger->_indexDb; // ldb.erase (C2GSTRING ("gsk")); // NB: "gsk" wasn't indexed here. `IndexTrigger.erase` should handle this gracefully. // Add indexed. // ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("ik"), C2GSTRING ("iv1")); // ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("ik"), string ("iv2")); // ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("ik"), 3); // Check the index. // gstring ik; // if (!indexDb.first (C2GSTRING ("iv1"), ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv1=ik"); // if (!indexDb.first (string ("iv2"), ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv2=ik"); // if (!indexDb.first (3, ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv3=ik"); // Remove indexed. // ldb.eraseKV (C2GSTRING ("ik"), string ("iv2")); // Check the index. // if (!indexDb.first (C2GSTRING ("iv1"), ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv1=ik"); // if (indexDb.first (string ("iv2"), ik)) fail ("iv2=ik"); // if (!indexDb.first (3, ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv3=ik"); // Remove indexed. // ldb.erase (C2GSTRING ("ik")); // Check the index. // if (indexDb.first (C2GSTRING ("iv1"), ik)) fail ("iv1"); // if (indexDb.first (3, ik)) fail ("iv3"); // Check the data. // if (ldb.first (C2GSTRING ("ik"), ik)) fail ("ik"); } void testStartsWith (Ldb& ldb) { // Using `gstring`s because the Boost Serialization encoding for CStrings is not prefix-friendly. ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("01"), ""); ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("02"), ""); ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("11"), ""); ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("21"), ""); ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("222"), ""); ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("2"), ""); auto range = ldb.startsWith (C2GSTRING ("0")); auto it = range.begin(); assert (it->keyView() == "01"); assert (it != range.end()); assert ((++it)->keyView() == "02"); assert (it != range.end()); assert ((++it)->keyView().empty()); assert (it == range.end()); assert ((--it)->keyView() == "02"); assert (it != range.end()); assert ((--it)->keyView() == "01"); assert (it != range.end()); assert ((--it)->keyView().empty()); assert (it == range.end()); // `it` and `range.begin` point to the same `leveldb::Iterator`. assert (range.begin()._entry->_lit == it._entry->_lit); assert (!range.begin()._entry->_valid); assert (range.begin()->keyView().empty()); range = ldb.startsWith (C2GSTRING ("0")); it = range.end(); assert (it.end() && it->keyView().empty()); assert (it != range.begin()); assert ((--it)->keyView() == "02"); assert (it != range.begin()); assert ((--it)->keyView() == "01"); assert (it == range.begin()); assert ((--it)->keyView().empty()); assert (it != range.begin()); int8_t count = 0; for (auto& en: ldb.startsWith (C2GSTRING ("1"))) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 1); count = 0; for (auto& en: ldb.startsWith (C2GSTRING ("2"))) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 3); count = 0; for (auto& en: ldb.startsWith (C2GSTRING ("-"))) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 0); count = 0; for (auto& en: ldb.startsWith (C2GSTRING (""))) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 6); assert (ldb.startsWith (C2GSTRING ("-")) .empty()); count = 0; for (auto& en: boost::make_iterator_range (ldb.end().seek ("1"), ldb.end().seek ("2"))) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 1); count = 0; for (auto& en: boost::make_iterator_range (ldb.end().seek ("2"), ldb.end().seek ("3"))) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 3); count = 0; for (auto& en: ldb.range (C2GSTRING ("1"), C2GSTRING ("2"))) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 1); { auto range = ldb.range (C2GSTRING ("0"), C2GSTRING ("1")); // 01 and 02, but not 11. count = 0; for (auto& en: range) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 2); } } int main() { cout << "Testing ldb.hpp ... " << flush; boost::filesystem::remove_all ("/dev/shm/ldbTest"); Ldb ldb ("/dev/shm/ldbTest"); test1 (ldb); for (auto& en: ldb) ldb.del (en.keyView()); testStartsWith (ldb); ldb._db.reset(); // Close. boost::filesystem::remove_all ("/dev/shm/ldbTest"); cout << "pass." << endl; return 0; }